Package org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls

Examples of org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.MutableURI$QueryParameters$Parameter

                String redirect_uri = request.getParameter(OAuth2.REDIRECT_URI);
                String state = request.getParameter(OAuth2.STATE);
                List<Parameter> list = new ArrayList<Parameter>(5);
                list.add(new Parameter(OAuth2.ACCESS_TOKEN,accessor.accessToken));
                list.add(new Parameter(OAuth2.TOKEN_TYPE,accessor.tokenType));
                list.add(new Parameter(OAuth2.EXPIRES_IN,"3600"));
                if(accessor.scope!=null) list.add(new Parameter(OAuth2.SCOPE,accessor.scope));
                if(state != null){
                    list.add(new Parameter(OAuth2.STATE, state));
                redirect_uri = OAuth2.addParametersAsFragment(redirect_uri,list);
                response.setHeader("Location", OAuth2.decodePercent(redirect_uri));
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                                    HttpServletResponse response, LinkedHashMap/*<String, List<String>>*/ extraHiddenParams)
            throws URISyntaxException
        String qualifiedAction = InternalUtils.qualifyAction(servletContext, _state.action);
        String actionUrl = InternalUtils.createActionURL(request, qualifiedAction);
        MutableURI uri = new MutableURI(actionUrl, true);

        boolean needsToBeSecure = PageFlowUtils.needsToBeSecure(servletContext, request, actionUrl, true);
        URLRewriterService.rewriteURL(servletContext, request, response, uri, URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure);

        // Add a scope-ID hidden input, if there's one on this tag, or one in the request.
        String targetScope = (_targetScope != null) ? _targetScope : request.getParameter(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM);
        if (targetScope != null) {
            if (_params == null) {
                _params = new HashMap();
            _params.put(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM, targetScope);
            // If there's one on the URL, we're replacing it with a hidden param.
            if (uri != null) {

        // Check if the rewritten form action contains request parameters that need
        // to be turned into hidden fields -- shouldn't include them in the action
        // URI on a GET.
        boolean forXML = false;
        if (_state.method != null && _state.method.equalsIgnoreCase(FORM_GET)
                && !URLRewriterService.allowParamsOnFormAction(servletContext, request)) {
        else {
            // Params are allowed on the form action so see if this is for XHTML
            forXML = TagRenderingBase.Factory.isXHTML(request);
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    public static String getRewrittenActionURI( ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest request,
                                                HttpServletResponse response, String actionName, Map params,
                                                String fragment, boolean forXML )
            throws URISyntaxException
        MutableURI uri = getActionURI( servletContext, request, response, actionName );
        if ( params != null ) uri.addParameters( params, false );
        if ( fragment != null ) uri.setFragment( uri.encode( fragment ) );

        boolean needsToBeSecure = needsToBeSecure( servletContext, request, uri.getPath(), true );
        URLRewriterService.rewriteURL( servletContext, request, response, uri, URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure );
        String key = getURLTemplateKey( URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure );
        URIContext uriContext = URIContextFactory.getInstance( forXML );

        return URLRewriterService.getTemplatedURL( servletContext, request, uri, key, uriContext );
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                                    HttpServletResponse response, LinkedHashMap/*<String, List<String>>*/ extraHiddenParams)
            throws URISyntaxException
        String qualifiedAction = InternalUtils.qualifyAction(servletContext, _state.action);
        String actionUrl = InternalUtils.createActionURL(request, qualifiedAction);
        MutableURI uri = new MutableURI(actionUrl, true);

        boolean needsToBeSecure = PageFlowUtils.needsToBeSecure(servletContext, request, actionUrl, true);
        URLRewriterService.rewriteURL(servletContext, request, response, uri, URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure);

        // Add a scope-ID hidden input, if there's one on this tag, or one in the request.
        String targetScope = (_targetScope != null) ? _targetScope : request.getParameter(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM);
        if (targetScope != null) {
            if (_params == null) {
                _params = new HashMap();
            _params.put(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM, targetScope);
            // If there's one on the URL, we're replacing it with a hidden param.
            if (uri != null) {

        // Check if the rewritten form action contains request parameters that need
        // to be turned into hidden fields -- shouldn't include them in the action
        // URI on a GET.
        boolean forXML = false;
        if (_state.method != null && _state.method.equalsIgnoreCase(FORM_GET)
                && !URLRewriterService.allowParamsOnFormAction(servletContext, request)) {
        else {
            // Params are allowed on the form action so see if this is for XHTML
            forXML = TagRenderingBase.Factory.isXHTML(request);
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    public static String getRewrittenActionURI( ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest request,
                                                HttpServletResponse response, String actionName, Map params,
                                                String fragment, boolean forXML )
            throws URISyntaxException
        MutableURI uri = getActionURI( servletContext, request, response, actionName );
        if ( params != null ) uri.addParameters( params, false );
        if ( fragment != null ) uri.setFragment( uri.encode( fragment ) );

        boolean needsToBeSecure = needsToBeSecure( servletContext, request, uri.getPath(), true );
        URLRewriterService.rewriteURL( servletContext, request, response, uri, URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure );
        String key = getURLTemplateKey( URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure );
        URIContext uriContext = URIContextFactory.getInstance( forXML );

        return URLRewriterService.getTemplatedURL( request, uri, key, uriContext );
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        String actionName = _state.action;
        if (actionName.length() > 0 && actionName.charAt(0) == '/') {
            actionName = actionName.substring(1);
        MutableURI uri = PageFlowUtils.getActionURI(servletContext, request, response, actionName);

        boolean needsToBeSecure = PageFlowUtils.needsToBeSecure(servletContext, request, uri.getPath(), true);
        URLRewriterService.rewriteURL(servletContext, request, response, uri, URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure);

