Package org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionManagerMBean

    private void describeKeySpace(String keySpaceName, KsDef metadata) throws TException
        NodeProbe probe = sessionState.getNodeProbe();

        // getting compaction manager MBean to displaying index building information
        CompactionManagerMBean compactionManagerMBean = (probe == null) ? null : probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();

        // Describe and display
        sessionState.out.println("Keyspace: " + keySpaceName + ":");
            KsDef ks_def;
            ks_def = metadata == null ? thriftClient.describe_keyspace(keySpaceName) : metadata;
            sessionState.out.println("  Replication Strategy: " + ks_def.strategy_class);

            sessionState.out.println("  Durable Writes: " + ks_def.durable_writes);

            Map<String, String> options = ks_def.strategy_options;
            sessionState.out.println("    Options: [" + ((options == null) ? "" : FBUtilities.toString(options)) + "]");

            sessionState.out.println("  Column Families:");

            Collections.sort(ks_def.cf_defs, new CfDefNamesComparator());

            for (CfDef cf_def : ks_def.cf_defs)
                describeColumnFamily(ks_def, cf_def, probe);

            // compaction manager information
            if (compactionManagerMBean != null)
                for (Map<String, String> info : compactionManagerMBean.getCompactions())
                    // if ongoing compaction type is index build
                    if (info.get("taskType").equals(OperationType.INDEX_BUILD.toString()))
                    sessionState.out.printf("%nCurrently building index %s, completed %d of %d bytes.%n",
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    private void describeKeySpace(String keySpaceName, KsDef metadata) throws TException
        NodeProbe probe = sessionState.getNodeProbe();

        // getting compaction manager MBean to displaying index building information
        CompactionManagerMBean compactionManagerMBean = (probe == null) ? null : probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();

        // Describe and display
        sessionState.out.println("Keyspace: " + keySpaceName + ":");
            KsDef ks_def;
            ks_def = metadata == null ? thriftClient.describe_keyspace(keySpaceName) : metadata;
            sessionState.out.println("  Replication Strategy: " + ks_def.strategy_class);

            sessionState.out.println("  Durable Writes: " + ks_def.durable_writes);

            Map<String, String> options = ks_def.strategy_options;
            sessionState.out.println("    Options: [" + ((options == null) ? "" : FBUtilities.toString(options)) + "]");

            sessionState.out.println("  Column Families:");

            Collections.sort(ks_def.cf_defs, new CfDefNamesComparator());

            for (CfDef cf_def : ks_def.cf_defs)
                describeColumnFamily(ks_def, cf_def, probe);

            // compaction manager information
            if (compactionManagerMBean != null)
                for (Map<String, String> info : compactionManagerMBean.getCompactions())
                    // if ongoing compaction type is index build
                    if (info.get("taskType").equals(OperationType.INDEX_BUILD.toString()))
                    sessionState.out.printf("%nCurrently building index %s, completed %d of %d bytes.%n",
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    public void printCompactionStats(PrintStream outs)
        int compactionThroughput = probe.getCompactionThroughput();
        CompactionManagerMBean cm = probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();
        outs.println("pending tasks: " + cm.getPendingTasks());
        if (cm.getCompactions().size() > 0)
            outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%n", "compaction type", "keyspace", "column family", "bytes compacted", "bytes total", "progress");
        long remainingBytes = 0;
        for (Map<String, String> c : cm.getCompactions())
            String percentComplete = new Long(c.get("totalBytes")) == 0
                                   ? "n/a"
                                   : new DecimalFormat("0.00").format((double) new Long(c.get("bytesComplete")) / new Long(c.get("totalBytes")) * 100) + "%";
            outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%n", c.get("taskType"), c.get("keyspace"), c.get("columnfamily"), c.get("bytesComplete"), c.get("totalBytes"), percentComplete);
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    public void printCompactionStats(PrintStream outs)
        int compactionThroughput = probe.getCompactionThroughput();
        CompactionManagerMBean cm = probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();
        outs.println("pending tasks: " + cm.getPendingTasks());
        if (cm.getCompactions().size() > 0)
            outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%10s%n", "compaction type", "keyspace", "column family", "completed", "total", "unit", "progress");
        long remainingBytes = 0;
        for (Map<String, String> c : cm.getCompactions())
            String percentComplete = new Long(c.get("total")) == 0
                                   ? "n/a"
                                   : new DecimalFormat("0.00").format((double) new Long(c.get("completed")) / new Long(c.get("total")) * 100) + "%";
            outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%10s%n", c.get("taskType"), c.get("keyspace"), c.get("columnfamily"), c.get("completed"), c.get("total"), c.get("unit"), percentComplete);
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    private void describeKeySpace(String keySpaceName, KsDef metadata) throws TException
        NodeProbe probe = sessionState.getNodeProbe();

