Package org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.html

Source Code of org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.html.Form

* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.html;

import org.apache.beehive.netui.util.internal.InternalStringBuilder;

import org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.MutableURI;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.URIContext;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.URLType;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.URLRewriterService;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.FreezableMutableURI;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.FlowController;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowUtils;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.handler.Handlers;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.internal.InternalConstants;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.internal.InternalUtils;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.internal.URIContextFactory;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.scoping.ScopedServletUtils;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.script.common.ImplicitObjectUtil;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.TagConfig;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.internal.PageFlowTagUtils;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.javascript.CoreScriptFeature;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.javascript.IScriptReporter;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.javascript.ScriptRequestState;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.rendering.*;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.util.Bundle;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.util.ParamHelper;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.struts.Globals;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet;
import org.apache.struts.config.FormBeanConfig;
import org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig;
import org.apache.struts.taglib.html.Constants;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
import java.util.*;

* This tag represents an input form, associated with a bean whose
* properties correspond to the various fields of the form.
* @jsptagref.tagdescription Renders an HTML form that can be submitted to a Java method
* in the Controller file for processesing.
* <p><b>Submitting Data</b></p>
* <p>When a &lt;netui:form> is submitted, the form data is passed to a method
* for processessing.  The data is passed as a Form Bean instance.
* The &lt;netui:form>'s input fields correspond to the properties of the Form Bean.
* When the form is submitted the following sequence of events occurs:
* (1) a new Form Bean instance is created, (2) the form data is loaded into the
* corresponding Form Bean properties,
* and (3) the Form Bean instance is passed to the method
* where the data is processed.
* <p>The <code>action</code> attribute determines the target method of the submission.
* The parameter of the target method determines the Form Bean instance
* that carries the submitted data.
* <p>For example, if a &lt;netui:form>'s target method is <code>someAction</code> ...
* <pre>      &lt;netui:form action="<b>someAction</b>">
*               //
*               // input fields go here
*               //
*          &lt;netui:button value="Submit" type="submit"/>
*      &lt;/netui:form></pre>
* <p>...and the <code>someAction</code> method takes a Form Bean parameter of
* type <code>SomeFormBean</code>...
* <pre>     &#x40;Jpf.Action(
*        forwards={
*            &#x40;Jpf.Forward(name="success", path="showData.jsp")
*        }
*    )
*    protected Forward someAction(<b>SomeFormBean form</b>)</pre>
* <p>...then an instance of <code>SomeFormBean</code> will carry the submitted data.
* <p><b>Pre-populating Form Fields with the Session Object</b></p>
* <p>The <code>name</code>, <code>type</code>, and <code>scope</code> attributes can
* be used together to pre-populate
* the form fields with default values when they are first rendered in the browser.
* <p>In the Controller file, instantiate the appropriate Form Bean, set default values, and
* store the Form Bean instance in the Session object.
* <pre>    protected void onCreate()
*    {
*      // Create a new Form Bean instance
*      ProcessDataForm formInstance = new ProcessDataForm();
*      // Set default values.
*      formInstance.setAge(32);
*      formInstance.setName("John");
*      // Store the instance in the Session object.
*      getSession().setAttribute("defaultValues", formInstance);
*    }</pre>
* <p>Then, use the <code>name</code>, <code>type</code>, and <code>scope</code> attributes to pre-populate the
* form fields.
* <pre>    &lt;netui:form
*        action="processData"
*        name="defaultValues"
*        type="tagSamples.netui.form.FormController$ProcessDataForm"
*        scope="session"></pre>
* <p><b>Note:</b> when the data is submitted, the data is passed as a Request-scoped Form
* Bean, *not* as the Session-scoped Form Bean used to pre-populate the fields.  However, you
* may pass the data as a Page Flow-scoped Form Bean, if the annotation
* <code>{@link org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.annotations.Jpf.Action &#64;Jpf.Action}(
* {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.annotations.Jpf.Action#useFormBean useFormBean}="someFormBeanMemberVariable"
* </code>...<code>)</code> is set on the receiving method.
* <p><b>Pre-populating Form Fields By Passing a Form Bean Instance to the JSP Page</b></p>
* <p>As an alternative to the pre-population technique above, you can set the
* pre-population values in a Form Bean instance and then pass that instance to the JSP page.
* For example, assume that index.jsp contains the &lt;netui:form> and input elements.
* The following action method sets the pre-population values in a Form Bean instance
* and passes that instance to the
* &lt;netui:form> and its input elements.
* Note that the Forward object returned by the method has two parameters, the String "success"
* and the pre-populated form.
* <pre>     &#x40;Jpf.Action(
*        forwards={
*            &#x40;Jpf.Forward(name="success", path="index.jsp")
*        }
*    )
*  protected Forward begin(ProcessDataForm form)
*  {
*      form.setAge(44);
*      form.setName("Mark");
*      return new Forward("success", form);
*  }</pre>
* @example In this first sample, the
* &lt;netui:form> tag invokes the <code>processData</code>
* action method in the Controller file when the form is submitted.
* <pre>      &lt;netui:form action="processData">
*              Name:
*              &lt;netui:textBox dataSource=""/>
*              Age:
*              &lt;netui:textBox dataSource="actionForm.age"/>
*              &lt;netui:button value="Submit" type="submit"/>
*      &lt;/netui:form></pre>
* <p> Notice that the processData action method takes a parameter of
* type <code>ProcessDataForm</code>.</p>
* <pre>     &#x40;Jpf.Action(
*        forwards={
*            &#x40;Jpf.Forward(name="success", path="showData.jsp")
*        }
*    )
*    protected Forward processData(ProcessDataForm form)
*    {
*        //
*        // Process the submitted data here.
*        //
*        return new Forward("success");
*    }</pre>
* <p>This means that the submitted data is loaded into an
* instance of ProcessDataForm before
* it is passed to the action method.
* <p>In this next sample, the form fields are pre-populated based upon default values
* stored in the Session object.
* <pre>
*      &lt;netui:form action="Action" type="corp.Controller$NameBean"
*          scope="session" name="nameBean">
*          Name: &lt;netui:textBox dataSource="" />
*          &lt;netui:button value="Submit"/>
*      &lt;/netui:form></pre>
* @netui:tag name="form" description="Represents an input form, associated with a bean whose properties correspond to the various fields of the form."
public class Form extends HtmlBaseTag
        implements IUrlParams
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getInstance(Form.class);

