Package org.apache.cassandra.db.index

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.db.index.SecondaryIndex

        assert cfs.indexManager.getIndexForColumn( > 0;


        // validate that drop clears it out & rebuild works (CASSANDRA-2320)
        SecondaryIndex indexedCfs = cfs.indexManager.getIndexForColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("birthdate"));
        assert !indexedCfs.isIndexBuilt(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("birthdate"));

        // rebuild & re-query
        future = cfs.indexManager.addIndexedColumn(cd);
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            //skip columns belonging to a different index type
            SecondaryIndex index = indexManager.getIndexForColumn(expression.column_name);
            if (index == null || (expression.op != IndexOperator.EQ))
            int columns = index.getIndexCfs().getMeanColumns();
            if (columns < bestMeanCount)
                best = expression;
                bestMeanCount = columns;
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        // Start with the most-restrictive indexed clause, then apply remaining clauses
        // to each row matching that clause.
        // TODO: allow merge join instead of just one index + loop
        IndexExpression primary = highestSelectivityPredicate(clause);
        SecondaryIndex index = indexManager.getIndexForColumn(primary.column_name);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Primary scan clause is " + baseCfs.getComparator().getString(primary.column_name));
        assert index != null;
        DecoratedKey indexKey = indexManager.getIndexKeyFor(primary.column_name, primary.value);

        // if the slicepredicate doesn't contain all the columns for which we have expressions to evaluate,
        // it needs to be expanded to include those too
        IFilter firstFilter = dataFilter;
        if (dataFilter instanceof SliceQueryFilter)
            // if we have a high chance of getting all the columns in a single index slice, do that.
            // otherwise, we'll create an extraFilter (lazily) to fetch by name the columns referenced by the additional expressions.
            if (baseCfs.getMaxRowSize() < DatabaseDescriptor.getColumnIndexSize())
                logger.debug("Expanding slice filter to entire row to cover additional expressions");
                firstFilter = new SliceQueryFilter(ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER,
                        ((SliceQueryFilter) dataFilter).reversed,
            logger.debug("adding columns to firstFilter to cover additional expressions");
            // just add in columns that are not part of the resultset
            assert dataFilter instanceof NamesQueryFilter;
            SortedSet<ByteBuffer> columns = new TreeSet<ByteBuffer>(baseCfs.getComparator());
            for (IndexExpression expr : clause.expressions)
            if (columns.size() > 0)
                columns.addAll(((NamesQueryFilter) dataFilter).columns);
                firstFilter = new NamesQueryFilter(columns);

        List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>();
        ByteBuffer startKey = clause.start_key;
        QueryPath path = new QueryPath(baseCfs.columnFamily);

        // we need to store last data key accessed to avoid duplicate results
        // because in the while loop new iteration we can access the same column if start_key was not set
        ByteBuffer lastDataKey = null;

        // fetch row keys matching the primary expression, fetch the slice predicate for each
        // and filter by remaining expressions.  repeat until finished w/ assigned range or index row is exhausted.
        while (true)
            /* we don't have a way to get the key back from the DK -- we just have a token --
             * so, we need to loop after starting with start_key, until we get to keys in the given `range`.
             * But, if the calling StorageProxy is doing a good job estimating data from each range, the range
             * should be pretty close to `start_key`. */
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug(String.format("Scanning index %s starting with %s",
                                           expressionString(primary), index.getBaseCfs().metadata.getKeyValidator().getString(startKey)));

            // We shouldn't fetch only 1 row as this provides buggy paging in case the first row doesn't satisfy all clauses
            int count = Math.max(clause.count, 2);
            QueryFilter indexFilter = QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(indexKey,
                                                                 new QueryPath(index.getIndexCfs().getColumnFamilyName()),
            ColumnFamily indexRow = index.getIndexCfs().getColumnFamily(indexFilter);
            logger.debug("fetched {}", indexRow);
            if (indexRow == null)