        // Add a scope-ID hidden input, if there's one on this tag, or one in the request.
        String targetScope = (_targetScope != null) ? _targetScope : request.getParameter(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM);
        if (targetScope != null) {
            if (_params == null) {
                _params = new HashMap();
            _params.put(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM, targetScope);
            // If there's one on the URL, we're replacing it with a hidden param.
            if (uri != null) {
                assert uri instanceof FreezableMutableURI : uri.getClass().getName();
                ((FreezableMutableURI) uri).setFrozen(false);

        // Check if the rewritten form action contains request parameters that need
        // to be turned into hidden fields -- shouldn't include them in the action
        // URI on a GET.
        boolean forXML = false;
        if (_state.method != null && _state.method.equalsIgnoreCase(FORM_GET)
                && !URLRewriterService.allowParamsOnFormAction(servletContext, request)) {
        else {
            // Params are allowed on the form action so see if this is for XHTML
            forXML = TagRenderingBase.Factory.isXHTML(request);
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    public static String getRewrittenActionURI( ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest request,
                                                HttpServletResponse response, String actionName, Map params,
                                                String fragment, boolean forXML )
            throws URISyntaxException
        MutableURI uri = getActionURI( servletContext, request, response, actionName );
        if ( params != null ) uri.addParameters( params, false );
        if ( fragment != null ) uri.setFragment( uri.encode( fragment ) );

        boolean needsToBeSecure = needsToBeSecure( servletContext, request, uri.getPath(), true );
        URLRewriterService.rewriteURL( servletContext, request, response, uri, URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure );
        String key = getURLTemplateKey( URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure );
        URIContext uriContext = URIContextFactory.getInstance( forXML );

        return URLRewriterService.getTemplatedURL( servletContext, request, uri, key, uriContext );
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        String actionName = _state.action;
        if (actionName.length() > 0 && actionName.charAt(0) == '/') {
            actionName = actionName.substring(1);
        MutableURI uri = PageFlowUtils.getActionURI(servletContext, request, response, actionName);

        boolean needsToBeSecure = PageFlowUtils.needsToBeSecure(servletContext, request, uri.getPath(), true);
        URLRewriterService.rewriteURL(servletContext, request, response, uri, URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure);

        // Add a scope-ID hidden input, if there's one on this tag, or one in the request.
        String targetScope = (_targetScope != null) ? _targetScope : request.getParameter(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM);
        if (targetScope != null) {
            if (_params == null) {
                _params = new HashMap();
            _params.put(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM, targetScope);
            // If there's one on the URL, we're replacing it with a hidden param.
            if (uri != null) {
                assert uri instanceof FreezableMutableURI : uri.getClass().getName();
                ((FreezableMutableURI) uri).setFrozen(false);

        // Check if the rewritten form action contains request parameters that need
        // to be turned into hidden fields -- shouldn't include them in the action
        // URI on a GET.
        boolean forXML = false;
        if (_state.method != null && _state.method.equalsIgnoreCase(FORM_GET)
                && !URLRewriterService.allowParamsOnFormAction(servletContext, request)) {
        else {
            // Params are allowed on the form action so see if this is for XHTML
            forXML = TagRenderingBase.Factory.isXHTML(request);
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    public static String getRewrittenActionURI( ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest request,
                                                HttpServletResponse response, String actionName, Map params,
                                                String fragment, boolean forXML )
            throws URISyntaxException
        MutableURI uri = getActionURI( servletContext, request, response, actionName );
        if ( params != null ) uri.addParameters( params, false );
        if ( fragment != null ) uri.setFragment( uri.encode( fragment ) );

        boolean needsToBeSecure = needsToBeSecure( servletContext, request, uri.getPath(), true );
        URLRewriterService.rewriteURL( servletContext, request, response, uri, URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure );
        String key = getURLTemplateKey( URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure );
        URIContext uriContext = URIContextFactory.getInstance( forXML );

        return URLRewriterService.getTemplatedURL( servletContext, request, uri, key, uriContext );
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            // test number of parameters
            if (firstParameters.size() == secondParameters.size())
                for (int i = 0; i < firstParameters.size() && sameSignature; i++)
                    final Parameter firstParameter = (Parameter)firstParameters.get(i);
                    final Parameter secondParameter = (Parameter)secondParameters.get(i);

                    // test each parameter's type
                    sameSignature =
                sameSignature = false;
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Related Classes of org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.MutableURI$QueryParameters$Parameter

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