    // unique name of the form
    private static String FORM_ID = "Netui_Form_";

    // The form state
    private FormTag.State _state = new FormTag.State();

    // state variable for any hidden values
    private InputHiddenTag.State _hiddenState = new InputHiddenTag.State();

    private String _focus = null;                  // The name of the field to receive focus, if any.
    private String _location = null;               // The location hash to append to the url.
    private String _text = null;                   // The body content of this tag (if any).

    private String _beanName = null;               // The name of the form bean to (create and) use.
    private boolean _explicitBeanType = false;     // Flag indicating that the BeanType was set by setting the attribute
    private String _beanType = null;               // The type of the form bean to (create and) use.
    private String _beanScope = null;              // The scope of the form bean to (create and) use.

    private String _realName = null;               // This is the real name of the form if it is to be output
    private boolean _setRealName = false;          // Force the RealName to be output.  Contained tags can cause this

    private String _targetScope;                   // target page flow scope; see comments on setTargetScope()

    private ActionMapping _mapping = null;         // The ActionMapping defining where we will be submitting this form
    private ActionServlet _servlet = null;         // The ActionServlet instance we are associated with
    private HashMap _focusMap;                     // Map allowing setting focus on one of the controls
    private ModuleConfig _appConfig = null;        // The application configuration for our module.
    private FlowController _flowController = null; // The flow controller (page flow or shared flow).
    private boolean _formSubmit = false;
    private Map _params;
    private String _actionUrl;                     // The generated action URL.
    private LinkedHashMap/*<String, List<String>>*/ _extraHiddenParams = null; // hidden form fields based on URL parameters

     * Return the name of the Tag.
    public String getTagName()
        return "Form";

     * This method will return the state associated with the tag.  This is used by this
     * base class to access the individual state objects created by the tags.
     * @return a subclass of the <code>AbstractHtmlState</code> class.
    protected AbstractHtmlState getState()
        return _state;

