Package org.apache.cactus

Examples of org.apache.cactus.ServletTestCase

     * @see TestCase#setUp
    protected void setUp()
        // let the generator initialize
        UniqueGenerator.generate(new ServletTestCase("foo"));
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     * Simulates several simultaneous id generations using threads.
     * Verifies that there are no duplicates among the generated ids.
    public void testThatSimultaneouslyGeneratedIdsAreUnique()
        final ServletTestCase aTestCase = new ServletTestCase("foo");

        Thread[] threads = new Thread[10];
        final List results = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++)
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     * Sanity check to verify that different IDs are generated for different
     * instances of the test class.
    public void testThatGeneratedIdsForDifferentTestCasesAreUnique()
        final ServletTestCase firstTestCase = new ServletTestCase("foo");
        final ServletTestCase secondTestCase = new ServletTestCase("foo");
        String firstId = UniqueGenerator.generate(firstTestCase, 0);
        String secondId = UniqueGenerator.generate(secondTestCase, 0);

        assertFalse("IDs not unique", firstId.equals(secondId));
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     * Sanity check to verify that different IDs are generated for different
     * test methods/names.
    public void testThatGeneratedIdsForDifferentTestMethodsAreUnique()
        final ServletTestCase aTestCase = new ServletTestCase("foo");
        String firstId = UniqueGenerator.generate(aTestCase, 0);
        String secondId = UniqueGenerator.generate(aTestCase, 0);

        assertFalse("IDs not unique", firstId.equals(secondId));
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        if (!(theTestInstance instanceof ServletTestCase))
        ServletTestCase servletInstance = (ServletTestCase) theTestInstance;
        ServletImplicitObjects servletImplicitObjects =
            (ServletImplicitObjects) this.webImplicitObjects;

        // Sets the request field of the test case class
        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Extract from the HTTP request the URL to simulate (if any)
        HttpServletRequest request =

        ServletURL url = ServletURL.loadFromRequest(request);

        Field requestField = servletInstance.getClass().getField("request");

            new HttpServletRequestWrapper(request, url));

        // Set the response field of the test case class
        // ---------------------------------------------
        Field responseField = servletInstance.getClass().getField("response");


        // Set the config field of the test case class
        // -------------------------------------------
        Field configField = servletInstance.getClass().getField("config");

        configField.set(servletInstance, new ServletConfigWrapper(

        // Set the session field of the test case class
        // --------------------------------------------
        // Create a Session object if the auto session flag is on
        if (isAutoSession())
            HttpSession session = servletImplicitObjects.getHttpServletRequest()

            Field sessionField = servletInstance.getClass().getField("session");

            sessionField.set(servletInstance, session);
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                    constructorInstance = theConstructor.newInstance(
                        new Object[] {name});
                addTest(new ServletTestCase(name, (Test) constructorInstance));
            catch (InstantiationException e)
                addTest(warning("Cannot instantiate test case: " + name
                    + " (" + exceptionToString(e) + ")"));
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Related Classes of org.apache.cactus.ServletTestCase

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