Package org.apache.cassandra.db

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace

     * @param keyspaceName keyspace
     * @param cfNames CFs
    public Iterable<ColumnFamilyStore> getValidColumnFamilies(boolean allowIndexes, boolean autoAddIndexes, String keyspaceName, String... cfNames) throws IOException
        Keyspace keyspace = getValidKeyspace(keyspaceName);

        if (cfNames.length == 0)
            // all stores are interesting
            return keyspace.getColumnFamilyStores();

        // filter out interesting stores
        Set<ColumnFamilyStore> valid = new HashSet<ColumnFamilyStore>();
        for (String cfName : cfNames)
            //if the CF name is an index, just flush the CF that owns the index
            String baseCfName = cfName;
            String idxName = null;
            if (cfName.contains(".")) // secondary index
                   logger.warn("Operation not allowed on secondary Index column family ({})", cfName);

                String[] parts = cfName.split("\\.", 2);
                baseCfName = parts[0];
                idxName = parts[1];

            ColumnFamilyStore cfStore = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(baseCfName);
            if (cfStore == null)
                // this means there was a cf passed in that is not recognized in the keyspace. report it and continue.
                logger.warn(String.format("Invalid column family specified: %s. Proceeding with others.", baseCfName));
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                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unknown keyspace/columnFamily %s.%s",

            // Do not load sstables since they might be broken
            Keyspace keyspace = Keyspace.openWithoutSSTables(options.keyspaceName);
            ColumnFamilyStore cfs = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(options.cfName);
            String snapshotName = "pre-scrub-" + System.currentTimeMillis();

            OutputHandler handler = new OutputHandler.SystemOutput(options.verbose, options.debug);
            Directories.SSTableLister lister = cfs.directories.sstableLister().skipTemporary(true);
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     * @return list of Token ranges (_not_ keys!) together with estimated key count,
     *      breaking up the data this node is responsible for into pieces of roughly keysPerSplit
    public List<Pair<Range<Token>, Long>> getSplits(String keyspaceName, String cfName, Range<Token> range, int keysPerSplit, CFMetaData metadata)
        Keyspace t =;
        ColumnFamilyStore cfs = t.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName);
        List<DecoratedKey> keys = keySamples(Collections.singleton(cfs), range);

        final long totalRowCountEstimate = (keys.size() + 1) * metadata.getIndexInterval();

        // splitCount should be much smaller than number of key samples, to avoid huge sampling error
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        return false;

    private static void commitPaxos(Commit proposal, ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel) throws WriteTimeoutException
        Keyspace keyspace =;

        Token tk = StorageService.getPartitioner().getToken(proposal.key);
        List<InetAddress> naturalEndpoints = StorageService.instance.getNaturalEndpoints(keyspace.getName(), tk);
        Collection<InetAddress> pendingEndpoints = StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata().pendingEndpointsFor(tk, keyspace.getName());

        AbstractReplicationStrategy rs = keyspace.getReplicationStrategy();
        AbstractWriteResponseHandler responseHandler = rs.getWriteResponseHandler(naturalEndpoints, pendingEndpoints, consistencyLevel, null, WriteType.SIMPLE);

        MessageOut<Commit> message = new MessageOut<Commit>(MessagingService.Verb.PAXOS_COMMIT, proposal, Commit.serializer);
        for (InetAddress destination : Iterables.concat(naturalEndpoints, pendingEndpoints))
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     * is unclear we want to mix those latencies with read latencies, so this
     * may be a bit involved.
    private static InetAddress findSuitableEndpoint(String keyspaceName, ByteBuffer key, String localDataCenter, ConsistencyLevel cl) throws UnavailableException
        Keyspace keyspace =;
        IEndpointSnitch snitch = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch();
        List<InetAddress> endpoints = StorageService.instance.getLiveNaturalEndpoints(keyspace, key);
        if (endpoints.isEmpty())
            // TODO have a way to compute the consistency level
            throw new UnavailableException(cl, cl.blockFor(keyspace), 0);
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    throws UnavailableException, ReadTimeoutException
        Tracing.trace("Determining replicas to query");
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();

        Keyspace keyspace =;
        List<Row> rows;
        // now scan until we have enough results
            int cql3RowCount = 0;
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            this.handler = handler;

        protected void runMayThrow()
            Keyspace keyspace =;
            Row r = command.getRow(keyspace);
            ReadResponse result = ReadVerbHandler.getResponse(command, r);
            MessagingService.instance().addLatency(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start));
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        return false;

    private static void commitPaxos(Commit proposal, ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel) throws WriteTimeoutException
        Keyspace keyspace =;

        Token tk = StorageService.getPartitioner().getToken(proposal.key);
        List<InetAddress> naturalEndpoints = StorageService.instance.getNaturalEndpoints(keyspace.getName(), tk);
        Collection<InetAddress> pendingEndpoints = StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata().pendingEndpointsFor(tk, keyspace.getName());

        AbstractReplicationStrategy rs = keyspace.getReplicationStrategy();
        AbstractWriteResponseHandler responseHandler = rs.getWriteResponseHandler(naturalEndpoints, pendingEndpoints, consistencyLevel, null, WriteType.SIMPLE);

        MessageOut<Commit> message = new MessageOut<Commit>(MessagingService.Verb.PAXOS_COMMIT, proposal, Commit.serializer);
        for (InetAddress destination : Iterables.concat(naturalEndpoints, pendingEndpoints))
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     * is unclear we want to mix those latencies with read latencies, so this
     * may be a bit involved.
    private static InetAddress findSuitableEndpoint(String keyspaceName, ByteBuffer key, String localDataCenter, ConsistencyLevel cl) throws UnavailableException
        Keyspace keyspace =;
        IEndpointSnitch snitch = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch();
        List<InetAddress> endpoints = StorageService.instance.getLiveNaturalEndpoints(keyspace, key);
        if (endpoints.isEmpty())
            // TODO have a way to compute the consistency level
            throw new UnavailableException(cl, cl.blockFor(keyspace), 0);
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    throws UnavailableException, ReadTimeoutException
        Tracing.trace("Determining replicas to query");
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();

        Keyspace keyspace =;
        List<Row> rows;
        // now scan until we have enough results
            int cql3RowCount = 0;
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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace

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