Package org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.handler

Examples of org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.handler.StorageHandler

        sh.ensureFailover( rc, attrName, this );
    void save( HttpServletRequest request )
        StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getStorageHandler();
        HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = PageFlowUtils.unwrapMultipart( request );
        RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, null );
        String attrName = ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( JPF_STACK_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
        sh.setAttribute( rc, attrName, this );
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     * Store this object in the user session, in the appropriate place.  Used by the framework; normally should not be
     * called directly.
    public void persistInSession( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
        StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getStorageHandler();
        HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = PageFlowUtils.unwrapMultipart( request );
        RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, null );
        String attrName =
                ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( InternalConstants.FACES_BACKING_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
        sh.setAttribute( rc, attrName, this );
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     * Remove this instance from the session.
    public void removeFromSession( HttpServletRequest request )
        StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getStorageHandler();
        HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = PageFlowUtils.unwrapMultipart( request );
        RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, null );
        String attrName =
                ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( InternalConstants.FACES_BACKING_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
        sh.removeAttribute( rc, attrName );
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     * @param request the current HttpServletRequest
    public void ensureFailover( HttpServletRequest request )
        StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getStorageHandler();
        HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = PageFlowUtils.unwrapMultipart( request );
        RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, null );
        String attr =
                ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( InternalConstants.FACES_BACKING_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
        sh.ensureFailover( rc, attr, this );
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     * @param servletContext the current ServletContext.
    public void restore( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext servletContext )
        reinitialize( request, response, servletContext );
        StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getStorageHandler();
        HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = PageFlowUtils.unwrapMultipart( request );
        RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, response );
        String attrName =
                ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( InternalConstants.FACES_BACKING_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
        sh.setAttribute( rc, attrName, this );
        Map newActionOutputs = InternalUtils.getActionOutputMap( request, false );
        if ( newActionOutputs != null ) _pageInputs = newActionOutputs;
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        setCurrentActionResolver( jpf, request, servletContext );

    public static void removeCurrentPageFlow( HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext )
        StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( servletContext ).getStorageHandler();
        HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = PageFlowUtils.unwrapMultipart( request );
        RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, null );
        String currentJpfAttrName = ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( CURRENT_JPF_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
        String currentLongLivedAttrName =
                ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( CURRENT_LONGLIVED_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );

        sh.removeAttribute( rc, currentJpfAttrName );
        sh.removeAttribute( rc, currentLongLivedAttrName );
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        sh.removeAttribute( rc, currentLongLivedAttrName );

    public static void removeCurrentFacesBackingBean( HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext )
        StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( servletContext ).getStorageHandler();
        HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = PageFlowUtils.unwrapMultipart( request );
        RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, null );
        String attrName = ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( FACES_BACKING_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );

        sh.removeAttribute( rc, attrName );
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     * @deprecated Will be removed in the next version.
    public static void setCurrentActionResolver( ActionResolver resolver, HttpServletRequest request,
                                                 ServletContext servletContext )
        StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( servletContext ).getStorageHandler();
        HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = PageFlowUtils.unwrapMultipart( request );
        RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, null );
        String currentJpfAttrName =
            ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( CURRENT_JPF_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
        String currentLongLivedJpfAttrName =
                ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( CURRENT_LONGLIVED_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );

        // This case occurs when the previous page flow is no longer active and there is no new page flow
        if ( resolver == null )
            sh.removeAttribute( rc, currentJpfAttrName );
            sh.removeAttribute( rc, currentLongLivedJpfAttrName );

        // If this is a long-lived page flow, also store the instance in an attribute that never goes away.
        if ( resolver.isPageFlow() && isLongLived( ( ( PageFlowController ) resolver ).theModuleConfig() ) )
            String longLivedAttrName = getLongLivedFlowAttr( resolver.getModulePath() );
            longLivedAttrName = ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( longLivedAttrName, unwrappedRequest );

            // Only set this attribute if it's not already there.  We want to avoid our onDestroy() callback that's
            // invoked when the page flow's session attribute is unbound.
            if ( sh.getAttribute( rc, longLivedAttrName ) != resolver )
                sh.setAttribute( rc, longLivedAttrName, resolver );

            sh.setAttribute( rc, currentLongLivedJpfAttrName, resolver.getModulePath() );
            sh.removeAttribute( rc, currentJpfAttrName );
        // Default case for removing a previous page flow in the presence of a new page flow.
            sh.setAttribute( rc, currentJpfAttrName, resolver );
            sh.removeAttribute( rc, currentLongLivedJpfAttrName );
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    public static FacesBackingBean getFacesBackingBean( ServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext )
        if ( request instanceof HttpServletRequest )
            StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( servletContext ).getStorageHandler();
            HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = PageFlowUtils.unwrapMultipart( ( HttpServletRequest ) request );
            RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, null );
            String attrName = ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( FACES_BACKING_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
            return ( FacesBackingBean ) sh.getAttribute( rc, attrName );

        return null;
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     * @param servletContext the current ServletContext.
     * @return the current ActionResolver from the user session, or <code>null</code> if there is none.
    public static ActionResolver getCurrentActionResolver( HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext )
        StorageHandler sh = Handlers.get( servletContext ).getStorageHandler();
        HttpServletRequest unwrappedRequest = unwrapMultipart( request );
        RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( unwrappedRequest, null );
        // First see if the current page flow is a long-lived, which is stored in its own attribute.
        String currentLongLivedAttrName =
                ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( CURRENT_LONGLIVED_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
        String currentLongLivedModulePath = ( String ) sh.getAttribute( rc, currentLongLivedAttrName );
        if ( currentLongLivedModulePath != null )
            return getLongLivedPageFlow( currentLongLivedModulePath, unwrappedRequest );
            String currentJpfAttrName = ScopedServletUtils.getScopedSessionAttrName( CURRENT_JPF_ATTR, unwrappedRequest );
            return ( ActionResolver ) sh.getAttribute( rc, currentJpfAttrName );
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Related Classes of org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.handler.StorageHandler

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