Type t = o.getReturnType(cpg);
if (t instanceof ArrayType){
t = ((ArrayType) t).getBasicType();
if (t instanceof ObjectType){
Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier(((ObjectType) t).getClassName());
VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2();
if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK){
constraintViolated(o, "Return type class/interface could not be verified successfully: '"+vr.getMessage()+"'.");
Type[] ts = o.getArgumentTypes(cpg);
for (int i=0; i<ts.length; i++){
t = ts[i];
if (t instanceof ArrayType){
t = ((ArrayType) t).getBasicType();
if (t instanceof ObjectType){
Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier(((ObjectType) t).getClassName());
VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2();
if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK){
constraintViolated(o, "Argument type class/interface could not be verified successfully: '"+vr.getMessage()+"'.");