        // getting compaction manager MBean to displaying index building information
        CompactionManagerMBean compactionManagerMBean = (probe == null) ? null : probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();

        // Describe and display
        sessionState.out.println("Keyspace: " + keySpaceName + ":");
            KsDef ks_def;
            ks_def = metadata == null ? thriftClient.describe_keyspace(keySpaceName) : metadata;
            sessionState.out.println("  Replication Strategy: " + ks_def.strategy_class);

            sessionState.out.println("  Durable Writes: " + ks_def.durable_writes);

            Map<String, String> options = ks_def.strategy_options;
            sessionState.out.println("    Options: [" + ((options == null) ? "" : FBUtilities.toString(options)) + "]");

            sessionState.out.println("  Column Families:");

            Collections.sort(ks_def.cf_defs, new CfDefNamesComparator());

            for (CfDef cf_def : ks_def.cf_defs)
                describeColumnFamily(ks_def, cf_def, probe);

            // compaction manager information
            if (compactionManagerMBean != null)
                for (Map<String, String> info : compactionManagerMBean.getCompactions())
                    // if ongoing compaction type is index build
                    if (info.get("taskType").equals(OperationType.INDEX_BUILD.toString()))
                    sessionState.out.printf("%nCurrently building index %s, completed %d of %d bytes.%n",
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        outs.printf("%-25s%10s%10s%15s%n", "Responses", "n/a", pending, completed);

    public void printCompactionStats(PrintStream outs)
        CompactionManagerMBean cm = probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();
        outs.println("pending tasks: " + cm.getPendingTasks());
        if (cm.getCompactions().size() > 0)
            outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%n", "compaction type", "keyspace", "column family", "bytes compacted", "bytes total", "progress");
        for (CompactionInfo c : cm.getCompactions())
            String percentComplete = c.getTotalBytes() == 0
                                   ? "n/a"
                                   : new DecimalFormat("0.00").format((double) c.getBytesComplete() / c.getTotalBytes() * 100) + "%";
            outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%n", c.getTaskType(), c.getKeyspace(), c.getColumnFamily(), c.getBytesComplete(), c.getTotalBytes(), percentComplete);
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    private void describeKeySpace(String keySpaceName, KsDef metadata) throws TException
        NodeProbe probe = sessionState.getNodeProbe();

        // getting compaction manager MBean to displaying index building information
        CompactionManagerMBean compactionManagerMBean = (probe == null) ? null : probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();

        // Describe and display
        sessionState.out.println("Keyspace: " + keySpaceName + ":");
            KsDef ks_def;
            ks_def = metadata == null ? thriftClient.describe_keyspace(keySpaceName) : metadata;
            sessionState.out.println("  Replication Strategy: " + ks_def.strategy_class);

            sessionState.out.println("  Durable Writes: " + ks_def.durable_writes);

            Map<String, String> options = ks_def.strategy_options;
            sessionState.out.println("    Options: [" + ((options == null) ? "" : FBUtilities.toString(options)) + "]");

            sessionState.out.println("  Column Families:");

