Selector selected = makeSelector(cfm, new RawSelector(withField.selected, null), defs, null);
AbstractType<?> type = selected.getType();
if (!(type instanceof UserType))
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Invalid field selection: %s of type %s is not a user type", withField.selected, type.asCQL3Type()));
UserType ut = (UserType)type;
for (int i = 0; i < ut.size(); i++)
if (!ut.fieldName(i).equals(withField.field.bytes))
if (metadata != null)
metadata.add(makeFieldSelectSpec(cfm, withField, ut.fieldType(i), raw.alias));
return new FieldSelector(ut, i, selected);
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("%s of type %s has no field %s", withField.selected, type.asCQL3Type(), withField.field));