Package org.apache.batik.util

Examples of org.apache.batik.util.ParsedURL

     * This method supports gzipped sources.
     * @param uri The document URI.
     * @exception IOException if an error occured while reading the document.
    public Document createDocument(String uri) throws IOException {
        ParsedURL purl = new ParsedURL(uri);

        InputStream is = purl.openStream(MimeTypeConstants.MIME_TYPES_SVG);

        InputSource isrc = new InputSource(is);
        // now looking for a charset encoding in the content type such
        // as "image/svg+xml; charset=iso8859-1" this is not official
        // for image/svg+xml yet! only for text/xml and maybe
        // for application/xml
        String contentType = purl.getContentType();
        int cindex = -1;
        if (contentType != null) {
            contentType = contentType.toLowerCase();
            cindex = contentType.indexOf(HTTP_CHARSET);
        if (cindex != -1) {
            int i                 = cindex + HTTP_CHARSET.length();
            int eqIdx = contentType.indexOf('=', i);
            if (eqIdx != -1) {
                eqIdx++; // no one is interested in the equals sign...

                String charset;
                // The patch had ',' as the terminator but I suspect
                // that is the delimiter between possible charsets,
                // but if another 'attribute' were in the accept header
                // charset would be terminated by a ';'.  So I look
                // for both and take to closer of the two.
                int idx     = contentType.indexOf(',', eqIdx);
                int semiIdx = contentType.indexOf(';', eqIdx);
                if ((semiIdx != -1) && ((semiIdx < idx) || (idx == -1)))
                    idx = semiIdx;
                if (idx != -1)
                    charset = contentType.substring(eqIdx, idx);
                    charset = contentType.substring(eqIdx);


        Document doc = super.createDocument
            (SVGDOMImplementation.SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, "svg", uri, isrc);
        try {
            ((SVGOMDocument)doc).setURLObject(new URL(purl.toString()));
        } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            // Not very likely to happen given we already opened the stream.
            throw new IOException("Malformed URL: " + uri);

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            securityPolicyProperty == null
            "".equals(securityPolicyProperty)) {
            // Access default policy file
            ParsedURL policyURL = new ParsedURL(securityEnforcer.getPolicyURL());
            // Override the user policy
            String dir = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_USER_HOME);
            File batikConfigDir = new File(dir, BATIK_CONFIGURATION_SUBDIRECTORY);
            File policyFile = new File(batikConfigDir, SQUIGGLE_POLICY_FILE);
            // Copy original policy file into local policy file
            Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(policyURL.openStream()));
            Writer w = new FileWriter(policyFile);
            char[] buf = new char[1024];
            int n = 0;
            while ( (, 0, buf.length)) != -1 ) {
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                    // Cannot access files.
                if(uri == null){
                    uri = arguments[i];
                    ParsedURL purl = null;
                    purl = new ParsedURL(arguments[i]);

                    if (!purl.complete())
                        // This is not a valid uri
                        uri = null;

                if (uri != null) {
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        Attr attr = elt.getAttributeNodeNS(XML_NAMESPACE_URI, "base");
        if (attr != null) {
            if (base == null) {
                base = attr.getNodeValue();
            } else {
                base = new ParsedURL(base, attr.getNodeValue()).toString();
        return base;
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        String oldURI = null;
        if (svgDocument != null) {
            oldURI = svgDocument.getURL();
        ParsedURL newURI = null;
        newURI = new ParsedURL(oldURI, url);

        url = newURI.toString();
        fragmentIdentifier = newURI.getRef();

        loader = new DocumentLoader(userAgent);
        nextDocumentLoader = new SVGDocumentLoader(url, loader);
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     * This method supports gzipped sources.
     * @param uri The document URI.
     * @exception IOException if an error occured while reading the document.
    public Document createDocument(String uri) throws IOException {
        ParsedURL purl = new ParsedURL(uri);

        InputStream is = purl.openStream(MimeTypeConstants.MIME_TYPES_SVG);

        InputSource isrc = new InputSource(is);
        // now looking for a charset encoding in the content type such
        // as "image/svg+xml; charset=iso8859-1" this is not official
        // for image/svg+xml yet! only for text/xml and maybe
        // for application/xml
        String contentType = purl.getContentType();
        int cindex = -1;
        if (contentType != null) {
            contentType = contentType.toLowerCase();
            cindex = contentType.indexOf(HTTP_CHARSET);
        if (cindex != -1) {
            int i                 = cindex + HTTP_CHARSET.length();
            int eqIdx = contentType.indexOf('=', i);
            if (eqIdx != -1) {
                eqIdx++; // no one is interested in the equals sign...

                String charset;
                // The patch had ',' as the terminator but I suspect
                // that is the delimiter between possible charsets,
                // but if another 'attribute' were in the accept header
                // charset would be terminated by a ';'.  So I look
                // for both and take to closer of the two.
                int idx     = contentType.indexOf(',', eqIdx);
                int semiIdx = contentType.indexOf(';', eqIdx);
                if ((semiIdx != -1) && ((semiIdx < idx) || (idx == -1)))
                    idx = semiIdx;
                if (idx != -1)
                    charset = contentType.substring(eqIdx, idx);
                    charset = contentType.substring(eqIdx);


        Document doc = super.createDocument
            (SVGDOMImplementation.SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, "svg", uri, isrc);
        try {
            ((SVGOMDocument)doc).setURLObject(new URL(purl.toString()));
        } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            // Not very likely to happen given we already opened the stream.
            throw new IOException("Malformed URL: " + uri);

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            throw new BridgeException(cursorElement, ERR_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING,
                                      new Object[] {"xlink:href"});

