assertEquals("Get a wrong response code", 200, exchange.getOut().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE));
public void testGetCustomerWithVariableReplacementAndCxfRsEndpoint() {
Exchange exchange = template.send("cxfrs://http://localhost:" + getPort1() + "/" + getClass().getSimpleName() + "/?httpClientAPI=true", new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Message inMessage = exchange.getIn();
// set the Http method
inMessage.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, "GET");
// set the relative path
inMessage.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH, "/customerservice/customers/{customerId}");
// Set variables for replacement
inMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_RS_VAR_VALUES, new String[] {"123"});
// Specify the response class , cxfrs will use InputStream as the response object type
inMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_RS_RESPONSE_CLASS, Customer.class);
// since we use the Get method, so we don't need to set the message body
// get the response message
Customer response = (Customer) exchange.getOut().getBody();
assertNotNull("The response should not be null ", response);
assertEquals("Get a wrong customer id ", String.valueOf(response.getId()), "123");
assertEquals("Get a wrong customer name", response.getName(), "John");
assertEquals("Get a wrong response code", 200, exchange.getOut().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE));