Package org.apache.camel

Examples of org.apache.camel.ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException

        // date: prefix
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("date:", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            String[] parts = remainder.split(":");
            if (parts.length != 2) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${date:command:pattern} was: " + expression);
            String command = parts[0];
            String pattern = parts[1];
            return ExpressionBuilder.dateExpression(command, pattern);

        // bean: prefix
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("bean:", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            return ExpressionBuilder.beanExpression(remainder);

        if (strict) {
            throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException(expression);
        } else {
            return ExpressionBuilder.constantExpression(expression);
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        try {
            assertExpression("${in.body.getLines[last - XXX].getId}", 123);
            fail("Should have thrown an exception");
        } catch (RuntimeBeanExpressionException e) {
            ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException cause = assertIsInstanceOf(ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException.class, e.getCause());
            assertEquals("last - XXX", cause.getExpression());
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        try {
            assertExpression("${in.body.lines[last - XXX].id}", 123);
            fail("Should have thrown an exception");
        } catch (RuntimeBeanExpressionException e) {
            ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException cause = assertIsInstanceOf(ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException.class, e.getCause());
            assertEquals("last - XXX", cause.getExpression());
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            fail("Should have thrown exception");
        } catch (CamelExecutionException e) {
            RuntimeCamelException rce = assertIsInstanceOf(RuntimeCamelException.class, e.getCause());
            MethodNotFoundException mnfe = assertIsInstanceOf(MethodNotFoundException.class, rce.getCause());
            assertEquals("getOther[xx", mnfe.getMethodName());
            ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException cause = assertIsInstanceOf(ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException.class, mnfe.getCause());
            assertEquals("Illegal syntax: getOther[xx", cause.getMessage());
            assertEquals("getOther[xx", cause.getExpression());
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        // invoking the bean can either be the easy way or using OGNL

        // validate OGNL
        if (OgnlHelper.isInvalidValidOgnlExpression(method)) {
            ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException cause = new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException(method);
            throw new RuntimeBeanExpressionException(exchange, beanName, method, cause);

        if (OgnlHelper.isValidOgnlExpression(method)) {
            // okay the method is an ognl expression
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                        if (after != null) {
                            Integer redux = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(Integer.class, after.trim());
                            if (redux != null) {
                                num -= redux;
                            } else {
                                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException(key);
                    if (num != null && num >= 0 && list.size() > num - 1) {
                        return list.get(num);
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        this.expressionString = expressionString;
        this.type = type;
        try {
            this.compiled = org.mvel2.MVEL.compileExpression(expressionString);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException(expressionString, e);
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        this.expressionString = expressionString;
        this.type = type;
        try {
            this.expression = Ognl.parseExpression(expressionString);
        } catch (OgnlException e) {
            throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException(expressionString, e);
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        // bodyAs
        String remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("bodyAs", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            String type = ObjectHelper.between(remainder, "(", ")");
            if (type == null) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${bodyAs(type)} was: " + expression);
            type = StringHelper.removeQuotes(type);
            return ExpressionBuilder.bodyExpression(type);
        // mandatoryBodyAs
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("mandatoryBodyAs", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            String type = ObjectHelper.between(remainder, "(", ")");
            if (type == null) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${mandatoryBodyAs(type)} was: " + expression);
            type = StringHelper.removeQuotes(type);
            return ExpressionBuilder.mandatoryBodyExpression(type);

        // body OGNL
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("body", expression);
        if (remainder == null) {
            remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("in.body", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            boolean invalid = OgnlHelper.isInvalidValidOgnlExpression(remainder);
            if (invalid) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${body.OGNL} was: " + expression);
            return ExpressionBuilder.bodyOgnlExpression(remainder);

        // Exception OGNL
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("exception", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            boolean invalid = OgnlHelper.isInvalidValidOgnlExpression(remainder);
            if (invalid) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${exception.OGNL} was: " + expression);
            return ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExceptionOgnlExpression(remainder);