        String baseURI = XMLBaseSupport.getCascadedXMLBase(cursorElement);
        ParsedURL purl;
        if (baseURI == null) {
            purl = new ParsedURL(uriStr);
        } else {
            purl = new ParsedURL(baseURI, uriStr);

        // Convert the cursor's hot spot
        UnitProcessor.Context uctx
            = UnitProcessor.createContext(ctx, cursorElement);

        String s = cursorElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_X_ATTRIBUTE);
        float x = 0;
        if (s.length() != 0) {
            x = UnitProcessor.svgHorizontalCoordinateToUserSpace
                (s, SVG_X_ATTRIBUTE, uctx);

        s = cursorElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_Y_ATTRIBUTE);
        float y = 0;
        if (s.length() != 0) {
            y = UnitProcessor.svgVerticalCoordinateToUserSpace
                (s, SVG_Y_ATTRIBUTE, uctx);

        CursorDescriptor desc = new CursorDescriptor(purl, x, y);

        // Check if there is a cursor in the cache for this url
        Cursor cachedCursor = cursorCache.getCursor(desc);

        if (cachedCursor != null) {
            return cachedCursor;
        // Load image into Filter f and transform hotSpot to
        // cursor space.
        Point2D.Float hotSpot = new Point2D.Float(x, y);
        Filter f = cursorHrefToFilter(cursorElement,
        if (f == null) {
            return null;
        // The returned Filter is guaranteed to create a
        // default rendering of the desired size
        Rectangle cursorSize = f.getBounds2D().getBounds();
        RenderedImage ri = f.createScaledRendering(cursorSize.width,
        Image img = null;

        if (ri instanceof Image) {
            img = (Image)ri;
        } else {
            img = renderedImageToImage(ri);

        // Make sure the not spot does not fall out of the cursor area. If it
        // does, then clamp the coordinates to the image space.
        hotSpot.x = hotSpot.x < 0 ? 0 : hotSpot.x;
        hotSpot.y = hotSpot.y < 0 ? 0 : hotSpot.y;
        hotSpot.x = hotSpot.x > (cursorSize.width-1) ? cursorSize.width - 1 : hotSpot.x;
        hotSpot.y = hotSpot.y > (cursorSize.height-1) ? cursorSize.height - 1: hotSpot.y;

        // The cursor image is now into 'img'
        Cursor c = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
                                new Point((int)Math.round(hotSpot.x),

        cursorCache.putCursor(desc, c);
        return c;       
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        String baseURI = XMLBaseSupport.getCascadedXMLBase(ref);
        if ((baseURI == null) &&
            return document.getElementById(uri.substring(1));

        ParsedURL purl = new ParsedURL(baseURI, uri);

        if (documentURI == null)
            documentURI = document.getURL();

        String    frag  = purl.getRef();
        if ((frag != null) && (documentURI != null)) {
            ParsedURL pDocURL = new ParsedURL(documentURI);
            // System.out.println("doc: " + pDocURL);
            // System.out.println("Purl: " + purl);
            if (pDocURL.sameFile(purl)) {
                // System.out.println("match");
                return document.getElementById(frag);

        // uri is not a reference into this document, so load the
        // document it does reference after doing a security
        // check with the UserAgent
        ParsedURL pDocURL = null;
        if (documentURI != null) {
            pDocURL = new ParsedURL(documentURI);

        UserAgent userAgent = documentLoader.getUserAgent();
        userAgent.checkLoadExternalResource(purl, pDocURL);
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     * @param ctx the bridge context
    public BaseScriptingEnvironment(BridgeContext ctx) {
        bridgeContext = ctx;
        document = ctx.getDocument();
        docPURL = new ParsedURL(((SVGDocument)document).getURL());
        userAgent     = bridgeContext.getUserAgent();
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            // Java code invocation.
            if (type.equals(SVGConstants.SVG_SCRIPT_TYPE_JAVA)) {
                try {
                    String href = XLinkSupport.getXLinkHref(script);
                    ParsedURL purl = new ParsedURL
                        (XMLBaseSupport.getCascadedXMLBase(script), href);

                    checkCompatibleScriptURL(type, purl);

                    DocumentJarClassLoader cll;
                    URL docURL = null;
                    try {
                        docURL = new URL(docPURL.toString());
                    } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
                        /* nothing just let docURL be null */
                    cll = new DocumentJarClassLoader
                        (new URL(purl.toString()), docURL);
                    // Get the 'Script-Handler' entry in the manifest.
                    URL url = cll.findResource("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
                    if (url == null) {
                    Manifest man = new Manifest(url.openStream());
                    String sh;
                    sh = man.getMainAttributes().getValue("Script-Handler");
                    if (sh == null) {
                    // Run the script handler.
                    ScriptHandler h;
                    h = (ScriptHandler)cll.loadClass(sh).newInstance();
                    if (window == null) {
                        window = createWindow();
          , window);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (userAgent != null) {

            // Scripting language invocation.
            Interpreter interpreter = bridgeContext.getInterpreter(type);

            if (interpreter == null) {
                UserAgent ua = bridgeContext.getUserAgent();
                if (ua != null) {
                    ua.displayError(new Exception("Unknown language: "+type));

            if (!languages.contains(type)) {
                initializeEnvironment(interpreter, type);

            try {
                String href = XLinkSupport.getXLinkHref(script);
                String desc = Messages.getMessage(INLINE_SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION);
                Reader reader;
                if (href.length() > 0) {
                    desc = href;

                    // External script.
                    ParsedURL purl = new ParsedURL
                        (XMLBaseSupport.getCascadedXMLBase(script), href);
                    checkCompatibleScriptURL(type, purl);
                    reader = new InputStreamReader(purl.openStream());
                } else {
                    // Inline script.
                    Node n = script.getFirstChild();
                    if (n != null) {
                        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
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Related Classes of org.apache.batik.util.ParsedURL

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