Package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection.AggregateFunctionSelector


    public static int incrementAndGetGeneration()
        String req = "SELECT gossip_generation FROM system.%s WHERE key='%s'";
        UntypedResultSet result = processInternal(String.format(req, LOCAL_CF, LOCAL_KEY));

        int generation;
        if (result.isEmpty() || !"gossip_generation"))
            // seconds-since-epoch isn't a foolproof new generation
            // (where foolproof is "guaranteed to be larger than the last one seen at this ip address"),
            // but it's as close as sanely possible
            generation = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
            // Other nodes will ignore gossip messages about a node that have a lower generation than previously seen.
            final int storedGeneration ="gossip_generation") + 1;
            final int now = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
            if (storedGeneration >= now)
                logger.warn("Using stored Gossip Generation {} as it is greater than current system time {}.  See CASSANDRA-3654 if you experience problems",
                            storedGeneration, now);
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    public static BootstrapState getBootstrapState()
        String req = "SELECT bootstrapped FROM system.%s WHERE key='%s'";
        UntypedResultSet result = processInternal(String.format(req, LOCAL_CF, LOCAL_KEY));

        if (result.isEmpty() || !"bootstrapped"))
            return BootstrapState.NEEDS_BOOTSTRAP;

        return BootstrapState.valueOf("bootstrapped"));
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    public static UUID getLocalHostId()
        UUID hostId = null;

        String req = "SELECT host_id FROM system.%s WHERE key='%s'";
        UntypedResultSet result = processInternal(String.format(req, LOCAL_CF, LOCAL_KEY));

        // Look up the Host UUID (return it if found)
        if (!result.isEmpty() &&"host_id"))

        // ID not found, generate a new one, persist, and then return it.
        hostId = UUID.randomUUID();
        logger.warn("No host ID found, created {} (Note: This should happen exactly once per node).", hostId);
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    public static PaxosState loadPaxosState(ByteBuffer key, CFMetaData metadata)
        String req = "SELECT * FROM system.%s WHERE row_key = 0x%s AND cf_id = %s";
        UntypedResultSet results = processInternal(String.format(req, PAXOS_CF, ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(key), metadata.cfId));
        if (results.isEmpty())
            return new PaxosState(key, metadata);
        UntypedResultSet.Row row =;
        Commit inProgress = new Commit(key,
                                       row.has("proposal") ? ColumnFamily.fromBytes(row.getBytes("proposal")) : EmptyColumns.factory.create(metadata));
        // either most_recent_commit and most_recent_commit_at will both be set, or neither
        Commit mostRecent = row.has("most_recent_commit")
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     * @param username Username to query.
     * @return true is the user is a superuser, false if they aren't or don't exist at all.
    public static boolean isSuperuser(String username)
        UntypedResultSet result = selectUser(username);
        return !result.isEmpty() &&"super");
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            ResultMessage.Rows rows = selectUserStatement.execute(new QueryState(new ClientState(true)),
                                                                  new QueryOptions(consistencyForUser(username), Lists.newArrayList(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(username))));
            return new UntypedResultSet(rows.result);
        catch (RequestValidationException e)
            throw new AssertionError(e); // not supposed to happen
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                                List<Term> args = Collections.singletonList(keySelected);

                                Operation op;
                                switch (validator.kind)
                                    case LIST:
                                        op = ListOperation.DiscardKey(args);
                                    case SET:
                                        op = SetOperation.Discard(args);
                                    case MAP:
                                        op = MapOperation.DiscardKey(keySelected);
                                        throw new InvalidRequestException("Unknown collection type: " + validator.kind);

                                op.execute(cf, builder, validator, params, group == null ? null : group.getCollection(;
                            ColumnNameBuilder b = iter.hasNext() ? builder.copy() : builder;
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        // Lists SET operation incurs a read.
        Set<ByteBuffer> toRead = null;
        for (Map.Entry<CFDefinition.Name, Operation> entry : processedColumns.entries())
            CFDefinition.Name name = entry.getKey();
            Operation value = entry.getValue();

            if (!(name.type instanceof ListType))

            if (value.requiresRead(name.type))
                if (toRead == null)
                    toRead = new TreeSet<ByteBuffer>(UTF8Type.instance);
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        if (cfDef.isCompact)
            if (builder.componentCount() == 0)
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Missing PRIMARY KEY part %s", cfDef.columns.values().iterator().next()));

            Operation operation;
            if (cfDef.value == null)
                // No value was defined, we set to the empty value
                operation = ColumnOperation.SetToEmpty();
                List<Operation> operations = processedColumns.get(cfDef.value);
                if (operations.isEmpty())
                    throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Missing mandatory column %s", cfDef.value));
                assert operations.size() == 1;
                operation = operations.get(0);
            operation.execute(cf, builder.copy(), cfDef.value == null ? null : cfDef.value.type, params, null);
            for (Map.Entry<CFDefinition.Name, Operation> entry : processedColumns.entries())
                CFDefinition.Name name = entry.getKey();
                Operation op = entry.getValue();
                op.execute(cf, builder.copy().add(, name.type, params, group == null || !op.requiresRead(name.type) ? null : group.getCollection(;

        return type == Type.COUNTER ? new CounterMutation(rm, cl) : rm;
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                CFDefinition.Name name = cfDef.get(columnNames.get(i));
                if (name == null)
                    throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Unknown identifier %s", columnNames.get(i)));

                Operation operation = columnOperations.get(i);
                operation.addBoundNames(name, boundNames);

                switch (name.kind)
                    case KEY_ALIAS:
                    case COLUMN_ALIAS:
                        if (processedKeys.containsKey(
                            throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Multiple definitions found for PRIMARY KEY part %s", name));
                        // We know collection are not accepted for key and column aliases
                        if (operation.getType() != Operation.Type.COLUMN && operation.getType() != Operation.Type.PREPARED)
                            throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Invalid definition for %s, not a collection type", name));
                        processedKeys.put(, operation.getValues());
                    case VALUE_ALIAS:
                    case COLUMN_METADATA:
                        if (processedColumns.containsKey(name))
                            throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Multiple definitions found for column %s", name));
                        processedColumns.put(name, operation);
            // Created from an UPDATE
            for (Pair<ColumnIdentifier, Operation> entry : columns)
                CFDefinition.Name name = cfDef.get(entry.left);
                if (name == null)
                    throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Unknown identifier %s", entry.left));

                Operation operation = entry.right;

                switch (operation.getType())
                    case COUNTER:
                        if (type != Type.COUNTER)
                            throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid counter operation on non-counter table.");
                    case LIST:
                    case SET:
                    case MAP:
                        if (!name.type.isCollection())
                            throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot apply collection operation on column " + name + " with " + name.type + " type.");
                    // Fallthrough on purpose
                    case COLUMN:
                        if (type == Type.COUNTER)
                            throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid non-counter operation on counter table.");
                    case PREPARED:
                        if (type == Type.COUNTER && !((PreparedOperation)operation).isPotentialCounterOperation())
                            throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid non-counter operation on counter table.");

                switch (name.kind)
                    case KEY_ALIAS:
                    case COLUMN_ALIAS:
                        throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("PRIMARY KEY part %s found in SET part", entry.left));
                    case VALUE_ALIAS:
                    case COLUMN_METADATA:
                        for (Operation otherOp : processedColumns.get(name))
                            if (otherOp.getType() == Operation.Type.COLUMN)
                                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Multiple definitions found for column %s", name));

                        operation.addBoundNames(name, boundNames);
                        processedColumns.put(name, operation);
            processKeys(cfDef, whereClause, processedKeys, boundNames);
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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection.AggregateFunctionSelector

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