        // headerAs
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("headerAs", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            String keyAndType = ObjectHelper.between(remainder, "(", ")");
            if (keyAndType == null) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${headerAs(key, type)} was: " + expression);

            String key = ObjectHelper.before(keyAndType, ",");
            String type = ObjectHelper.after(keyAndType, ",");
            if (ObjectHelper.isEmpty(key) || ObjectHelper.isEmpty(type)) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${headerAs(key, type)} was: " + expression);
            key = StringHelper.removeQuotes(key);
            type = StringHelper.removeQuotes(type);
            return ExpressionBuilder.headerExpression(key, type);

        // in header expression
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("in.headers", expression);
        if (remainder == null) {
            remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("in.header", expression);
        if (remainder == null) {
            remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("headers", expression);
        if (remainder == null) {
            remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("header", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            // remove leading character (dot or ?)
            remainder = remainder.substring(1);

            // validate syntax
            boolean invalid = OgnlHelper.isInvalidValidOgnlExpression(remainder);
            if (invalid) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${[key]} was: " + expression);

            if (OgnlHelper.isValidOgnlExpression(remainder)) {
                // ognl based header
                return ExpressionBuilder.headersOgnlExpression(remainder);
            } else {
                // regular header
                return ExpressionBuilder.headerExpression(remainder);

        // out header expression
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("out.header.", expression);
        if (remainder == null) {
            remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("out.headers.", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            return ExpressionBuilder.outHeaderExpression(remainder);

        // property
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("property", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            // remove leading character (dot or ?)
            remainder = remainder.substring(1);

            // validate syntax
            boolean invalid = OgnlHelper.isInvalidValidOgnlExpression(remainder);
            if (invalid) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${property.OGNL} was: " + expression);

            if (OgnlHelper.isValidOgnlExpression(remainder)) {
                // ognl based property
                return ExpressionBuilder.propertyOgnlExpression(remainder);
            } else {
                // regular property
                return ExpressionBuilder.propertyExpression(remainder);

        // system property
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("sys.", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            return ExpressionBuilder.systemPropertyExpression(remainder);

        // system property
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("sysenv.", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            return ExpressionBuilder.systemEnvironmentExpression(remainder);

        // file: prefix
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("file:", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            Expression fileExpression = createSimpleFileExpression(remainder);
            if (expression != null) {
                return fileExpression;

        // date: prefix
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("date:", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            String[] parts = remainder.split(":");
            if (parts.length < 2) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${date:command:pattern} was: " + expression);
            String command = ObjectHelper.before(remainder, ":");
            String pattern = ObjectHelper.after(remainder, ":");
            return ExpressionBuilder.dateExpression(command, pattern);

        // bean: prefix
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("bean:", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            return ExpressionBuilder.beanExpression(remainder);

        // properties: prefix
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("properties:", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            String[] parts = remainder.split(":");
            if (parts.length > 2) {
                throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("Valid syntax: ${properties:[locations]:key} was: " + expression);

            String locations = null;
            String key = remainder;
            if (parts.length == 2) {
                locations = ObjectHelper.before(remainder, ":");
                key = ObjectHelper.after(remainder, ":");
            return ExpressionBuilder.propertiesComponentExpression(key, locations);

        // ref: prefix
        remainder = ifStartsWithReturnRemainder("ref:", expression);
        if (remainder != null) {
            return ExpressionBuilder.refExpression(remainder);

        if (strict) {
            throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException(expression);
        } else {
            return ExpressionBuilder.constantExpression(expression);
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        } else if (ObjectHelper.equal(remainder, "length") || ObjectHelper.equal(remainder, "size")) {
            return ExpressionBuilder.fileSizeExpression();
        } else if (ObjectHelper.equal(remainder, "modified")) {
            return ExpressionBuilder.fileLastModifiedExpression();
        throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException("File language syntax: " + remainder);
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Related Classes of org.apache.camel.ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException

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