Package org.apache.bcel.generic

Examples of org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionFactory


    private void rewrite(MethodGen method, ControlFlowGraph cfg)
            throws ClassNotFoundException {
        InstructionFactory insFactory = new InstructionFactory(method.getConstantPool());
        Vector invokeIns = new Vector();
        int count = 0;
        InstructionList insList = method.getInstructionList();
        InstructionHandle ins = insList.getStart();
        InstructionList restorer = new InstructionList();
        while (ins != null) {
            InstructionHandle next = ins.getNext();

            // if not traversed by the analyser, then don't rewrite
            InstructionContext context = null;
            Frame frame = null;
            try {
                context = cfg.contextOf(ins);
                frame = context.getOutFrame(new ArrayList());
            } catch (AssertionViolatedException ave) {
                // empty
            if (frame != null) {
                if (rewriteable(method, ins)) {
                    // Add frame saver and restorer for the current breakpoint

                    // determine type of object for the method invocation
                    InvokeInstruction invoke = (InvokeInstruction)ins.getInstruction();
                    Type[] arguments = invoke.getArgumentTypes(method.getConstantPool())
                    ObjectType objecttype = null;
                    if (!(invoke instanceof INVOKESTATIC)) {
                        objecttype = (ObjectType)context.getInFrame().getStack().peek(arguments.length);
                    InstructionList rList = restoreFrame(method, ins, insFactory, frame, objecttype);
                    insList.append(ins, saveFrame(method, ins, count++, insFactory, frame));
                // remove all new's               
                if (ins.getInstruction().getOpcode() == Constants.NEW) {
                    try {
                        // remove additional dup's
                        while (next != null && next.getInstruction().getOpcode() == Constants.DUP) {
                            context = cfg.contextOf(next);
                            frame = context.getOutFrame(new ArrayList());
                            InstructionHandle newnext = next.getNext();
                            next = newnext;
                        InstructionTargeter[] targeter = ins.getTargeters();
                        if (targeter != null) {
                            InstructionHandle newnext = ins.getNext();
                            for (int i = 0; i < targeter.length; i++) {
                                targeter[i].updateTarget(ins, newnext);
                    } catch (TargetLostException tle) {
                        throw new ClassNotFoundException(tle.getMessage(), tle);
                } else if (ins.getInstruction().getOpcode() == Constants.INVOKESPECIAL) {
                    // duplicate stack before invokespecial to insert uninitialized object
                    frame = context.getInFrame();
                    InvokeInstruction invoke = (InvokeInstruction)ins.getInstruction();
                    Type[] arguments = invoke.getArgumentTypes(method.getConstantPool());
                    OperandStack os = frame.getStack();
                    Type type = os.peek(arguments.length);
                    if (type instanceof UninitializedObjectType) {
                        ObjectType objecttype = ((UninitializedObjectType) type).getInitialized();
                        InstructionList duplicator = duplicateStack(method, invoke, objecttype);
                        InstructionTargeter[] targeter = ins.getTargeters();

                        if (targeter!=null) {
                            InstructionHandle newnext = duplicator.getStart();
                            for(int i=0; i < targeter.length; i++) {
                                targeter[i].updateTarget(ins, newnext);
                        insList.insert(ins, duplicator);
            ins = next;
        InstructionHandle firstIns = insList.getStart();
        if (count > 0) {
            InstructionHandle[] tableTargets = new InstructionHandle[count];
            int[] match = new int[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                match[i] = i;

            // select frame restorer
            insList.insert(new TABLESWITCH(match, tableTargets, firstIns));
            insList.insert(insFactory.createInvoke(STACK_CLASS, getPopMethod(Type.INT), Type.INT, Type.NO_ARGS, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
            insList.insert(InstructionFactory.createLoad(STACK_TYPE, method.getMaxLocals()+1));

            // test if the continuation should be restored
            insList.insert(new IFEQ(firstIns));
            insList.insert(insFactory.createInvoke(CONTINUATION_CLASS, RESTORING_METHOD, Type.BOOLEAN, Type.NO_ARGS, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
            insList.insert(InstructionFactory.createLoad(CONTINUATION_TYPE, method.getMaxLocals()));