     * Base support for the attribute tag.  This is overridden to prevent setting the <code>action</code>,
     * and <code>method</code> attributes.
     * @param name  The name of the attribute.  This value may not be null or the empty string.
     * @param value The value of the attribute.  This may contain an expression.
     * @param facet The name of a facet to which the attribute will be applied.  This is optional.
     * @throws JspException A JspException may be thrown if there is an error setting the attribute.
    public void setAttribute(String name, String value, String facet)
            throws JspException
        if (name != null) {
            if (name.equals(ACTION) || name.equals(METHOD)) {
                String s = Bundle.getString("Tags_AttributeMayNotBeSet", new Object[]{name});
                registerTagError(s, null);
        super.setAttribute(name, value, facet);

     * Return the action of the Form.
     * @return a String representing the action name of the Form.
    public String getAction()
        return _state.action;

     * Set the name of the action for the Form.
     * @param action the name of the action to set for the Form.
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription Required. The action method invoked on form submit.  Form data is passed to this method.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_action</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="true" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The action method invoked on form submit.  Form data is passed to this method."
    public void setAction(String action)
            throws JspException
        _state.action = setRequiredValueAttribute(action, "action");

     * Set the content encoding to be used on a post submit.
     * @param enctype the content encoding type.
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The content encoding to be used on a POST submit.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_enctype</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The content encoding to be used on a POST submit."
    public void setEnctype(String enctype)
        _state.registerAttribute(AbstractHtmlState.ATTR_GENERAL, ENCTYPE, enctype);

     * This method will return the real id that will be written out by the form.  This is
     * either the current state qualified tagId or the _realName if tagId is not specified.
     * @return the value of the id attribute written by the form.
    public String getRealFormId()
        return _realName;

     * This method will insure that a real id is written out even if a tagId is not
     * set for the form.
    public void insureRealId()
        _setRealName = true;

     * Set the name of the field to receive focus.
     * @param focus the focus field name.
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The <code>tagID</code> of an input field which should receive initial focus.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_focus</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The tagID of an input field which should receive initial focus."
    public void setFocus(String focus)
        _focus = setNonEmptyValueAttribute(focus);

     * Get the focus flag.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the focus has been set.  <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean isFocusSet() {
        return (_focus != null);

     * Set the location hash to append to the url.
     * @param location the location hash
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The location hash to append to the URL.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_location</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The location hash to append to the URL."
    public void setLocation(String location)
        _location = location;

     * Return the value of the location.
     * @return  The value of the location.
    public String getLocation() {
        return _location;

     * Set the request method used when submitting this form.
     * @param method the request method
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The request method used when submitting this form.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_method</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The request method used when submitting this form."
    public void setMethod(String method)
            throws JspException
        if (FORM_POST.equals(method) || FORM_GET.equals(method)) {
            _state.method = method;
        String s = Bundle.getString("Tags_FormMethodError", new Object[]{method});
        registerTagError(s, null);

     * Set the attribute key under which our associated bean is stored.
     * @param name the attribute key name
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The attribute key under which the associated Form Bean used to populate the input form is stored.
     * This Form Bean is found in the scope defined by the <code>scope</code> attribute.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_name</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The attribute key under which the associated Form Bean used to populate the input form is stored.
     * This Form Bean is found in the scope defined by the scope attribute."
    public void setBeanName(String name)
            throws JspException
        // @todo: we need to verify what happens if this is null and type is set.
        _beanName = setRequiredValueAttribute(name, "beanName");

     * Set the target "scope" for the form's action.  Multiple active page flows may exist concurrently within named
     * scopes.  This attribute selects which named scope to use.  If omitted, the default scope is assumed.
     * @param targetScope the name of the target scope in which the associated action's page flow resides.
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The target scope in which the associated action's page flow resides.
     * @jsptagref.databindable true
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_targetScope</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The target scope in which the associated action's page flow resides"
    public void setTargetScope(String targetScope)
        _targetScope = targetScope;

     * Sets the onReset javascript event.
     * @param onReset the onReset event.
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The JavaScript onReset event.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_onSubmit</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The JavaScript onReset event."
    public void setOnReset(String onReset)
        _state.registerAttribute(AbstractHtmlState.ATTR_JAVASCRIPT, ONRESET, onReset);

     * Sets the onSubmit javascript event.
     * @param onSubmit the onReset event.
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The JavaScript onSubmit event.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_onSumbit</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The JavaScript onSubmit event."
    public void setOnSubmit(String onSubmit)
        _state.registerAttribute(AbstractHtmlState.ATTR_JAVASCRIPT, ONSUBMIT, onSubmit);

