AbstractType<?> comparator = getComparator(keyspace);
// if true we need to wrap RowMutation into CounterMutation
boolean hasCounterColumn = false;
RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(keyspace, key);
for (Map.Entry<Term, Operation> column : getColumns().entrySet())
ByteBuffer colName = column.getKey().getByteBuffer(comparator);
Operation op = column.getValue();
if (op.isUnary())
if (hasCounterColumn)
throw new InvalidRequestException("Mix of commutative and non-commutative operations is not allowed.");
ByteBuffer colValue = op.a.getByteBuffer(getValueValidator(keyspace, colName));
validateColumn(metadata, colName, colValue);
rm.add(new QueryPath(columnFamily, null, colName),
(timestamp == null) ? getTimestamp(clientState) : timestamp,
hasCounterColumn = true;
if (!column.getKey().getText().equals(op.a.getText()))
throw new InvalidRequestException("Only expressions like X = X + <long> are supported.");
long value;
value = Long.parseLong(op.b.getText());
catch (NumberFormatException e)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("'%s' is an invalid value, should be a long.",
rm.addCounter(new QueryPath(columnFamily, null, colName), value);
return (hasCounterColumn) ? new CounterMutation(rm, getConsistencyLevel()) : rm;