private void describeColumnFamily(KsDef ks_def, CfDef cf_def, NodeProbe probe) throws TException
// fetching bean for current column family store
ColumnFamilyStoreMBean cfMBean = (probe == null) ? null : probe.getCfsProxy(ks_def.getName(), cf_def.getName());
boolean isSuper = cf_def.column_type.equals("Super");
sessionState.out.printf(" ColumnFamily: %s%s%n", cf_def.name, isSuper ? " (Super)" : "");
if (cf_def.comment != null && !cf_def.comment.isEmpty())
sessionState.out.printf(" \"%s\"%n", cf_def.comment);
if (cf_def.key_validation_class != null)
sessionState.out.printf(" Key Validation Class: %s%n", cf_def.key_validation_class);
if (cf_def.default_validation_class != null)
sessionState.out.printf(" Default column value validator: %s%n", cf_def.default_validation_class);
sessionState.out.printf(" Columns sorted by: %s%s%n", cf_def.comparator_type, cf_def.column_type.equals("Super") ? "/" + cf_def.subcomparator_type : "");
sessionState.out.printf(" Row cache size / save period in seconds / keys to save : %s/%s/%s%n",
cf_def.row_cache_size, cf_def.row_cache_save_period_in_seconds,
cf_def.row_cache_keys_to_save == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? "all" : cf_def.row_cache_keys_to_save);
sessionState.out.printf(" Row Cache Provider: %s%n", cf_def.getRow_cache_provider());
sessionState.out.printf(" Key cache size / save period in seconds: %s/%s%n", cf_def.key_cache_size, cf_def.key_cache_save_period_in_seconds);
sessionState.out.printf(" GC grace seconds: %s%n", cf_def.gc_grace_seconds);
sessionState.out.printf(" Compaction min/max thresholds: %s/%s%n", cf_def.min_compaction_threshold, cf_def.max_compaction_threshold);
sessionState.out.printf(" Read repair chance: %s%n", cf_def.read_repair_chance);
sessionState.out.printf(" Replicate on write: %s%n", cf_def.replicate_on_write);
// if we have connection to the cfMBean established
if (cfMBean != null)
sessionState.out.printf(" Built indexes: %s%n", cfMBean.getBuiltIndexes());
if (cf_def.getColumn_metadataSize() != 0)
String leftSpace = " ";
String columnLeftSpace = leftSpace + " ";