Package org.apache.camel.component.netty4.http

Examples of org.apache.camel.component.netty4.http.NettyHttpTraceDisabledTest

    public void addConsumer(NettyHttpConsumer consumer) {
        String rawPath = consumer.getConfiguration().getPath();
        String path = pathAsKey(consumer.getConfiguration().getPath());
        // use rest path matcher in case Rest DSL is in use
        ContextPathMatcher matcher = new RestContextPathMatcher(rawPath, path, consumer.getConfiguration().isMatchOnUriPrefix());
        consumers.put(matcher, new HttpServerChannelHandler(consumer));
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    public void removeConsumer(NettyHttpConsumer consumer) {
        String rawPath = consumer.getConfiguration().getPath();
        String path = pathAsKey(consumer.getConfiguration().getPath());
        // use rest path matcher in case Rest DSL is in use
        ContextPathMatcher matcher = new RestContextPathMatcher(rawPath, path, consumer.getConfiguration().isMatchOnUriPrefix());
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                // assume any roles is valid if no security constraint has been configured
                roles = "*";
            if (roles != null) {
                // basic auth subject
                HttpPrincipal principal = extractBasicAuthSubject(request);

                // authenticate principal and check if the user is in role
                Subject subject = null;
                boolean inRole = true;
                if (principal != null) {
                    subject = authenticate(security.getSecurityAuthenticator(), security.getLoginDeniedLoggingLevel(), principal);
                    if (subject != null) {
                        String userRoles = security.getSecurityAuthenticator().getUserRoles(subject);
                        inRole = matchesRoles(roles, userRoles);

                if (principal == null || subject == null || !inRole) {
                    if (principal == null) {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth required for resource: {}", url);
                    } else if (subject == null) {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth not authorized for username: {}", principal.getUsername());
                    } else {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth not in role for username: {}", principal.getUsername());
                    // restricted resource, so send back 401 to require valid username/password
                    HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, UNAUTHORIZED);
                    response.headers().set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + security.getRealm() + "\"");
                    response.headers().set(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
                    response.headers().set(Exchange.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0);
                    // close the channel
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth authorized for username: {}", principal.getUsername());

        // let Camel process this message
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                    ByteBuf buf = NettyConverter.toByteBuffer(decoded.getBytes());
                    ByteBuf out = Base64.decode(buf);
                    String userAndPw = out.toString(Charset.defaultCharset());
                    String username = ObjectHelper.before(userAndPw, ":");
                    String password = ObjectHelper.after(userAndPw, ":");
                    HttpPrincipal principal = new HttpPrincipal(username, password);

                    LOG.debug("Extracted Basic Auth principal from HTTP header: {}", principal);
                    return principal;
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                // assume any roles is valid if no security constraint has been configured
                roles = "*";
            if (roles != null) {
                // basic auth subject
                HttpPrincipal principal = extractBasicAuthSubject(request);

                // authenticate principal and check if the user is in role
                Subject subject = null;
                boolean inRole = true;
                if (principal != null) {
                    subject = authenticate(security.getSecurityAuthenticator(), security.getLoginDeniedLoggingLevel(), principal);
                    if (subject != null) {
                        String userRoles = security.getSecurityAuthenticator().getUserRoles(subject);
                        inRole = matchesRoles(roles, userRoles);

                if (principal == null || subject == null || !inRole) {
                    if (principal == null) {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth required for resource: {}", url);
                    } else if (subject == null) {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth not authorized for username: {}", principal.getUsername());
                    } else {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth not in role for username: {}", principal.getUsername());
                    // restricted resource, so send back 401 to require valid username/password
                    HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, UNAUTHORIZED);
                    response.headers().set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + security.getRealm() + "\"");
                    response.headers().set(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
                    response.headers().set(Exchange.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0);
                    // close the channel
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth authorized for username: {}", principal.getUsername());

        // let Camel process this message
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                    ByteBuf buf = NettyConverter.toByteBuffer(decoded.getBytes());
                    ByteBuf out = Base64.decode(buf);
                    String userAndPw = out.toString(Charset.defaultCharset());
                    String username = ObjectHelper.before(userAndPw, ":");
                    String password = ObjectHelper.after(userAndPw, ":");
                    HttpPrincipal principal = new HttpPrincipal(username, password);

                    LOG.debug("Extracted Basic Auth principal from HTTP header: {}", principal);
                    return principal;
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        List<Map.Entry<ContextPathMatcher, HttpServerChannelHandler>> candidates = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<ContextPathMatcher, HttpServerChannelHandler>>();

        // first match by http method
        for (Map.Entry<ContextPathMatcher, HttpServerChannelHandler> entry : consumers.entrySet()) {
            NettyHttpConsumer consumer = entry.getValue().getConsumer();
            String restrict = consumer.getEndpoint().getHttpMethodRestrict();
            if (entry.getKey().matchMethod(method, restrict)) {
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        List<Map.Entry<ContextPathMatcher, HttpServerChannelHandler>> candidates = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<ContextPathMatcher, HttpServerChannelHandler>>();

