Package org.apache.cassandra.config

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.config.KSMetaData

    public void dropKS() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
        DecoratedKey dk ="dropKs");
        // sanity
        final KSMetaData ks = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("Keyspace1");
        assert ks != null;
        final CFMetaData cfm = ks.cfMetaData().get("Standard2");
        assert cfm != null;

        // write some data, force a flush, then verify that files exist on disk.
        RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(, dk.key);
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
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    public void dropKSUnflushed() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
        DecoratedKey dk ="dropKs");
        // sanity
        final KSMetaData ks = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("Keyspace3");
        assert ks != null;
        final CFMetaData cfm = ks.cfMetaData().get("Standard1");
        assert cfm != null;

        // write some data
        RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(, dk.key);
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
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    public void renameKs() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
        DecoratedKey dk ="renameKs");
        final KSMetaData oldKs = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("Keyspace2");
        assert oldKs != null;
        final String cfName = "Standard3";
        assert oldKs.cfMetaData().containsKey(cfName);
        assert oldKs.cfMetaData().get(cfName).tableName.equals(;
        // write some data that we hope to read back later.
        RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(, dk.key);
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            rm.add(new QueryPath(cfName, null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(("col" + i))), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value"), 1L);
        ColumnFamilyStore store =;
        assert store != null;
        assert DefsTable.getFiles(, cfName).size() > 0;
        final String newKsName = "RenamedKeyspace2";
        new RenameKeyspace(, newKsName).apply();
        KSMetaData newKs = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(newKsName);
        assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition( == null;
        assert newKs != null;
        assert newKs.cfMetaData().containsKey(cfName);
        assert newKs.cfMetaData().get(cfName).tableName.equals(newKsName);
        assert DefsTable.getFiles(, cfName).size() > 0;
        // read on old should fail.
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    public void createEmptyKsAddNewCf() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
        assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("EmptyKeyspace") == null;
        KSMetaData newKs = new KSMetaData("EmptyKeyspace", SimpleStrategy.class, null, 5);

        new AddKeyspace(newKs).apply();
        assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("EmptyKeyspace") != null;

        CFMetaData newCf = addTestCF("EmptyKeyspace", "AddedLater", "A new CF to add to an empty KS");
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    public void testUpdateKeyspace() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
        // create a keyspace to serve as existing.
        CFMetaData cf = addTestCF("UpdatedKeyspace", "AddedStandard1", "A new cf for a new ks");
        KSMetaData oldKs = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName, SimpleStrategy.class, null, 5, cf);
        new AddKeyspace(oldKs).apply();
        assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(cf.tableName) != null;
        assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(cf.tableName) == oldKs;
        // anything with cf defs should fail.
        CFMetaData cf2 = addTestCF(cf.tableName, "AddedStandard2", "A new cf for a new ks");
        KSMetaData newBadKs = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName, SimpleStrategy.class, null, 4, cf2);
            new UpdateKeyspace(newBadKs).apply();
            throw new AssertionError("Should not have been able to update a KS with a KS that described column families.");
        catch (ConfigurationException ex)
            // expected.
        // names should match.
        KSMetaData newBadKs2 = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName + "trash", SimpleStrategy.class, null, 4);
            new UpdateKeyspace(newBadKs2).apply();
            throw new AssertionError("Should not have been able to update a KS with an invalid KS name.");
        catch (ConfigurationException ex)
            // expected.
        KSMetaData newKs = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName, OldNetworkTopologyStrategy.class, null, 1);
        new UpdateKeyspace(newKs).apply();
        KSMetaData newFetchedKs = DatabaseDescriptor.getKSMetaData(;
        assert newFetchedKs.replicationFactor == newKs.replicationFactor;
        assert newFetchedKs.replicationFactor != oldKs.replicationFactor;
        assert newFetchedKs.strategyClass.equals(newKs.strategyClass);
        assert !newFetchedKs.strategyClass.equals(oldKs.strategyClass);
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    public void testUpdateColumnFamilyNoIndexes() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
        // create a keyspace with a cf to update.
        CFMetaData cf = addTestCF("UpdatedCfKs", "Standard1added", "A new cf that will be updated");
        KSMetaData ksm = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName, SimpleStrategy.class, null, 1, cf);
        new AddKeyspace(ksm).apply();
        assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(cf.tableName) != null;
        assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(cf.tableName) == ksm;
        assert DatabaseDescriptor.getCFMetaData(cf.tableName, cf.cfName) != null;
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    public void announceMigration() throws InvalidRequestException, ConfigurationException
        KSMetaData ksm = KSMetaData.newKeyspace(name, strategyClass, strategyOptions);
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    public static void announceNewColumnFamily(CFMetaData cfm) throws ConfigurationException

        KSMetaData ksm = Schema.instance.getTableDefinition(cfm.ksName);
        if (ksm == null)
            throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Cannot add column family '%s' to non existing keyspace '%s'.", cfm.cfName, cfm.ksName));
        else if (ksm.cfMetaData().containsKey(cfm.cfName))
            throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Cannot add already existing column family '%s' to keyspace '%s'.", cfm.cfName, cfm.ksName));

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    public static void announceKeyspaceUpdate(KSMetaData ksm) throws ConfigurationException

        KSMetaData oldKsm = Schema.instance.getKSMetaData(;
        if (oldKsm == null)
            throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Cannot update non existing keyspace '%s'.",;

        announce(oldKsm.toSchemaUpdate(ksm, System.nanoTime()));
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        announce(oldCfm.toSchemaUpdate(cfm, System.nanoTime()));

    public static void announceKeyspaceDrop(String ksName) throws ConfigurationException
        KSMetaData oldKsm = Schema.instance.getKSMetaData(ksName);
        if (oldKsm == null)
            throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Cannot drop non existing keyspace '%s'.", ksName));

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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.config.KSMetaData

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