dy = (Float) aci.getAttribute(DY);
rotation = (Float) aci.getAttribute(ROTATION);
baseline = aci.getAttribute(BASELINE_SHIFT);
GVTGlyphMetrics gm = gv.getGlyphMetrics(i);
if (i==0) {
if (isVertical()) {
if (glyphOrientationAuto) {
if (isLatinChar(ch)) {
// it will be rotated 90
verticalFirstOffset = 0f;
} else {
// it won't be rotated
verticalFirstOffset =
} else {
if (glyphOrientationAngle == 0) {
verticalFirstOffset =
} else {
// 90, 180, 270
verticalFirstOffset = 0f;
} else {
if ((glyphOrientationAngle == 270)) {
horizontalFirstOffset =
} else {
// 0, 90, 180
horizontalFirstOffset = 0;
} else {
if (glyphOrientationAuto &&
(verticalFirstOffset == 0f)
&& !isLatinChar(ch)) {
verticalFirstOffset = (float)gm.getBounds2D().getHeight();
// ox and oy are origin adjustments for each glyph,
// computed on the basis of baseline-shifts, etc.
float ox = 0f;
float oy = 0f;
float glyphOrientationRotation = 0f;
float glyphRotation = 0f;
if (ch != CharacterIterator.DONE) {
if (vertical) {
if (glyphOrientationAuto) {
if (isLatinChar(ch)) {
// If character is Latin, then rotate by
// 90 degrees
glyphOrientationRotation = (float) (Math.PI / 2f);
} else {
glyphOrientationRotation = 0f;
} else {
glyphOrientationRotation = (float)Math.toRadians(glyphOrientationAngle);
if (textPath != null) {
// if vertical and on a path, any x's are ignored
x = null;
} else {
glyphOrientationRotation = (float)Math.toRadians(glyphOrientationAngle);
if (textPath != null) {
// if horizontal and on a path, any y's are ignored
y = null;
// calculate the total rotation for this glyph
if (rotation == null || rotation.isNaN()) {
glyphRotation = glyphOrientationRotation;
} else {
glyphRotation = (rotation.floatValue() +
if ((x != null) && !x.isNaN()) {
if (i == 0)
shift_x_pos = (float)(x.floatValue()-offset.getX());
curr_x_pos = x.floatValue()-shift_x_pos;
if (dx != null && !dx.isNaN()) {
curr_x_pos += dx.floatValue();
if ((y != null) && !y.isNaN()) {
if (i == 0)
shift_y_pos = (float)(y.floatValue()-offset.getY());
curr_y_pos = y.floatValue()-shift_y_pos;
if (dy != null && !dy.isNaN()) {
curr_y_pos += dy.floatValue();
} else if (i > 0) {
curr_y_pos += gp[i*2 + 1]-gp[i*2 - 1];
float baselineAdjust = 0f;
if (baseline != null) {
if (baseline instanceof Integer) {
if (baseline==TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER) {
baselineAdjust = baselineAscent*0.5f;
} else if (baseline==TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUB) {
baselineAdjust = -baselineAscent*0.5f;
} else if (baseline instanceof Float) {
baselineAdjust = ((Float) baseline).floatValue();
if (vertical) {
ox = baselineAdjust;
} else {
oy = -baselineAdjust;
if (vertical) {
// offset due to rotation of first character
oy += verticalFirstOffset;
if (glyphOrientationAuto) {
if (isLatinChar(ch)) {
ox += metrics.getStrikethroughOffset();
} else {
Rectangle2D glyphBounds
= gv.getGlyphVisualBounds(i).getBounds2D();
ox -= (float)((glyphBounds.getMaxX() - gp[2*i]) -
} else {
// center the character if it's not auto orient
Rectangle2D glyphBounds
= gv.getGlyphVisualBounds(i).getBounds2D();
if (glyphOrientationAngle == 0) {
ox -= (float)((glyphBounds.getMaxX() - gp[2*i]) -
} else if (glyphOrientationAngle == 180) {
ox += (float)((glyphBounds.getMaxX() - gp[2*i]) -
} else if (glyphOrientationAngle == 90) {
ox += metrics.getStrikethroughOffset();
} else { // 270
ox -= metrics.getStrikethroughOffset();
} else {
ox += horizontalFirstOffset;
if (glyphOrientationAngle == 90) {
oy -= gm.getHorizontalAdvance();
} else if (glyphOrientationAngle == 180) {
oy -= metrics.getAscent();
// set the new glyph position
gv.setGlyphPosition(i, new Point2D.Float
// calculte the position of the next glyph
if (!ArabicTextHandler.arabicCharTransparent(ch)) {
// only apply the advance if the current char is not transparen
if (vertical) {
float advanceY = 0;
if (glyphOrientationAuto) {
if (isLatinChar(ch)) {
advanceY = gm.getHorizontalAdvance();
} else {
advanceY = gm.getVerticalAdvance();
} else {
if ((glyphOrientationAngle == 0) ||
(glyphOrientationAngle == 180)) {
advanceY = gm.getVerticalAdvance();
} else if (glyphOrientationAngle == 90) {
advanceY = gm.getHorizontalAdvance();
} else { // 270
advanceY = gm.getHorizontalAdvance();
// need to translate so that the spacing
// between chars is correct
(i, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance
(0, advanceY));
curr_y_pos += advanceY;
} else {
float advanceX = 0;
if (glyphOrientationAngle == 0) {
advanceX = gm.getHorizontalAdvance();
} else if (glyphOrientationAngle == 180) {
advanceX = gm.getHorizontalAdvance();
// need to translate so that the spacing
// between chars is correct
(i, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance
(advanceX, 0));
} else {
// 90, 270
advanceX = gm.getVerticalAdvance();
curr_x_pos += advanceX;