String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
logs.add("Breakpoint event " + event.getClass().getSimpleName() + " with body: " + body);
camelCondition = new ConditionSupport() {
public boolean matchProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition) {
return body().contains("Camel").matches(exchange);
mockCondition = new ConditionSupport() {
public boolean matchProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition) {
// match when sending to mocks
if (definition instanceof ToDefinition) {
ToDefinition to = (ToDefinition) definition;
return to.getUriOrRef().startsWith("mock");
return false;
doneCondition = new ConditionSupport() {
public boolean matchEvent(Exchange exchange, EventObject event) {
return event instanceof ExchangeCompletedEvent;