        // get stack from current continuation and store in the last local variable
        insList.insert(InstructionFactory.createStore(STACK_TYPE, method.getMaxLocals()+1));
        insList.insert(insFactory.createInvoke(CONTINUATION_CLASS, STACK_METHOD, STACK_TYPE,
                       Type.NO_ARGS, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
        InstructionHandle restore_handle = insList.insert(InstructionFactory.createLoad(CONTINUATION_TYPE, method.getMaxLocals()));

        // if not continuation exists, create empty stack
        insList.insert(new GOTO(firstIns));
        insList.insert(InstructionFactory.createStore(STACK_TYPE, method.getMaxLocals()+1));
        insList.insert(insFactory.createInvoke(STACK_CLASS, Constants.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, Type.VOID, Type.NO_ARGS, Constants. INVOKESPECIAL));

        // test if no current continuation exists
        insList.insert(new IFNONNULL(restore_handle));
        insList.insert(InstructionFactory.createLoad(CONTINUATION_TYPE, method.getMaxLocals()));

        // get current continuation and store in the next to last local variable
        insList.insert(InstructionFactory.createStore(CONTINUATION_TYPE, method.getMaxLocals()));
                       Type.NO_ARGS, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));

        // make room for additional objects
        method.setMaxLocals(method.getMaxLocals() + 2);
        method.setMaxStack(method.getMaxStack() + 2);
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    private InstructionList duplicateStack(MethodGen method, InvokeInstruction invoke,
            ObjectType objecttype) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        // reconstruction of an uninitialed object to call the constructor.
        InstructionFactory insFactory = new InstructionFactory(method.getConstantPool());
        InstructionList insList = new InstructionList();

        Type[] arguments = invoke.getArgumentTypes(method.getConstantPool());
        // pop all arguments for the constructor from the stack
        for (int i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Type type = arguments[i];
            insList.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(STACK_TYPE, method.getMaxLocals()+1));
            insList.append(new SWAP());
            if (type instanceof BasicType) {
                if (type.getSize() < 2 && !type.equals(Type.FLOAT)) {
                    type = Type.INT;
                insList.append(insFactory.createInvoke(STACK_CLASS, getPushMethod(type), Type.VOID, new Type[]{type}, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
            } else if (type instanceof ReferenceType) {
                insList.append(insFactory.createInvoke(STACK_CLASS, getPushMethod(Type.OBJECT), Type.VOID, new Type[]{Type.OBJECT}, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
        // create uninitialzed object
        // return the arguments into the stack
        for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            Type type = arguments[i];
            insList.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(STACK_TYPE, method.getMaxLocals()+1));
            if (type instanceof BasicType) {
                if (type.getSize() < 2 && !type.equals(Type.FLOAT)) {
                    type = Type.INT;
                insList.append(insFactory.createInvoke(STACK_CLASS, getPopMethod(type), type, Type.NO_ARGS, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
            } else if (type instanceof ReferenceType) {
                insList.append(insFactory.createInvoke(STACK_CLASS, getPopMethod(Type.OBJECT), Type.OBJECT, Type.NO_ARGS, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
                if (!type.equals(Type.OBJECT)) {
                    insList.append(insFactory.createCast(Type.OBJECT, type));
        return insList;
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        InstructionList il = new InstructionList();

        MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, Type.VOID,
                Type.NO_ARGS, null, "<init>", stubClassName, il, cp);

        InstructionFactory fac = new InstructionFactory(stubClass, cp);

        // call super-constructor
        il.append(fac.createInvoke(stubClass.getSuperclassName(), "<init>",
                Type.VOID, Type.NO_ARGS, Constants.INVOKESPECIAL));

        // push "this"

        // get static initializer
                initializerField.getName(), initializerField.getType()));

        emitInvoke(il, fac, getStubHandlerRef);

        // checkCast
        il.append(fac.createCast(Type.OBJECT, handlerField.getType()));

        // put handlerField
        il.append(new PUTFIELD(cp.addFieldref(stubClassName, handlerField
                .getName(), handlerField.getSignature())));
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        Type[] args = new Type[] { handlerField.getType() };

        MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, Type.VOID, args,
                null, "<init>", stubClassName, il, cp);