     * Sets the scope (request or session) under which the associated bean
     * is stored.
     * @param scope the scope.
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The scope (<code>request</code> or <code>session</code>) under which the associated Form Bean
     * used to populate the form input fields is stored.
     * Using the <code>name</code>, <code>type</code>  and <code>scope</code> attributes defines
     * the Form Bean used.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_scope</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The scope (request or session) under which the associated Form Bean
     * used to populate the form input fields is stored.
     * Using the name, type  and scope attributes defines
     * the Form Bean used."
    public void setBeanScope(String scope)
            throws JspException
        _beanScope = setRequiredValueAttribute(scope, "beanScope");

     * Sets the window target.
     * @param target the window target.
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The window target
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_windowTarget</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The window target"
    public void setTarget(String target)
        _state.registerAttribute(AbstractHtmlState.ATTR_GENERAL, TARGET, target);

     * Sets the Java class name of the bean to be created, if necessary.
     * @param type the class name
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription The Java class name of the Form Bean to be created, if necessary.
     * This Form Bean will be created if the <code>name</code> and <code>scope</code> attributes are set.
     * The Form Bean is then used to populate the form input fields.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_type</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
     * description="The Java class name of the Form Bean to be created, if necessary.
     * This Form Bean will be created if the name and scope attributes are set.
     * The Form Bean is then used to populate the form input fields."
    public void setBeanType(String type)
            throws JspException
        _beanType = setRequiredValueAttribute(type, "beanType");
        _explicitBeanType = true;

     * Generate the JavaScript which will submit a form.  This is usually generated if the
     * form contains anchors that are used to submit the form.  This will make sure the JavaScript is
     * always generated.
     * @param formSubmit boolean value indicating that the form submit JavaScript should be generated.  Default is false.
     * @jsptagref.attributedescription Generate the form submit JavaScript even if the form does not
     * contain anchors. Default is <code>false</code>.
     * @jsptagref.databindable false
     * @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>boolean_formSubmit</i>
     * @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true" type="boolean"
     * description="Generate the form submit JavaScript even if the form does not contain anchors."
    public void setGenJavaScriptFormSubmit(boolean formSubmit)
        _formSubmit = formSubmit;
        _setRealName = true;

     * Adds a URL parameter to the generated hyperlink.
     * @param name  the name of the parameter to be added.
     * @param value the value of the parameter to be added (a String or String[]).
     * @param facet
    public void addParameter(String name, Object value, String facet) throws JspException
        assert(name != null) : "Parameter 'name' must not be null";

        if (_params == null) {
            _params = new HashMap();
        ParamHelper.addParam(_params, name, value);

     * Adds a tagId and name to the Form's focusMap.
     * @param tagID the tagID of a child tag.
     * @param name  the name of a child tag.
    public void addTagID(String tagID, String name)
        if (_focusMap == null) {
            _focusMap = new HashMap();
        _focusMap.put(tagID, name);

    //********************************************* Do the Work  *******************************************************
     * Render the beginning of this form.
     * @throws JspException if a JSP exception has occurred
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException
        if (hasErrors())
            return SKIP_BODY;
        // Error out if there is a parent form
        if (getNearestForm() != null) {
            registerTagError(Bundle.getString("Tags_FormParentForm"), null);

        // Look up the form bean name, scope, and type if necessary
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
        ServletContext servletContext = pageContext.getServletContext();

        // find the beanName, beanType and beanScope
        lookupBeanScopeAndName(request, servletContext);
        if (hasErrors())
            return SKIP_BODY;

        // Generate the real name.  We generate it here so we can return it to any contained tags if
        // they need it.  If they access it, the most likely will cause the realName to be output
        if ( != null) {
            _realName = getIdForTagId(;
        else {
            String formId = FORM_ID + getNextId(request);
            _realName = getIdForTagId(formId);

        // Store this tag itself as a page attribute
        pageContext.setAttribute(Constants.FORM_KEY, this, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

        // Locate or create the bean associated with our form
        int scope = PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE;
        if ("request".equals(_beanScope)) {
            scope = PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE;

