float xScale = 1;
float yScale = 1;
r = (TextRun)textRuns.get(chunk.end-1);
TextSpanLayout layout = r.getLayout();
GVTGlyphMetrics lastMetrics =
Rectangle2D lastBounds = lastMetrics.getBounds2D();
float lastW = (float)(lastBounds.getWidth()+lastBounds.getX());
float lastH = (float)(lastBounds.getHeight());
Point2D visualAdvance;
if (!doAdjust) {
// System.out.println("Adv: " + chunk.advance);
// System.out.println("LastBounds: " + lastBounds);
// System.out.println("LastMetrics.hadv: " + lastMetrics.getHorizontalAdvance());
// System.out.println("LastMetrics.vadv: " + lastMetrics.getVerticalAdvance());
visualAdvance = new Point2D.Float
((float)(chunk.advance.getX() + lastW -
(float)(chunk.advance.getY() + lastH -
} else {
Point2D advance = chunk.advance;
// We have to do this here since textLength needs to be
// handled at the text chunk level. Otherwise tspans get
// messed up.
float delta = 0;
if (layout.isVertical()) {
if (lengthAdj == ADJUST_SPACING) {
yScale = (float)
} else {
double adv = (advance.getY()-
lastMetrics.getVerticalAdvance() + lastH);
yScale = (float)(length.floatValue()/adv);
visualAdvance = new Point2D.Float(0, length.floatValue());
} else {
if (lengthAdj == ADJUST_SPACING) {
xScale = (float)
} else {
double adv = (advance.getX() + lastW -
xScale = (float)(length.floatValue()/adv);
visualAdvance = new Point2D.Float(length.floatValue(), 0);
// System.out.println("Adv: " + advance + " Len: " + length +
// " scale: [" + xScale + ", " + yScale + "]");
Point2D.Float adv = new Point2D.Float(0,0);
for (int n=chunk.begin; n<chunk.end; ++n) {
r = (TextRun) textRuns.get(n);
layout = r.getLayout();
layout.setScale(xScale, yScale, lengthAdj==ADJUST_SPACING);
Point2D lAdv = layout.getAdvance2D();
adv.x += (float)lAdv.getX();
adv.y += (float)lAdv.getY();
chunk.advance = adv;
float dx = 0f;
float dy = 0f;
case TextNode.Anchor.ANCHOR_MIDDLE:
dx = (float) (-visualAdvance.getX()/2d);
dy = (float) (-visualAdvance.getY()/2d);
case TextNode.Anchor.ANCHOR_END:
dx = (float) (-visualAdvance.getX());
dy = (float) (-visualAdvance.getY());
// leave untouched
// System.out.println("DX/DY: [" + dx + ", " + dy + "]");
r = (TextRun) textRuns.get(chunk.begin);
layout = r.getLayout();
AttributedCharacterIterator runaci = r.getACI();
boolean vertical = layout.isVertical();
Float runX = (Float) runaci.getAttribute(XPOS);
Float runY = (Float) runaci.getAttribute(YPOS);
TextPath textPath = (TextPath) runaci.getAttribute(TEXTPATH);
// The point that the next peice of normal text should be
// layed out from, only used for normal text not text on a path.
float absX = (float)location.getX();
float absY = (float)location.getY();
// TextPath Shift used to account for startOffset.
float tpShiftX = 0;
float tpShiftY = 0;
// Of course X and Y override that, but they don't apply for
// text on a path.
if ((runX != null) && (!runX.isNaN())) {
absX = runX.floatValue();
tpShiftX = absX;
if ((runY != null) && (!runY.isNaN())) {
absY = runY.floatValue();
tpShiftY = absY;
// Factor in text-anchor in writing direction.
// Ignore tpShift in non-writing direction.
if (vertical) {
absY += dy;
tpShiftY += dy;
tpShiftX = 0;
} else {
absX += dx;
tpShiftX += dx;
tpShiftY = 0;
// System.out.println("ABS: [" + absX + "," + absY + "," +
// visualAdvance.getX() + "," +
// visualAdvance.getY() + "]");
for (int n=chunk.begin; n<chunk.end; ++n) {
r = (TextRun) textRuns.get(n);
layout = r.getLayout();
runaci = r.getACI();
textPath = (TextPath) runaci.getAttribute(TEXTPATH);
if (vertical) {
runX = (Float) runaci.getAttribute(XPOS);
if ((runX != null) && (!runX.isNaN())) {
absX = runX.floatValue();
} else {
runY = (Float) runaci.getAttribute(YPOS);
if ((runY != null) && (!runY.isNaN())) {
absY = runY.floatValue();
if (textPath == null) {
layout.setOffset(new Point2D.Float(absX, absY));
Point2D ladv = layout.getAdvance2D();
absX += ladv.getX();
absY += ladv.getY();
} else {
layout.setOffset(new Point2D.Float(tpShiftX, tpShiftY));
Point2D ladv = layout.getAdvance2D();
tpShiftX += (float)ladv.getX();
tpShiftY += (float)ladv.getY();
ladv = layout.getTextPathAdvance();
absX = (float)ladv.getX();
absY = (float)ladv.getY();
return new Point2D.Float(absX, absY);