return true;
// need to declare as final
final Channel channel = existing;
final AsyncCallback producerCallback = new NettyProducerCallback(channel, callback);
// setup state as attachment on the channel, so we can access the state later when needed
channel.setAttachment(new NettyCamelState(producerCallback, exchange));
InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = null;
if (!isTcp() && configuration.isUdpConnectionlessSending()) {
// Need to specify the remoteAddress here
remoteAddress = new InetSocketAddress(configuration.getHost(), configuration.getPort());
// write body
NettyHelper.writeBodyAsync(LOG, channel, remoteAddress, body, exchange, new ChannelFutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture channelFuture) throws Exception {
LOG.trace("Operation complete {}", channelFuture);
if (!channelFuture.isSuccess()) {
// no success the set the caused exception and signal callback and break
// if we do not expect any reply then signal callback to continue routing
if (!configuration.isSync()) {
try {
// should channel be closed after complete?
Boolean close;
if (ExchangeHelper.isOutCapable(exchange)) {
close = exchange.getOut().getHeader(NettyConstants.NETTY_CLOSE_CHANNEL_WHEN_COMPLETE, Boolean.class);
} else {
close = exchange.getIn().getHeader(NettyConstants.NETTY_CLOSE_CHANNEL_WHEN_COMPLETE, Boolean.class);
// should we disconnect, the header can override the configuration
boolean disconnect = getConfiguration().isDisconnect();
if (close != null) {
disconnect = close;
if (disconnect) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Closing channel when complete at address: {}", getEndpoint().getConfiguration().getAddress());
} finally {
// signal callback to continue routing