        // setup the Bean
        Object bean = null;
        if (_beanName != null)
            bean = pageContext.getAttribute(_beanName, scope);
        if (bean == null) {
            if (_explicitBeanType) {
                // Backwards compatibility - use explicitly specified values
                try {
                    Handlers handlers = Handlers.get(pageContext.getServletContext());
                    bean = handlers.getReloadableClassHandler().newInstance(_beanType);
                    if (bean != null) {
                        ((ActionForm) bean).setServlet(_servlet);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    registerTagError(Bundle.getString("Tags_FormNameBadType"), e);
            else {
                // New and improved - use the values from the action mapping
                // First, check to see if this is a page flow-scoped form bean.  If so, use the current value
                // from the member field in the page flow (or shared flow).
                if (_flowController != null) {
                    bean = _flowController.getFormBean(_mapping);

                if (bean == null) {
                    bean = InternalUtils.createActionForm(_mapping, _appConfig, _servlet, servletContext);

            if (hasErrors())
                return SKIP_BODY;

            // Call the reset method if we have an ActionForm
            if (bean instanceof ActionForm) {
                ((ActionForm) bean).reset(_mapping, request);
            if (bean != null) {
                pageContext.setAttribute(_beanName, bean, scope);
        if (bean != null) {
            pageContext.setAttribute(Constants.BEAN_KEY, bean, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
            ImplicitObjectUtil.loadActionForm(pageContext, bean);
        // Create the action URL here, so child tags can access it.
        try {
            HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) pageContext.getResponse();
            _extraHiddenParams = new LinkedHashMap/*<String, List<String>>*/();
            _actionUrl = rewriteActionURL(servletContext, request, response, _extraHiddenParams);
        catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            // report the error...
            String s = Bundle.getString("Tags_Form_URLException",
                    new Object[]{_state.action, e.getMessage()});
            registerTagError(s, e);

        // Continue processing this page
        return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED;

     * Save the body content of the Form.
     * @throws JspException if a JSP exception has occurred
    public int doAfterBody() throws JspException
        if (bodyContent != null) {
            String value = bodyContent.getString();
            if (value.length() > 0)
                _text = value;
        return SKIP_BODY;

     * Render the end of this form.
     * @throws JspException if a JSP exception has occurred
    public int doEndTag() throws JspException
        if (hasErrors())
            return reportAndExit(EVAL_PAGE);

        String idScript = null;

        // Create an appropriate "form" element based on our parameters
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
        ServletContext servletContext = pageContext.getServletContext();

        // if we have an Id or a tag is forcing the name, then set the state and generate
        // the JavaScript
        if ( != null || _setRealName) {
            String id =;
   = _realName;
   = _realName;
            idScript = renderNameAndId(request, id);

        if (_state.method == null)
            _state.method = FORM_POST;

        // Encode the action
        // If the rewritten form action contains request parameters, turn them into hidden fields --
        // it's not legal to include them in the action URI on a GET.
        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) pageContext.getResponse();

        if (_actionUrl != null) {
            _state.action = response.encodeURL(_actionUrl);

        WriteRenderAppender writer = new WriteRenderAppender(pageContext);
        TagRenderingBase br = TagRenderingBase.Factory.getRendering(TagRenderingBase.FORM_TAG, request);
        br.doStartTag(writer, _state);

        // If the action we're submitting to is checking for double-submits, save a token in the session.
        // This will be written out as a hidden param (below), and will be checked in PageFlowRequestProcessor.
        String token = PageFlowTagUtils.getToken(request, _mapping);

        // Add a transaction token (if present in our session)
        HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
        if (session != null) {
            if (token == null) {
                token = (String) session.getAttribute(Globals.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_KEY);
            if (token != null) {
                String name = URLRewriterService.getNamePrefix(servletContext, request, Constants.TOKEN_KEY)
                              + Constants.TOKEN_KEY;
                writeHiddenParam(name, token, writer, request, true);

        // add a hidden value for each parameter
        if (_params != null) {
            Iterator paramKeys = _params.keySet().iterator();
            while (paramKeys.hasNext()) {
                Object paramKey =;
                Object paramValue = _params.get(paramKey);
                if (paramValue instanceof String[]) {
                    String[] paramValArray = (String[]) paramValue;
                    for (int i = 0; i < paramValArray.length; i++) {
                        String name = paramKey.toString();
                        String paramName = URLRewriterService.getNamePrefix(servletContext, request, name) + name;
                        writeHiddenParam(paramName, paramValArray[i], writer, request, true);
                else {
                    String name = paramKey.toString();
                    String paramName = URLRewriterService.getNamePrefix(servletContext, request, name) + name;
                    writeHiddenParam(paramName, paramValue.toString(), writer, request, true);

