// beforeAction callback
gotPastBeforeAction = true;
PageFlowActionMapping pfActionMapping =
mapping instanceof PageFlowActionMapping ? ( PageFlowActionMapping ) mapping : null;
Object unwrappedForm = InternalUtils.unwrapFormBean( form );
// mapping.isOverloaded() means it's the base mapping for a set of overloaded mappings.
// Find the one appropriate to the passed-in form.
if ( unwrappedForm != null && pfActionMapping != null )
if ( pfActionMapping.isOverloaded() )
String mappingPath = pfActionMapping.getPath();
// Try the form class and all superclasses to get an overloaded action path.
for ( Class i = unwrappedForm.getClass(); i != null; i = i.getSuperclass() )
String formQualifiedActionPath = getFormQualifiedActionPath( i, mappingPath );
ActionConfig cf = pfActionMapping.getModuleConfig().findActionConfig( formQualifiedActionPath );
if ( cf != null )
assert cf instanceof PageFlowActionMapping : cf.getClass().getName();
if ( _log.isDebugEnabled() )
_log.debug( "Found form-specific mapping " + cf.getPath() +
" -- choosing this one over current mapping " + mappingPath );
pfActionMapping = ( PageFlowActionMapping ) cf;
mapping = pfActionMapping;
String actionName = InternalUtils.getActionName( mapping );
// Check whether isLoginRequired=true for this action.
LoginHandler loginHandler = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getLoginHandler();
if ( pfActionMapping != null && pfActionMapping.isLoginRequired()
&& loginHandler.getUserPrincipal( getHandlerContext() ) == null )
NotLoggedInException ex = createNotLoggedInException( actionName, request );
return handleException( ex, mapping, form, request, response );
// Now delegate to the appropriate action method, or if it's a simple action, handle it that way.
ActionForward retVal;
if ( pfActionMapping != null && pfActionMapping.isSimpleAction() )
retVal = handleSimpleAction( pfActionMapping, form, request, servletContext );