Package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.geom

Examples of org.apache.batik.ext.awt.geom.PathLength$SingleSegmentPathIterator

     * Returns the total length of the path.
    public float getTotalLength() {
        PathLength pl = getPathLengthObj();
        return pl.lengthOfPath();
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     * Returns the point at the given distance along the path.
    public Point2D getPointAtLength(float distance) {
        PathLength pl = getPathLengthObj();
        return pl.pointAtLength(distance);
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     * Returns the index of the path segment at the given distance along the
     * path.
    public int getPathSegAtLength(float distance) {
        PathLength pl = getPathLengthObj();
        return pl.segmentAtLength(distance);
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     * Constructs a TextPath based on the specified path.
     * @param path The general path along which text is to be laid.
    public TextPath(GeneralPath path) {
        pathLength = new PathLength(path);
        startOffset = 0;
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                                          float startOffset,
                                          float textLength,
                                          int lengthAdjustMode) {

        GeneralPath newPath = new GeneralPath();
        PathLength pl = new PathLength(path);
        float pathLength = pl.lengthOfPath();

        if ( glyphs == null ){
            return newPath;
        float glyphsLength = (float) glyphs.getVisualBounds().getWidth();

        // return from the ugly cases
        if (path == null ||
            glyphs.getNumGlyphs() == 0 ||
            pl.lengthOfPath() == 0f ||
            glyphsLength == 0f) {
            return newPath;

        // work out the expansion/contraction per character
        float lengthRatio = textLength / glyphsLength;

        // the current start point of the character on the path
        float currentPosition = startOffset;

        // if align is START then a currentPosition of 0f
        // is correct.
        // if align is END then the currentPosition should
        // be enough to place the last character on the end
        // of the path
        // if align is MIDDLE then the currentPosition should
        // be enough to center the glyphs on the path

        if (align == ALIGN_END) {
            currentPosition += pathLength - textLength;
        } else if (align == ALIGN_MIDDLE) {
            currentPosition += (pathLength - textLength) / 2;

        // iterate through the GlyphVector placing each glyph

        for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.getNumGlyphs(); i++) {

            GlyphMetrics gm = glyphs.getGlyphMetrics(i);

            float charAdvance = gm.getAdvance();

            Shape glyph = glyphs.getGlyphOutline(i);

            // if lengthAdjust was GLYPHS, then scale the glyph
            // by the lengthRatio in the X direction
            // FIXME: for vertical text this will be the Y direction
            if (lengthAdjustMode == ADJUST_GLYPHS) {
                AffineTransform scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(lengthRatio, 1.0f);
                glyph = scale.createTransformedShape(glyph);

                // charAdvance has to scale accordingly
                charAdvance *= lengthRatio;

            float glyphWidth = (float) glyph.getBounds2D().getWidth();

            // Use either of these to calculate the mid point
            // of the character along the path.
            // If you change this, you must also change the
            // transform on the glyph down below
            // In some case this gives better layout, but
            // the way it is at the moment is a closer match
            // to the textPath layout from the SVG spec

            //float charMidPos = currentPosition + charAdvance / 2f;
            float charMidPos = currentPosition + glyphWidth / 2f;

            // Calculate the actual point to place the glyph around
            Point2D charMidPoint = pl.pointAtLength(charMidPos);

            // Check if the glyph is actually on the path

            if (charMidPoint != null) {

                // Calculate the normal to the path (midline of glyph)
                float angle = pl.angleAtLength(charMidPos);

                // Define the transform of the glyph
                AffineTransform glyphTrans = new AffineTransform();

                // translate to the point on the path
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    private PathLength pathLength;
    private float startOffset;

    public TextPath(GeneralPath path) {
        pathLength = new PathLength(path);
        startOffset = 0;
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     * Constructs a TextPath based on the specified path.
     * @param path The general path along which text is to be laid.
    public TextPath(GeneralPath path) {
        pathLength = new PathLength(path);
        startOffset = 0;
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            float startOffset,
            float textLength,
            int lengthAdjustMode) {