        // add the extra hidden parameters
        if (_extraHiddenParams != null && _extraHiddenParams.size() > 0) {
            for (Iterator i = _extraHiddenParams.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                String name = (String);
                for (Iterator j = ((List)_extraHiddenParams.get(name)).iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                    String value = (String);
                    writeHiddenParam(name, value, writer, request, true);

        // add the body content
        if (_text != null)

        // Remove the page scope attributes we created
        pageContext.removeAttribute(Constants.BEAN_KEY, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
        pageContext.removeAttribute(Constants.FORM_KEY, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

        // Render a tag representing the end of our current form

        // Render JavaScript to set the input focus if required
        if ((_focus != null) && (_focusMap != null)) {
            String focusName = (String) _focusMap.get(_focus);

            if (focusName != null) {
                String formName = _realName;
                ScriptRequestState srs = ScriptRequestState.getScriptRequestState(request);
                srs.writeFeature(getScriptReporter(), writer, CoreScriptFeature.SET_FOCUS, false, true,
                        new Object[]{formName, focusName});

        if (_formSubmit) {
            ScriptRequestState srs = ScriptRequestState.getScriptRequestState(request);
            srs.writeFeature(getScriptReporter(), writer, CoreScriptFeature.ANCHOR_SUBMIT, true, false, null);

        // output any generated javascript
        if (idScript != null)

        return EVAL_PAGE;

     * This mehtod will render the JavaScript associated with the id lookup if id has
     * been set.
     * @param request
     * @param id
     * @return
    private String renderNameAndId(HttpServletRequest request, String id)
        // if id is not set then we need to exit
        if (id == null)
            return null;

        // Legacy Java Script support -- This writes out a single table with both the id and names
        // mixed.  This is legacy support to match the pre beehive behavior.
        String idScript = null;
        IScriptReporter scriptReporter = getScriptReporter();
        ScriptRequestState srs = ScriptRequestState.getScriptRequestState(request);
        if (TagConfig.isLegacyJavaScript()) {
            idScript = srs.mapLegacyTagId(scriptReporter, id,;

        // map the tagId to the real id
        if (TagConfig.isDefaultJavaScript()) {
            String script = srs.mapTagId(scriptReporter, id,,;

            // if we wrote out script in legacy mode, we need to make sure we preserve it.
            if (idScript != null) {
                idScript = idScript + script;
            else {
                idScript = script;
        return idScript;

     * Write a hidden field for a paramter
     * @param paramName  The name of the parameter
     * @param paramValue The value of the paramter
     * @param results    The InternalStringBuilder to append the result to
     * @param req        THe servlet request
    private void writeHiddenParam(String paramName, String paramValue, AbstractRenderAppender results,
                                  ServletRequest req, boolean newLine)
        // put each hidden on a new line
        if (newLine)

        // create the state
        _hiddenState.clear(); = paramName;
        _hiddenState.value = paramValue;

        TagRenderingBase hiddenTag = TagRenderingBase.Factory.getRendering(TagRenderingBase.INPUT_HIDDEN_TAG, req);
        hiddenTag.doStartTag(results, _hiddenState);

     * We have this local method because the Form may have the condition to manipulate the
     * URL and write out action parameters as hidden fields.
     * This method will rewrite the URL via the rewriter service, then if needed, pull off
     * extra parameters from the rewritten URL to be turned into hidden fields, and finally
     * runs the modified URL through the rewriter service's templated URL formatting.
    private String rewriteActionURL(ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest request,
                                    HttpServletResponse response, LinkedHashMap/*<String, List<String>>*/ extraHiddenParams)
            throws URISyntaxException
        String actionName = _state.action;
        if (actionName.length() > 0 && actionName.charAt(0) == '/') {
            actionName = actionName.substring(1);
        MutableURI uri = PageFlowUtils.getActionURI(servletContext, request, response, actionName);

        boolean needsToBeSecure = PageFlowUtils.needsToBeSecure(servletContext, request, uri.getPath(), true);
        URLRewriterService.rewriteURL(servletContext, request, response, uri, URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure);

