Package org.apache.bookkeeper.client

Examples of org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle

     * Test once published under replicated ledger should exists even after
     * restarting respective bookie
    public void testRestartBookie() throws Exception {
        LedgerHandle lh1 = createAndAddEntriesToLedger();
        LedgerHandle lh2 = createAndAddEntriesToLedger();

        LOG.debug("Created following ledgers : {}, {}", lh1, lh2);

        int bkShutdownIndex = bs.size() - 1;
        ServerConfiguration bookieConf1 = bsConfs.get(bkShutdownIndex);
        String shutdownBookie = shutdownBookie(bkShutdownIndex);

        // restart the failed bookie

        waitForLedgerMissingReplicas(lh1.getId(), 10, shutdownBookie);
        waitForLedgerMissingReplicas(lh2.getId(), 10, shutdownBookie);
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     * Test publishing of under replicated ledgers when multiple bookie failures
     * one after another.
    public void testMultipleBookieFailures() throws Exception {
        LedgerHandle lh1 = createAndAddEntriesToLedger();

        // failing first bookie
        shutdownBookie(bs.size() - 1);

        // simulate re-replication

        // failing another bookie
        String shutdownBookie = shutdownBookie(bs.size() - 1);

        // grace period for publishing the bk-ledger
        LOG.debug("Waiting for ledgers to be marked as under replicated");
        assertTrue("Ledger should be missing second replica",
                   waitForLedgerMissingReplicas(lh1.getId(), 10, shutdownBookie));
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                   waitForLedgerMissingReplicas(lh1.getId(), 10, shutdownBookie));

    @Test(timeout = 30000)
    public void testToggleLedgerReplication() throws Exception {
        LedgerHandle lh1 = createAndAddEntriesToLedger();
        LOG.debug("Created following ledgers : " + ledgerList);

        // failing another bookie
        CountDownLatch urReplicaLatch = registerUrLedgerWatcher(ledgerList
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     * Test Auditor should consider Readonly bookie as available bookie. Should not publish ur ledgers for
     * readonly bookies.
    @Test(timeout = 20000)
    public void testReadOnlyBookieExclusionFromURLedgersCheck() throws Exception {
        LedgerHandle lh = createAndAddEntriesToLedger();
        LOG.debug("Created following ledgers : " + ledgerList);

        int count = ledgerList.size();
        final CountDownLatch underReplicaLatch = registerUrLedgerWatcher(count);

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    private LedgerHandle createAndAddEntriesToLedger() throws BKException,
            InterruptedException {
        int numEntriesToWrite = 100;
        // Create a ledger
        LedgerHandle lh = bkc.createLedger(digestType, ledgerPassword);"Ledger ID: " + lh.getId());
        addEntry(numEntriesToWrite, lh);
        return lh;
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        LedgerHandle lh = bkc.createLedger(1, 1, BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32, "passwd".getBytes());
        lh.asyncAddEntry("test".getBytes(), new AddCallback() {
                public void addComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, long entryId, Object ctx) {
                    // dont care, only trying to trigger OOM
            }, null);
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     * picking up the entries and finishing the rereplication of open ledger
    @Test(timeout = 90000)
    public void testOpenLedgers() throws Exception {
        List<LedgerHandle> listOfLedgerHandle = createLedgersAndAddEntries(1, 5);
        LedgerHandle lh = listOfLedgerHandle.get(0);
        int ledgerReplicaIndex = 0;
        InetSocketAddress replicaToKillAddr = LedgerHandleAdapter

        final String urLedgerZNode = getUrLedgerZNode(lh);
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    @Test(timeout = 90000)
    public void testClosedLedgers() throws Exception {
        List<Integer> listOfReplicaIndex = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        List<LedgerHandle> listOfLedgerHandle = createLedgersAndAddEntries(1, 5);
        LedgerHandle lhandle = listOfLedgerHandle.get(0);
        int ledgerReplicaIndex = 0;
        InetSocketAddress replicaToKillAddr = LedgerHandleAdapter

        CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(listOfLedgerHandle.size());
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        int numberOfLedgers = 2;
        List<Integer> listOfReplicaIndex = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        List<LedgerHandle> listOfLedgerHandle = createLedgersAndAddEntries(
                numberOfLedgers, 5);
        LedgerHandle handle = listOfLedgerHandle.get(0);
        InetSocketAddress replicaToKillAddr = LedgerHandleAdapter
                .getLedgerMetadata(handle).getEnsembles().get(0L).get(0);"Killing Bookie:" + replicaToKillAddr);

        // Each ledger, there will be two events : create urLedger and after
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     * Test that if a empty ledger loses the bookie not in the quorum for entry 0, it will
     * still be openable when it loses enough bookies to lose a whole quorum.
    public void testEmptyLedgerLosesQuorumEventually() throws Exception {
        LedgerHandle lh = bkc.createLedger(3, 2, 2, DigestType.CRC32, PASSWD);
        CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        String urZNode = getUrLedgerZNode(lh);
        watchUrLedgerNode(urZNode, latch);

        InetSocketAddress replicaToKill = LedgerHandleAdapter
            .getLedgerMetadata(lh).getEnsembles().get(0L).get(2);"Killing last bookie, {}, in ensemble {}", replicaToKill,

        getAuditor(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).submitAuditTask().get(); // ensure auditor runs

        assertTrue("Should be marked as underreplicated", latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        Stat s = watchUrLedgerNode(urZNode, latch); // should be marked as replicated
        if (s != null) {
            assertTrue("Should be marked as replicated", latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

        replicaToKill = LedgerHandleAdapter
            .getLedgerMetadata(lh).getEnsembles().get(0L).get(1);"Killing second bookie, {}, in ensemble {}", replicaToKill,

        getAuditor(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).submitAuditTask().get(); // ensure auditor runs

        assertTrue("Should be marked as underreplicated", latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        s = watchUrLedgerNode(urZNode, latch); // should be marked as replicated
        if (s != null) {
            assertTrue("Should be marked as replicated", latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

        // should be able to open ledger without issue
        bkc.openLedger(lh.getId(), DigestType.CRC32, PASSWD);
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Related Classes of org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle

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