            ByteBuffer dataKey = null;
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                // Secondary index query (cql3 or otherwise).  Estimate result rows based on most selective 2ary index.
                for (SecondaryIndexSearcher searcher : searchers)
                    // use our own mean column count as our estimate for how many matching rows each node will have
                    SecondaryIndex highestSelectivityIndex = searcher.highestSelectivityIndex(command.rowFilter);
                    resultRowsPerRange = Math.min(resultRowsPerRange, highestSelectivityIndex.estimateResultRows());
        else if (!command.countCQL3Rows())
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            if (def == null)
                handleUnrecognizedEntity(entity, relation);


            SecondaryIndex index = indexManager.getIndexForColumn(;
            if (index != null && index.supportsOperator(relation.operator()))
                return new boolean[]{true, def.kind == ColumnDefinition.Kind.CLUSTERING_COLUMN};

            return new boolean[]{false, false};
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        // Start with the most-restrictive indexed clause, then apply remaining clauses
        // to each row matching that clause.
        // TODO: allow merge join instead of just one index + loop
        final IndexExpression primary = highestSelectivityPredicate(filter.getClause());
        final SecondaryIndex index = indexManager.getIndexForColumn(primary.column_name);
        assert index != null;
        final DecoratedKey indexKey = index.getIndexKeyFor(primary.value);

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Most-selective indexed predicate is {}",
                         ((AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex) index).expressionString(primary));

         * XXX: If the range requested is a token range, we'll have to start at the beginning (and stop at the end) of
         * the indexed row unfortunately (which will be inefficient), because we have not way to intuit the small
         * possible key having a given token. A fix would be to actually store the token along the key in the
         * indexed row.
        final AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range = filter.dataRange.keyRange();
        final ByteBuffer startKey = range.left instanceof DecoratedKey ? ((DecoratedKey)range.left).key : ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
        final ByteBuffer endKey = range.right instanceof DecoratedKey ? ((DecoratedKey)range.right).key : ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;

        return new ColumnFamilyStore.AbstractScanIterator()
            private ByteBuffer lastSeenKey = startKey;
            private Iterator<Column> indexColumns;
            private int columnsRead = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

            protected Row computeNext()
                int meanColumns = Math.max(index.getIndexCfs().getMeanColumns(), 1);
                // We shouldn't fetch only 1 row as this provides buggy paging in case the first row doesn't satisfy all clauses
                int rowsPerQuery = Math.max(Math.min(filter.maxRows(), filter.maxColumns() / meanColumns), 2);
                while (true)
                    if (indexColumns == null || !indexColumns.hasNext())
                        if (columnsRead < rowsPerQuery)
                            logger.trace("Read only {} (< {}) last page through, must be done", columnsRead, rowsPerQuery);
                            return endOfData();

                        if (logger.isTraceEnabled() && (index instanceof AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex))
                            logger.trace("Scanning index {} starting with {}",
                                         ((AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex)index).expressionString(primary), index.getBaseCfs().metadata.getKeyValidator().getString(startKey));

                        QueryFilter indexFilter = QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(indexKey,
                        ColumnFamily indexRow = index.getIndexCfs().getColumnFamily(indexFilter);
                        logger.trace("fetched {}", indexRow);
                        if (indexRow == null)
                            logger.trace("no data, all done");
                            return endOfData();
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            // skip columns belonging to a different index type
            if (!columns.contains(expression.column_name))

            SecondaryIndex index = indexManager.getIndexForColumn(expression.column_name);
            if (index == null || index.getIndexCfs() == null || (expression.op != IndexOperator.EQ))
            int columns = index.getIndexCfs().getMeanColumns();
            candidates.put(index, columns);
            if (columns < bestMeanCount)
                best = expression;
                bestMeanCount = columns;
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        // Start with the most-restrictive indexed clause, then apply remaining clauses
        // to each row matching that clause.
        // TODO: allow merge join instead of just one index + loop
        final IndexExpression primary = highestSelectivityPredicate(filter.getClause());
        final SecondaryIndex index = indexManager.getIndexForColumn(primary.column_name);
        assert index != null;
        assert index.getIndexCfs() != null;
        final DecoratedKey indexKey = index.getIndexKeyFor(primary.value);