        // first match by http method
        for (Map.Entry<ContextPathMatcher, HttpServerChannelHandler> entry : consumers.entrySet()) {
            NettyHttpConsumer consumer = entry.getValue().getConsumer();
            String restrict = consumer.getEndpoint().getHttpMethodRestrict();
            if (entry.getKey().matchMethod(method, restrict)) {
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        // is basic auth configured
        NettyHttpSecurityConfiguration security = consumer.getEndpoint().getSecurityConfiguration();
        if (security != null && security.isAuthenticate() && "Basic".equalsIgnoreCase(security.getConstraint())) {
            String url = request.getUri();

            // drop parameters from url
            if (url.contains("?")) {
                url = ObjectHelper.before(url, "?");

            // we need the relative path without the hostname and port
            URI uri = new URI(request.getUri());
            String target = uri.getPath();

            // strip the starting endpoint path so the target is relative to the endpoint uri
            String path = consumer.getConfiguration().getPath();
            if (path != null && target.startsWith(path)) {
                target = target.substring(path.length());

            // is it a restricted resource?
            String roles;
            if (security.getSecurityConstraint() != null) {
                // if restricted returns null, then the resource is not restricted and we should not authenticate the user
                roles = security.getSecurityConstraint().restricted(target);
            } else {
                // assume any roles is valid if no security constraint has been configured
                roles = "*";
            if (roles != null) {
                // basic auth subject
                HttpPrincipal principal = extractBasicAuthSubject(request);

                // authenticate principal and check if the user is in role
                Subject subject = null;
                boolean inRole = true;
                if (principal != null) {
                    subject = authenticate(security.getSecurityAuthenticator(), security.getLoginDeniedLoggingLevel(), principal);
                    if (subject != null) {
                        String userRoles = security.getSecurityAuthenticator().getUserRoles(subject);
                        inRole = matchesRoles(roles, userRoles);

                if (principal == null || subject == null || !inRole) {
                    if (principal == null) {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth required for resource: {}", url);
                    } else if (subject == null) {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth not authorized for username: {}", principal.getUsername());
                    } else {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth not in role for username: {}", principal.getUsername());
                    // restricted resource, so send back 401 to require valid username/password
                    HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, UNAUTHORIZED);
                    response.headers().set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + security.getRealm() + "\"");
                    response.headers().set(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
                    response.headers().set(Exchange.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0);
                    // close the channel
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        // is basic auth configured
        NettyHttpSecurityConfiguration security = consumer.getEndpoint().getSecurityConfiguration();
        if (security != null && security.isAuthenticate() && "Basic".equalsIgnoreCase(security.getConstraint())) {
            String url = request.getUri();

            // drop parameters from url
            if (url.contains("?")) {
                url = ObjectHelper.before(url, "?");

            // we need the relative path without the hostname and port
            URI uri = new URI(request.getUri());
            String target = uri.getPath();

            // strip the starting endpoint path so the target is relative to the endpoint uri
            String path = consumer.getConfiguration().getPath();
            if (path != null && target.startsWith(path)) {
                target = target.substring(path.length());

            // is it a restricted resource?
            String roles;
            if (security.getSecurityConstraint() != null) {
                // if restricted returns null, then the resource is not restricted and we should not authenticate the user
                roles = security.getSecurityConstraint().restricted(target);
            } else {
                // assume any roles is valid if no security constraint has been configured
                roles = "*";
            if (roles != null) {
                // basic auth subject
                HttpPrincipal principal = extractBasicAuthSubject(request);

                // authenticate principal and check if the user is in role
                Subject subject = null;
                boolean inRole = true;
                if (principal != null) {
                    subject = authenticate(security.getSecurityAuthenticator(), security.getLoginDeniedLoggingLevel(), principal);
                    if (subject != null) {
                        String userRoles = security.getSecurityAuthenticator().getUserRoles(subject);
                        inRole = matchesRoles(roles, userRoles);

                if (principal == null || subject == null || !inRole) {
                    if (principal == null) {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth required for resource: {}", url);
                    } else if (subject == null) {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth not authorized for username: {}", principal.getUsername());
                    } else {
                        LOG.debug("Http Basic Auth not in role for username: {}", principal.getUsername());
                    // restricted resource, so send back 401 to require valid username/password
                    HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, UNAUTHORIZED);
                    response.headers().set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + security.getRealm() + "\"");
                    response.headers().set(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
                    response.headers().set(Exchange.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0);
                    // close the channel
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Related Classes of org.apache.camel.component.netty4.http.NettyHttpTraceDisabledTest

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