
Examples of$RowIndexer


        System.out.printf("Importing %s keys...%n", keyCountToImport);

        parser = getParser(jsonFile); // renewing parser
        SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(ssTablePath, keyCountToImport);

        int lineNumber = 1;
        DecoratedKey prevStoredKey = null;

        parser.nextToken(); // START_ARRAY
        while (parser.nextToken() != null)
            String key = parser.getCurrentName();
            Map<?, ?> row = parser.readValueAs(new TypeReference<Map<?, ?>>(){});
            DecoratedKey currentKey = partitioner.decorateKey(hexToBytes((String) row.get("key")));

            if (row.containsKey("metadata"))
                parseMeta((Map<?, ?>) row.get("metadata"), columnFamily, null);

            if (columnFamily.getType() == ColumnFamilyType.Super && oldSCFormat)
                addToSuperCF((Map<?, ?>)row.get("columns"), columnFamily);
                addToStandardCF((List<?>)row.get("columns"), columnFamily);

            if (prevStoredKey != null && prevStoredKey.compareTo(currentKey) != -1)
                        .printf("Line %d: Key %s is greater than previous, collection is not sorted properly. Aborting import. You might need to delete SSTables manually.%n",
                                lineNumber, key);
                return -1;

            // saving decorated key
            writer.append(currentKey, columnFamily);

            prevStoredKey = currentKey;

            long current = System.nanoTime();

            if (TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(current - start) >= 5) // 5 secs.
                System.out.printf("Currently imported %d keys.%n", importedKeys);
                start = current;

            if (keyCountToImport == importedKeys)



        return importedKeys;
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  "Writing " + Memtable.this.toString());

            SSTableReader ssTable;
            // errors when creating the writer that may leave empty temp files.
            SSTableWriter writer = createFlushWriter(cfs.getTempSSTablePath(sstableDirectory));
                // (we can't clear out the map as-we-go to free up memory,
                //  since the memtable is being used for queries in the "pending flush" category)
                for (Map.Entry<RowPosition, AtomicSortedColumns> entry : rows.entrySet())
                    ColumnFamily cf = entry.getValue();
                    if (cf.isMarkedForDelete())
                        // When every node is up, there's no reason to write batchlog data out to sstables
                        // (which in turn incurs cost like compaction) since the BL write + delete cancel each other out,
                        // and BL data is strictly local, so we don't need to preserve tombstones for repair.
                        // If we have a data row + row level tombstone, then writing it is effectively an expensive no-op so we skip it.
                        // See CASSANDRA-4667.
                        if ( && cfs.keyspace.getName().equals(Keyspace.SYSTEM_KS) && !(cf.getColumnCount() == 0))

                        // Pedantically, you could purge column level tombstones that are past GcGRace when writing to the SSTable.
                        // But it can result in unexpected behaviour where deletes never make it to disk,
                        // as they are lost and so cannot override existing column values. So we only remove deleted columns if there
                        // is a CF level tombstone to ensure the delete makes it into an SSTable.
                        // We also shouldn't be dropping any columns obsoleted by partition and/or range tombstones in case
                        // the table has secondary indexes, or else the stale entries wouldn't be cleaned up during compaction,
                        // and will only be dropped during 2i query read-repair, if at all.
                        if (!cfs.indexManager.hasIndexes())
                            currentSize.addAndGet(-ColumnFamilyStore.removeDeletedColumnsOnly(cf, Integer.MIN_VALUE));

                    if (cf.getColumnCount() > 0 || cf.isMarkedForDelete())
                        writer.append((DecoratedKey)entry.getKey(), cf);

                if (writer.getFilePointer() > 0)
                    ssTable = writer.closeAndOpenReader();
          "Completed flushing %s (%d bytes) for commitlog position %s",
                                              ssTable.getFilename(), new File(ssTable.getFilename()).length(), context.get()));
                    ssTable = null;
          "Completed flushing; nothing needed to be retained.  Commitlog position was {}",
                return ssTable;
            catch (Throwable e)
                throw Throwables.propagate(e);
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        public SSTableWriter createFlushWriter(String filename) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException
            SSTableMetadata.Collector sstableMetadataCollector = SSTableMetadata.createCollector(cfs.metadata.comparator).replayPosition(context.get());
            return new SSTableWriter(filename,
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                                      + keySize // keys in data file
                                      + currentThroughput.get()) // data
                                     * 1.2); // bloom filter and row index overhead
        SSTableReader ssTable;
        // errors when creating the writer that may leave empty temp files.
        SSTableWriter writer = cfs.createFlushWriter(columnFamilies.size(), estimatedSize, context);
            // (we can't clear out the map as-we-go to free up memory,
            //  since the memtable is being used for queries in the "pending flush" category)
            for (Map.Entry<RowPosition, ColumnFamily> entry : columnFamilies.entrySet())
                ColumnFamily cf = entry.getValue();
                if (cf.isMarkedForDelete())
                    // Pedantically, you could purge column level tombstones that are past GcGRace when writing to the SSTable.
                    // But it can result in unexpected behaviour where deletes never make it to disk,
                    // as they are lost and so cannot override existing column values. So we only remove deleted columns if there
                    // is a CF level tombstone to ensure the delete makes it into an SSTable.
                    ColumnFamilyStore.removeDeletedColumnsOnly(cf, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
                writer.append((DecoratedKey)entry.getKey(), cf);

            ssTable = writer.closeAndOpenReader();
        catch (Exception e)
            throw FBUtilities.unchecked(e);
        }"Completed flushing %s (%d bytes)",
                                  ssTable.getFilename(), new File(ssTable.getFilename()).length()));
        return ssTable;
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    public void testEnumeratekeys() throws IOException
        File tempSS = tempSSTableFile("Keyspace1", "Standard1");
        ColumnFamily cfamily = ColumnFamily.create("Keyspace1", "Standard1");
        SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(tempSS.getPath(), 2);
        // Add rowA
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colA")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("valA"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        writer.append("rowA"), cfamily);
        // Add rowB
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colB")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("valB"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        writer.append("rowB"), cfamily);
        // Enumerate and verify
        File temp = File.createTempFile("Standard1", ".txt");
        SSTableExport.enumeratekeys(writer.getFilename(), new PrintStream(temp.getPath()));

