if (!ProcessorDefinitionHelper.hasOutputs(outputs, true)) {
RouteDefinition route = routeContext.getRoute();
String at = fromType.toString();
Exception cause = new IllegalArgumentException("Route " + route.getId() + " has no output processors."
+ " You need to add outputs to the route such as to(\"log:foo\").");
throw new FailedToCreateRouteException(route.getId(), route.toString(), at, cause);
List<ProcessorDefinition> list = new ArrayList<ProcessorDefinition>(outputs);
for (ProcessorDefinition output : list) {
try {
output.addRoutes(routeContext, routes);
} catch (Exception e) {
RouteDefinition route = routeContext.getRoute();
throw new FailedToCreateRouteException(route.getId(), route.toString(), output.toString(), e);
return routeContext;