        InstructionFactory fac = new InstructionFactory(stubClass, cp);

        // call super-constructor
        il.append(fac.createInvoke(stubClass.getSuperclassName(), "<init>",
                Type.VOID, Type.NO_ARGS, Constants.INVOKESPECIAL));

        // push this again...
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        String handlerGetName = stub_methods[0].getName();

        ConstantPoolGen cp = clazz.getConstantPool();
        InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
        InstructionFactory fac = new InstructionFactory(clazz, cp);

        Type methodReturnType = translate(Object.class);
        Type[] methodArgTypes = new Type[0];

        MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(
                Constants.ACC_FINAL | Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, methodReturnType,
                methodArgTypes, null, // arg names
                handlerGetName, clazz.getClassName(), il, cp);

        mg.addAttribute(new Synthetic(cp.addUtf8("Synthetic"), 0, null, cp

        // construct method body


        il.append(fac.createGetField(clazz.getClassName(), handlerField
                .getName(), handlerField.getType()));

        emitReturn(il, methodReturnType);

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        InstructionList il;

        cp = clazz.getConstantPool();
        il = new InstructionList();

        InstructionFactory fac = new InstructionFactory(clazz, cp);

        Type methodReturnType = translate(method.getReturnType());
        Type[] methodArgTypes = translate(method.getParameterTypes());

        MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(
                Constants.ACC_FINAL | Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, methodReturnType,
                methodArgTypes, null, // arg names
                method.getName(), clazz.getClassName(), il, cp);

        mg.addAttribute(new Synthetic(cp.addUtf8("Synthetic"), 0, null, cp

        Class[] throwsException = method.getExceptionTypes();
        for (int i = 0; i < throwsException.length; i++) {

        // BODY


        il.append(fac.createGetField(clazz.getClassName(), handlerField
                .getName(), handlerField.getType()));

        // push "this" as invoke's first argument

        // load data value
        if (dataField.isStatic()) {
            il.append(fac.createGetStatic(clazz.getClassName(), dataField
                    .getName(), dataField.getType()));
        } else {
            il.append(fac.createGetField(clazz.getClassName(), dataField
                    .getName(), dataField.getType()));

        il.append(new PUSH(cp, methodArgTypes.length));
        il.append((Instruction) fac.createNewArray(Type.OBJECT, (short) 1));

        int index = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < methodArgTypes.length; i++) {
            // dup array ref
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        InstructionList il;

        cp = clazz.getConstantPool();
        il = new InstructionList();

        InstructionFactory fac = new InstructionFactory(clazz, cp);

        Type methodReturnType = translate(method.getReturnType());
        Type[] methodArgTypes = translate(method.getParameterTypes());

        MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(
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            Constants.ACC_PUBLIC | Constants.ACC_FINAL | Constants.ACC_SUPER,

        ConstantPoolGen constantPoolGen = classGen.getConstantPool();
        InstructionFactory instructionFactory = new InstructionFactory(classGen,

        org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method getterMethod =
            constructGetterMethod(newClassName, constantPoolGen,
                                  instructionFactory, field);
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            Constants.ACC_PUBLIC | Constants.ACC_FINAL | Constants.ACC_SUPER,

        ConstantPoolGen constantPoolGen = classGen.getConstantPool();
        InstructionFactory instructionFactory = new InstructionFactory(classGen,

        org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method accessorMethod = null;
        if (isSetter) {
            accessorMethod =
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            LOG.debug("Creating mutator: " + methodName);

        MethodFabricator mf = _classFabricator.createMethod(methodName);
        mf.addArgument(fieldType, propertyName);

        InstructionFactory factory = _classFabricator.getInstructionFactory();

        mf.append(factory.createLoad(fieldType, 1));
        mf.append(factory.createPutField(_subclassName, fieldName, fieldType));

        // Persistent properties must invoke fireObservedChange()

        if (isPersistent)
            mf.append(new PUSH(_classFabricator.getConstantPool(), propertyName));
            mf.append(factory.createLoad(fieldType, 1));

            Type argumentType = convertToArgumentType(fieldType);

                    new Type[] { Type.STRING, argumentType },
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Related Classes of org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionFactory

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