String beanName = getBeanName() == null ? endpoint.getThreadName() : getBeanName();
if (endpoint.getDefaultTaskExecutorType() == DefaultTaskExecutorType.ThreadPool) {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor answer = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
answer.setThreadFactory(new CamelThreadFactory(pattern, beanName, true));
// Direct hand-off mode. Do not queue up tasks: assign it to a thread immediately.
// We set no upper-bound on the thread pool (no maxPoolSize) as it's already implicitly constrained by
// maxConcurrentConsumers on the DMLC itself (i.e. DMLC will only grow up to a level of concurrency as
// defined by maxConcurrentConsumers).
return answer;
} else {
SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor answer = new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor(beanName);
answer.setThreadFactory(new CamelThreadFactory(pattern, beanName, true));
return answer;