//and upper bound of Catch matches upper bound of Finally Handler.
//first, match the Try block that applies...
//get lowest bound.
InstructionHandle min = getLowestBound(line.getCodeExceptions());
InstructionHandle max = getHighestBound(line.getCodeExceptions());
LOG.debug("Finally Range: "+min.getPosition() + " -> "+max.getPosition());
TryIntermediate matched = matchTryBlock(min, max);
if(matched != null) {
final Set<Integer> offsets = collectOffsets(line);
//ok, now we need to eliminate finally blocks from this try and all of the catches. thanks Java!
List<CatchIntermediate> catchClauses = igc.getCatchClauses(matched);
//for each catch clause...
for(CatchIntermediate catchClause : catchClauses) {
processCatch(catchClause, line, offsets);
processTry(matched, line, offsets);
//now, add the edge between end of FINALLY and the next statement.
InstructionHandle finallyEnd = line.getBlockRange().getEnd();
//get the next.. then search for next node in graph.
AbstractIntermediate finallyLast = igc.findNextNode(finallyEnd);
AbstractIntermediate afterFinally = igc.findNextNode(finallyEnd.getNext());
igc.redirectPredecessors(finallyLast, afterFinally);