// Get annotation @CsvRecord from the class
CsvRecord record = cl.getAnnotation(CsvRecord.class);
// Get annotation @Section from the class
Section section = cl.getAnnotation(Section.class);
if (record != null) {
LOG.debug("Csv record: {}", record);
// Get skipFirstLine parameter
skipFirstLine = record.skipFirstLine();
LOG.debug("Skip First Line parameter of the CSV: {}" + skipFirstLine);
// Get generateHeaderColumnNames parameter
generateHeaderColumnNames = record.generateHeaderColumns();
LOG.debug("Generate header column names parameter of the CSV: {}", generateHeaderColumnNames);
// Get Separator parameter
ObjectHelper.notNull(record.separator(), "No separator has been defined in the @Record annotation");
separator = record.separator();
LOG.debug("Separator defined for the CSV: {}", separator);
// Get carriage return parameter
crlf = record.crlf();
LOG.debug("Carriage return defined for the CSV: {}", crlf);
// Get isOrdered parameter
messageOrdered = record.isOrdered();
LOG.debug("Must CSV record be ordered: {}", messageOrdered);
if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(record.quote())) {
quote = record.quote();
LOG.debug("Quoting columns with: {}", quote);
quoting = record.quoting();
LOG.debug("CSV will be quoted: {}", messageOrdered);
if (section != null) {
// Test if section number is not null
ObjectHelper.notNull(section.number(), "No number has been defined for the section");
// Get section number and add it to the sections
sections.put(cl.getName(), section.number());