        FileReader file = new FileReader(temp);
        char[] buf = new char[(int) temp.length()];;
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    public void testExportSimpleCf() throws IOException
        File tempSS = tempSSTableFile("Keyspace1", "Standard1");
        ColumnFamily cfamily = ColumnFamily.create("Keyspace1", "Standard1");
        SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(tempSS.getPath(), 2);
        int nowInSec = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + 42; //live for 42 seconds
        // Add rowA
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colA")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("valA"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        cfamily.addColumn(null, new ExpiringColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colExp"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("valExp"), System.currentTimeMillis(), 42, nowInSec));
        writer.append("rowA"), cfamily);
        // Add rowB
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colB")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("valB"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        writer.append("rowB"), cfamily);

        // Add rowExclude
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colX")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("valX"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        writer.append("rowExclude"), cfamily);

        SSTableReader reader = writer.closeAndOpenReader();
        // Export to JSON and verify
        File tempJson = File.createTempFile("Standard1", ".json");
        SSTableExport.export(reader, new PrintStream(tempJson.getPath()), new String[]{asHex("rowExclude")});
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    public void testExportSuperCf() throws IOException
        File tempSS = tempSSTableFile("Keyspace1", "Super4");
        ColumnFamily cfamily = ColumnFamily.create("Keyspace1", "Super4");
        SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(tempSS.getPath(), 2);
        // Add rowA
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Super4", ByteBufferUtil.bytes("superA"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colA")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("valA"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        writer.append("rowA"), cfamily);
        // Add rowB
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Super4", ByteBufferUtil.bytes("superB"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colB")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("valB"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        writer.append("rowB"), cfamily);

        // Add rowExclude
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Super4", ByteBufferUtil.bytes("superX"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colX")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("valX"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        writer.append("rowExclude"), cfamily);

        SSTableReader reader = writer.closeAndOpenReader();
        // Export to JSON and verify
        File tempJson = File.createTempFile("Super4", ".json");
        SSTableExport.export(reader, new PrintStream(tempJson.getPath()), new String[]{asHex("rowExclude")});
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    public void testRoundTripStandardCf() throws IOException, ParseException
        File tempSS = tempSSTableFile("Keyspace1", "Standard1");
        ColumnFamily cfamily = ColumnFamily.create("Keyspace1", "Standard1");
        SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(tempSS.getPath(), 2);
        // Add rowA
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("name")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("val"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        writer.append("rowA"), cfamily);

        // Add rowExclude
        cfamily.addColumn(new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("name")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("val"), System.currentTimeMillis());
        writer.append("rowExclude"), cfamily);

        SSTableReader reader = writer.closeAndOpenReader();
        // Export to JSON and verify
        File tempJson = File.createTempFile("Standard1", ".json");
        SSTableExport.export(reader, new PrintStream(tempJson.getPath()), new String[]{asHex("rowExclude")});
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    public void testExportCounterCf() throws IOException
        File tempSS = tempSSTableFile("Keyspace1", "Counter1");
        ColumnFamily cfamily = ColumnFamily.create("Keyspace1", "Counter1");
        SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(tempSS.getPath(), 2);

        // Add rowA
        cfamily.addColumn(null, new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("colA"), 42, System.currentTimeMillis()));
        writer.append("rowA"), cfamily);

        SSTableReader reader = writer.closeAndOpenReader();

        // Export to JSON and verify
        File tempJson = File.createTempFile("Counter1", ".json");
        SSTableExport.export(reader, new PrintStream(tempJson.getPath()), new String[0]);
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  "Writing {}", Memtable.this.toString());

            SSTableReader ssTable;
            // errors when creating the writer that may leave empty temp files.
            SSTableWriter writer = createFlushWriter(cfs.getTempSSTablePath(sstableDirectory));
                // (we can't clear out the map as-we-go to free up memory,
                //  since the memtable is being used for queries in the "pending flush" category)
                for (Map.Entry<RowPosition, AtomicBTreeColumns> entry : rows.entrySet())
                    ColumnFamily cf = entry.getValue();
                    if (cf.isMarkedForDelete())
                        // When every node is up, there's no reason to write batchlog data out to sstables
                        // (which in turn incurs cost like compaction) since the BL write + delete cancel each other out,
                        // and BL data is strictly local, so we don't need to preserve tombstones for repair.
                        // If we have a data row + row level tombstone, then writing it is effectively an expensive no-op so we skip it.
                        // See CASSANDRA-4667.
                        if ( && cfs.keyspace.getName().equals(Keyspace.SYSTEM_KS) && !(cf.getColumnCount() == 0))

                    if (cf.getColumnCount() > 0 || cf.isMarkedForDelete())
                        writer.append((DecoratedKey)entry.getKey(), cf);

                if (writer.getFilePointer() > 0)
                    // temp sstables should contain non-repaired data.
                    ssTable = writer.closeAndOpenReader();
          "Completed flushing %s (%d bytes) for commitlog position %s",
                                              ssTable.getFilename(), new File(ssTable.getFilename()).length(), context));
                    ssTable = null;
          "Completed flushing; nothing needed to be retained.  Commitlog position was {}",

                return ssTable;
            catch (Throwable e)
                throw Throwables.propagate(e);
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