        // Add a scope-ID hidden input, if there's one on this tag, or one in the request.
        String targetScope = (_targetScope != null) ? _targetScope : request.getParameter(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM);
        if (targetScope != null) {
            if (_params == null) {
                _params = new HashMap();
            _params.put(ScopedServletUtils.SCOPE_ID_PARAM, targetScope);
            // If there's one on the URL, we're replacing it with a hidden param.
            if (uri != null) {
                assert uri instanceof FreezableMutableURI : uri.getClass().getName();
                ((FreezableMutableURI) uri).setFrozen(false);

        // Check if the rewritten form action contains request parameters that need
        // to be turned into hidden fields -- shouldn't include them in the action
        // URI on a GET.
        boolean forXML = false;
        if (_state.method != null && _state.method.equalsIgnoreCase(FORM_GET)
                && !URLRewriterService.allowParamsOnFormAction(servletContext, request)) {
        else {
            // Params are allowed on the form action so see if this is for XHTML
            forXML = TagRenderingBase.Factory.isXHTML(request);

        String key = PageFlowUtils.getURLTemplateKey(URLType.ACTION, needsToBeSecure);
        URIContext uriContext = URIContextFactory.getInstance(forXML);
        String rewrittenURI = URLRewriterService.getTemplatedURL(servletContext, request, uri, key, uriContext);
        return rewrittenURI;

     * Get the generated action URL, based on the action attribute.
    String getActionUrl()
        return _actionUrl;

     * Release any acquired resources.
    protected void localRelease()


        _focus = null;
        _location = null;
        _text = null;

        _beanName = null;
        _explicitBeanType = false;
        _beanType = null;
        _beanScope = null;

        _realName = null;
        _setRealName = false;

        _targetScope = null;

        _mapping = null;
        _servlet = null;
        _focusMap = null;
        _appConfig = null;
        _flowController = null;
        _formSubmit = false;
        _params = null;
        _actionUrl = null;
        _extraHiddenParams = null;

     * Look up values for the <code>name</code>, <code>scope</code>, and
     * <code>type</code> properties if necessary.
     * @throws JspException if a required value cannot be looked up
    private void lookupBeanScopeAndName(HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext)
            throws JspException
        // Look up the application module configuration information we need
        _appConfig = (ModuleConfig) request.getAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY);
        if (_appConfig == null) { // Backwards compatibility hack
            _appConfig = (ModuleConfig) servletContext.getAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY);
        if (_appConfig == null) {
            registerTagError(Bundle.getString("Tags_FormNoApplicationConfig"), null);
        _servlet = (ActionServlet) servletContext.getAttribute(Globals.ACTION_SERVLET_KEY);
        _flowController = PageFlowUtils.getCurrentPageFlow(request, pageContext.getServletContext());

        // check to see if this is a bad action
        PageFlowTagUtils.MappingAndController mac = PageFlowTagUtils.getActionMapping(request, _flowController, _state.action);
        if (mac == null) {
            FlowController globalApp = PageFlowUtils.getSharedFlow(InternalConstants.GLOBALAPP_CLASSNAME, request);
            mac = PageFlowTagUtils.getActionMapping(request, globalApp, _state.action);
        if (mac == null) {
            registerTagError(Bundle.getString("Tags_BadAction", _state.action), null);

        _flowController = mac.controller;
        _mapping = mac.mapping;
        assert (_mapping != null) : "Mapping not found for controller";
        _appConfig = _mapping.getModuleConfig();

        // Were the required values already specified?
        if (_beanName != null) {
            if (!_explicitBeanType) {
                registerTagError(Bundle.getString("Tags_FormNameNoType"), null);
            if (_beanScope == null)
                _beanScope = "session";

        // Look up the form bean definition
        FormBeanConfig formBeanConfig = _appConfig.findFormBeanConfig(_mapping.getName());
        if (formBeanConfig == null) {
            // clear any _beanType
            _beanType = null;
        else {
            // Calculate the required values
            _beanName = _mapping.getAttribute();
            _beanScope = _mapping.getScope();
            _beanType = formBeanConfig.getType();

Related Classes of org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.html.Form

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