            Collections.sort(ks_def.cf_defs, new CfDefNamesComparator());

            for (CfDef cf_def : ks_def.cf_defs)
                describeColumnFamily(ks_def, cf_def, probe);

            // compaction manager information
            if (compactionManagerMBean != null)
                for (CompactionInfo info : compactionManagerMBean.getCompactions())
                    // if ongoing compaction type is index build
                    if (info.getTaskType() != OperationType.INDEX_BUILD)
                    sessionState.out.printf("%nCurrently building index %s, completed %d of %d bytes.%n",
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    private void describeKeySpace(String keySpaceName, KsDef metadata) throws TException
        NodeProbe probe = sessionState.getNodeProbe();

        // getting compaction manager MBean to displaying index building information
        CompactionManagerMBean compactionManagerMBean = (probe == null) ? null : probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();

        // Describe and display
        sessionState.out.println("Keyspace: " + keySpaceName + ":");
            KsDef ks_def;
            ks_def = metadata == null ? thriftClient.describe_keyspace(keySpaceName) : metadata;
            sessionState.out.println("  Replication Strategy: " + ks_def.strategy_class);

            sessionState.out.println("  Durable Writes: " + ks_def.durable_writes);

            Map<String, String> options = ks_def.strategy_options;
            sessionState.out.println("    Options: [" + ((options == null) ? "" : FBUtilities.toString(options)) + "]");

            sessionState.out.println("  Column Families:");

            Collections.sort(ks_def.cf_defs, new CfDefNamesComparator());

            for (CfDef cf_def : ks_def.cf_defs)
                describeColumnFamily(ks_def, cf_def, probe);

            // compaction manager information
            if (compactionManagerMBean != null)
                for (CompactionInfo info : compactionManagerMBean.getCompactions())
                    // if ongoing compaction type is index build
                    if (info.getTaskType() != OperationType.INDEX_BUILD)
                    sessionState.out.printf("%nCurrently building index %s, completed %d of %d bytes.%n",
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        outs.printf("%-25s%10s%10s%15s%n", "Responses", "n/a", pending, completed);
    public void printCompactionStats(PrintStream outs)
        CompactionManagerMBean cm = probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();
        for (CompactionInfo c : cm.getCompactions())
            outs.println("compaction type: " + c.getTaskType());
            outs.println("keyspace: " + c.getKeyspace());
            outs.println("column family: " + c.getColumnFamily());
            outs.println("bytes compacted: " + c.getBytesComplete());
            outs.println("bytes total: " + c.getTotalBytes());
            String percentComplete = c.getTotalBytes() == 0
                                   ? "n/a"
                                   : new DecimalFormat("#.##").format((double) c.getBytesComplete() / c.getTotalBytes() * 100) + "%";
            outs.println("compaction progress: " + percentComplete);
        outs.println("pending tasks: " + cm.getPendingTasks());
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    public void printCompactionStats(PrintStream outs)
        int compactionThroughput = probe.getCompactionThroughput();
        CompactionManagerMBean cm = probe.getCompactionManagerProxy();
        outs.println("pending tasks: " + cm.getPendingTasks());
        if (cm.getCompactions().size() > 0)
            outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%10s%n", "compaction type", "keyspace", "table", "completed", "total", "unit", "progress");
        long remainingBytes = 0;
        for (Map<String, String> c : cm.getCompactions())
            String percentComplete = new Long(c.get("total")) == 0
                                   ? "n/a"
                                   : new DecimalFormat("0.00").format((double) new Long(c.get("completed")) / new Long(c.get("total")) * 100) + "%";
            outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%10s%n", c.get("taskType"), c.get("keyspace"), c.get("columnfamily"), c.get("completed"), c.get("total"), c.get("unit"), percentComplete);
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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionManagerMBean

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