QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException
Bound eocBound = isReversed ? Bound.reverse(bound) : bound;
Iterator<ColumnDefinition> iter = defs.iterator();
ColumnDefinition firstName = iter.next();
// A hack to preserve pre-6875 behavior for tuple-notation slices where the comparator mixes ASCENDING
// and DESCENDING orders. This stores the bound for the first component; we will re-use it for all following
// components, even if they don't match the first component's reversal/non-reversal. Note that this does *not*
// guarantee correct query results, it just preserves the previous behavior.
Bound firstComponentBound = isReversed == isReversedType(firstName) ? bound : Bound.reverse(bound);
if (!slice.hasBound(firstComponentBound))
Composite prefix = builder.build();
return Collections.singletonList(builder.remainingCount() > 0 && eocBound == Bound.END
? prefix.end()
: prefix);
List<ByteBuffer> vals = slice.componentBounds(firstComponentBound, options);
ByteBuffer v = vals.get(firstName.position());
if (v == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid null value in condition for column " + firstName.name);
while (iter.hasNext())
ColumnDefinition def = iter.next();
if (def.position() >= vals.size())
v = vals.get(def.position());
if (v == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid null value in condition for column " + def.name);
Relation.Type relType = slice.getRelation(eocBound, firstComponentBound);