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Most-selective indexed predicate is {}",
                         ((AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex) index).expressionString(primary));

         * XXX: If the range requested is a token range, we'll have to start at the beginning (and stop at the end) of
         * the indexed row unfortunately (which will be inefficient), because we have not way to intuit the small
         * possible key having a given token. A fix would be to actually store the token along the key in the
         * indexed row.
        ByteBuffer startKey = range.left instanceof DecoratedKey ? ((DecoratedKey)range.left).key : ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
        ByteBuffer endKey = range.right instanceof DecoratedKey ? ((DecoratedKey)range.right).key : ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;

        final CompositeType baseComparator = (CompositeType)baseCfs.getComparator();
        final CompositeType indexComparator = (CompositeType)index.getIndexCfs().getComparator();

        final ByteBuffer startPrefix;
        if (startKey.remaining() > 0)
            CompositeType.Builder builder = indexComparator.builder().add(startKey);
            // For names filter, we have no choice but to query from the beginning of the key. This can be highly inefficient however.
            if (filter.originalFilter() instanceof SliceQueryFilter)
                ByteBuffer[] components = baseComparator.split(((SliceQueryFilter)filter.originalFilter()).start());
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(prefixSize, components.length); ++i)
            startPrefix =;
            startPrefix = ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;

        final ByteBuffer endPrefix;
        if (endKey.remaining() > 0)
            CompositeType.Builder builder = indexComparator.builder().add(endKey);
            // For names filter, we have no choice but to query until the end of the key. This can be highly inefficient however.
            if (filter.originalFilter() instanceof SliceQueryFilter)
                ByteBuffer[] components = baseComparator.split(((SliceQueryFilter)filter.originalFilter()).finish());
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(prefixSize, components.length); ++i)
            endPrefix = builder.buildAsEndOfRange();
            endPrefix = ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;

        // We will need to filter clustering keys based on the user filter. If
        // it is a names filter, we are really interested on the clustering
        // part, not the actual column name (NOTE: this is a hack that assumes CQL3).
        final SliceQueryFilter originalFilter;
        if (filter.originalFilter() instanceof SliceQueryFilter)
            originalFilter = (SliceQueryFilter)filter.originalFilter();
            ByteBuffer first = ((NamesQueryFilter)filter.originalFilter()).columns.iterator().next();
            ByteBuffer[] components = baseComparator.split(first);
            CompositeType.Builder builder = baseComparator.builder();
            // All all except the last component, since it's the column name
            for (int i = 0; i < components.length - 1; i++)
            originalFilter = new SliceQueryFilter(builder.copy().build(), builder.copy().buildAsEndOfRange(), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

        return new ColumnFamilyStore.AbstractScanIterator()
            private ByteBuffer lastSeenPrefix = startPrefix;
            private ArrayDeque<IColumn> indexColumns;
            private final QueryPath path = new QueryPath(baseCfs.columnFamily);
            private int columnsRead = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            private int limit = ((SliceQueryFilter)filter.initialFilter()).count;
            private int columnsCount = 0;

            private int meanColumns = Math.max(index.getIndexCfs().getMeanColumns(), 1);
            // We shouldn't fetch only 1 row as this provides buggy paging in case the first row doesn't satisfy all clauses
            private final int rowsPerQuery = Math.max(Math.min(filter.maxRows(), filter.maxColumns() / meanColumns), 2);

            public boolean needsFiltering()
                return false;

            private Row makeReturn(DecoratedKey key, ColumnFamily data)
                if (data == null)
                    return endOfData();

                assert key != null;
                return new Row(key, data);

            protected Row computeNext()
                 * Our internal index code is wired toward internal rows. So we need to accumulate all results for a given
                 * row before returning from this method. Which unfortunately means that this method has to do what
                 * CFS.filter does for KeysIndex.
                DecoratedKey currentKey = null;
                ColumnFamily data = null;

                while (true)
                    // Did we get more columns that needed to respect the user limit?
                    // (but we still need to return what has been fetched already)
                    if (columnsCount >= limit)
                        return makeReturn(currentKey, data);

                    if (indexColumns == null || indexColumns.isEmpty())
                        if (columnsRead < rowsPerQuery)
                            logger.trace("Read only {} (< {}) last page through, must be done", columnsRead, rowsPerQuery);
                            return makeReturn(currentKey, data);

