Package org.apache.cassandra.cql3

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet


    public static Collection<Token> getSavedTokens()
        String req = "SELECT tokens FROM system.%s WHERE key='%s'";
        UntypedResultSet result = processInternal(String.format(req, LOCAL_CF, LOCAL_KEY));
        return result.isEmpty() || !"tokens")
             ? Collections.<Token>emptyList()
             : deserializeTokens(<String>getSet("tokens", UTF8Type.instance));
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    public static int incrementAndGetGeneration()
        String req = "SELECT gossip_generation FROM system.%s WHERE key='%s'";
        UntypedResultSet result = processInternal(String.format(req, LOCAL_CF, LOCAL_KEY));

        int generation;
        if (result.isEmpty() || !"gossip_generation"))
            // seconds-since-epoch isn't a foolproof new generation
            // (where foolproof is "guaranteed to be larger than the last one seen at this ip address"),
            // but it's as close as sanely possible
            generation = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
            // Other nodes will ignore gossip messages about a node that have a lower generation than previously seen.
            final int storedGeneration ="gossip_generation") + 1;
            final int now = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
            if (storedGeneration >= now)
                logger.warn("Using stored Gossip Generation {} as it is greater than current system time {}.  See CASSANDRA-3654 if you experience problems",
                            storedGeneration, now);
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    public static BootstrapState getBootstrapState()
        String req = "SELECT bootstrapped FROM system.%s WHERE key='%s'";
        UntypedResultSet result = processInternal(String.format(req, LOCAL_CF, LOCAL_KEY));

        if (result.isEmpty() || !"bootstrapped"))
            return BootstrapState.NEEDS_BOOTSTRAP;

        return BootstrapState.valueOf("bootstrapped"));
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    public static UUID getLocalHostId()
        UUID hostId = null;

        String req = "SELECT host_id FROM system.%s WHERE key='%s'";
        UntypedResultSet result = processInternal(String.format(req, LOCAL_CF, LOCAL_KEY));

        // Look up the Host UUID (return it if found)
        if (!result.isEmpty() &&"host_id"))

        // ID not found, generate a new one, persist, and then return it.
        hostId = UUID.randomUUID();
        logger.warn("No host ID found, created {} (Note: This should happen exactly once per node).", hostId);
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    public static PaxosState loadPaxosState(ByteBuffer key, CFMetaData metadata)
        String req = "SELECT * FROM system.%s WHERE row_key = 0x%s AND cf_id = %s";
        UntypedResultSet results = processInternal(String.format(req, PAXOS_CF, ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(key), metadata.cfId));
        if (results.isEmpty())
            return new PaxosState(key, metadata);
        UntypedResultSet.Row row =;
        Commit promised = row.has("in_progress_ballot")
                        ? new Commit(key, row.getUUID("in_progress_ballot"), ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(metadata))
                        : Commit.emptyCommit(key, metadata);
        // either we have both a recently accepted ballot and update or we have neither
        Commit accepted = row.has("proposal")
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     * @param generation the generation number for the sstable
    public static RestorableMeter getSSTableReadMeter(String keyspace, String table, int generation)
        String cql = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE keyspace_name='%s' and columnfamily_name='%s' and generation=%d";
        UntypedResultSet results = processInternal(String.format(cql,

        if (results.isEmpty())
            return new RestorableMeter();

        UntypedResultSet.Row row =;
        double m15rate = row.getDouble("rate_15m");
        double m120rate = row.getDouble("rate_120m");
        return new RestorableMeter(m15rate, m120rate);
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        // write a row out to one sstable
        processInternal(String.format("INSERT INTO %s.%s (k, v1, v2) VALUES (%d, '%s', %d)",
                                      keyspace, table, 1, "foo", 1));

        UntypedResultSet result = processInternal(String.format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE k = %d", keyspace, table, 1));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());

        // write a row tombstone out to a second sstable
        processInternal(String.format("DELETE FROM %s.%s WHERE k = %d", keyspace, table, 1));

        // basic check that the row is considered deleted
        assertEquals(2, cfs.getSSTables().size());
        result = processInternal(String.format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE k = %d", keyspace, table, 1));
        assertEquals(0, result.size());

        // compact the two sstables with a gcBefore that does *not* allow the row tombstone to be purged
        Future<?> future = CompactionManager.instance.submitMaximal(cfs, (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) - 10000);

        // the data should be gone, but the tombstone should still exist
        assertEquals(1, cfs.getSSTables().size());
        result = processInternal(String.format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE k = %d", keyspace, table, 1));
        assertEquals(0, result.size());

        // write a row out to one sstable
        processInternal(String.format("INSERT INTO %s.%s (k, v1, v2) VALUES (%d, '%s', %d)",
                                      keyspace, table, 1, "foo", 1));
        assertEquals(2, cfs.getSSTables().size());
        result = processInternal(String.format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE k = %d", keyspace, table, 1));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());

        // write a row tombstone out to a different sstable
        processInternal(String.format("DELETE FROM %s.%s WHERE k = %d", keyspace, table, 1));

        // compact the two sstables with a gcBefore that *does* allow the row tombstone to be purged
        future = CompactionManager.instance.submitMaximal(cfs, (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + 10000);

        // both the data and the tombstone should be gone this time
        assertEquals(0, cfs.getSSTables().size());
        result = processInternal(String.format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE k = %d", keyspace, table, 1));
        assertEquals(0, result.size());
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        if ( == null)
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        Map<String, CFMetaData> cfms = new HashMap<>();
        UntypedResultSet results = QueryProcessor.resultify("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies", row);
        for (UntypedResultSet.Row result : results)
            CFMetaData cfm = CFMetaData.fromSchema(result);
            cfms.put(cfm.cfName, cfm);
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    public Set<Permission> authorize(AuthenticatedUser user, IResource resource)
        if (user.isSuper())
            return Permission.ALL;

        UntypedResultSet result;
            ResultMessage.Rows rows = authorizeStatement.execute(QueryState.forInternalCalls(),
                                                                 new QueryOptions(ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
            result = UntypedResultSet.create(rows.result);
        catch (RequestValidationException e)
            throw new AssertionError(e); // not supposed to happen
        catch (RequestExecutionException e)
            logger.warn("CassandraAuthorizer failed to authorize {} for {}", user, resource);
            return Permission.NONE;

        if (result.isEmpty() || !
            return Permission.NONE;

        Set<Permission> permissions = EnumSet.noneOf(Permission.class);
        for (String perm :, UTF8Type.instance))
        return permissions;
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    // Called after a resource is removed (DROP KEYSPACE, DROP TABLE, etc.).
    public void revokeAll(IResource droppedResource)

        UntypedResultSet rows;
            // TODO: switch to secondary index on 'resource' once is resolved.
            rows = process(String.format("SELECT username FROM %s.%s WHERE resource = '%s' ALLOW FILTERING",
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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet

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