// use the index to determine a minimal section for each range
List<Pair<Long,Long>> positions = new ArrayList<>();
for (Range<Token> range : Range.normalize(ranges))
AbstractBounds<RowPosition> keyRange = range.toRowBounds();
RowIndexEntry idxLeft = getPosition(keyRange.left, Operator.GT);
long left = idxLeft == null ? -1 : idxLeft.position;
if (left == -1)
// left is past the end of the file
RowIndexEntry idxRight = getPosition(keyRange.right, Operator.GT);
long right = idxRight == null ? -1 : idxRight.position;
if (right == -1 || Range.isWrapAround(range.left, range.right))
// right is past the end of the file, or it wraps
right = uncompressedLength();
if (left == right)