                        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                            logger.trace("Scanning index {} starting with {}",
                                         ((AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex)index).expressionString(primary), indexComparator.getString(startPrefix));

                        QueryFilter indexFilter = QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(indexKey,
                                                                             new QueryPath(index.getIndexCfs().getColumnFamilyName()),
                        ColumnFamily indexRow = index.getIndexCfs().getColumnFamily(indexFilter);
                        if (indexRow == null)
                            return makeReturn(currentKey, data);

                        Collection<IColumn> sortedColumns = indexRow.getSortedColumns();
                        columnsRead = sortedColumns.size();
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            // skip columns belonging to a different index type
            if (!columns.contains(expression.column_name))

            SecondaryIndex index = indexManager.getIndexForColumn(expression.column_name);
            if (index == null || index.getIndexCfs() == null || (expression.op != IndexOperator.EQ))
            int columns = index.getIndexCfs().getMeanColumns();
            candidates.put(index, columns);
            if (columns < bestMeanCount)
                best = expression;
                bestMeanCount = columns;
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        // Start with the most-restrictive indexed clause, then apply remaining clauses
        // to each row matching that clause.
        // TODO: allow merge join instead of just one index + loop
        final IndexExpression primary = highestSelectivityPredicate(filter.getClause());
        final SecondaryIndex index = indexManager.getIndexForColumn(primary.column_name);
        assert index != null;
        assert index.getIndexCfs() != null;
        final DecoratedKey indexKey = index.getIndexKeyFor(primary.value);

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Most-selective indexed predicate is {}",
                         ((AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex) index).expressionString(primary));

         * XXX: If the range requested is a token range, we'll have to start at the beginning (and stop at the end) of
         * the indexed row unfortunately (which will be inefficient), because we have not way to intuit the small
         * possible key having a given token. A fix would be to actually store the token along the key in the
         * indexed row.
        final ByteBuffer startKey = range.left instanceof DecoratedKey ? ((DecoratedKey)range.left).key : ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
        final ByteBuffer endKey = range.right instanceof DecoratedKey ? ((DecoratedKey)range.right).key : ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;

        return new ColumnFamilyStore.AbstractScanIterator()
            private ByteBuffer lastSeenKey = startKey;
            private Iterator<IColumn> indexColumns;
            private final QueryPath path = new QueryPath(baseCfs.columnFamily);
            private int columnsRead = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

            protected Row computeNext()
                int meanColumns = Math.max(index.getIndexCfs().getMeanColumns(), 1);
                // We shouldn't fetch only 1 row as this provides buggy paging in case the first row doesn't satisfy all clauses
                int rowsPerQuery = Math.max(Math.min(filter.maxRows(), filter.maxColumns() / meanColumns), 2);
                while (true)
                    if (indexColumns == null || !indexColumns.hasNext())
                        if (columnsRead < rowsPerQuery)
                            logger.trace("Read only {} (< {}) last page through, must be done", columnsRead, rowsPerQuery);
                            return endOfData();

                        if (logger.isTraceEnabled() && (index instanceof AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex))
                            logger.trace("Scanning index {} starting with {}",
                                         ((AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex)index).expressionString(primary), index.getBaseCfs().metadata.getKeyValidator().getString(startKey));

                        QueryFilter indexFilter = QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(indexKey,
                                                                             new QueryPath(index.getIndexCfs().getColumnFamilyName()),
                        ColumnFamily indexRow = index.getIndexCfs().getColumnFamily(indexFilter);
                        logger.trace("fetched {}", indexRow);
                        if (indexRow == null)
                            logger.trace("no data, all done");
                            return endOfData();
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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.db.index.SecondaryIndex

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