  GeneralPath newPath = new GeneralPath();
  PathLength pl = new PathLength(path);
  float pathLength = pl.lengthOfPath();
  float glyphsLength = (float) glyphs.getVisualBounds().getWidth();

  // return from the ugly cases
  if (path == null ||
      glyphs == null ||
      glyphs.getNumGlyphs() == 0 ||
      pl.lengthOfPath() == 0f ||
      glyphsLength == 0f) {
      return newPath;

  // work out the expansion/contraction per character
  float lengthRatio = textLength / glyphsLength;

  // the current start point of the character on the path
  float currentPosition = startOffset;

  // if align is START then a currentPosition of 0f
  // is correct.
  // if align is END then the currentPosition should
  // be enough to place the last character on the end
  // of the path
  // if align is MIDDLE then the currentPosition should
  // be enough to center the glyphs on the path

  if (align == ALIGN_END) {
      currentPosition += pathLength - textLength;
  } else if (align == ALIGN_MIDDLE) {
      currentPosition += (pathLength - textLength) / 2;

  // iterate through the GlyphVector placing each glyph

  for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.getNumGlyphs(); i++) {
      GlyphMetrics gm = glyphs.getGlyphMetrics(i);

      float charAdvance = gm.getAdvance();

      Shape glyph = glyphs.getGlyphOutline(i);

      // if lengthAdjust was GLYPHS, then scale the glyph
      // by the lengthRatio in the X direction
      // FIXME: for vertical text this will be the Y direction
      if (lengthAdjustMode == ADJUST_GLYPHS) {
    AffineTransform scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(lengthRatio, 1f);
    glyph = scale.createTransformedShape(glyph);

    // charAdvance has to scale accordingly
    charAdvance *= lengthRatio;

      float glyphWidth = (float) glyph.getBounds2D().getWidth();
      // Use either of these to calculate the mid point
      // of the character along the path.
      // If you change this, you must also change the
      // transform on the glyph down below
      // In some case this gives better layout, but
      // the way it is at the moment is a closer match
      // to the textPath layout from the SVG spec

      //float charMidPos = currentPosition + charAdvance / 2f;
      float charMidPos = currentPosition + glyphWidth / 2f;

      // Calculate the actual point to place the glyph around
      Point2D charMidPoint = pl.pointAtLength(charMidPos);

      // Check if the glyph is actually on the path

      if (charMidPoint != null) {

    // Calculate the normal to the path (midline of glyph)
    float angle = pl.angleAtLength(charMidPos);

    // Define the transform of the glyph
    AffineTransform glyphTrans = new AffineTransform();

    // translate to the point on the path
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            float startOffset,
            float textLength,
            int lengthAdjustMode) {

  GeneralPath newPath = new GeneralPath();
  PathLength pl = new PathLength(path);
  float pathLength = pl.lengthOfPath();
  float glyphsLength = (float) glyphs.getVisualBounds().getWidth();

  // return from the ugly cases
  if (path == null ||
      glyphs == null ||
      glyphs.getNumGlyphs() == 0 ||
      pl.lengthOfPath() == 0f ||
      glyphsLength == 0f) {
      return newPath;

  // work out the expansion/contraction per character
  float lengthRatio = textLength / glyphsLength;

  // the current start point of the character on the path
  float currentPosition = startOffset;

  // if align is START then a currentPosition of 0f
  // is correct.
  // if align is END then the currentPosition should
  // be enough to place the last character on the end
  // of the path
  // if align is MIDDLE then the currentPosition should
  // be enough to center the glyphs on the path

  if (align == ALIGN_END) {
      currentPosition += pathLength - textLength;
  } else if (align == ALIGN_MIDDLE) {
      currentPosition += (pathLength - textLength) / 2;

  // iterate through the GlyphVector placing each glyph

  for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.getNumGlyphs(); i++) {
      GlyphMetrics gm = glyphs.getGlyphMetrics(i);

      float charAdvance = gm.getAdvance();

      Shape glyph = glyphs.getGlyphOutline(i);

      // if lengthAdjust was GLYPHS, then scale the glyph
      // by the lengthRatio in the X direction
      // FIXME: for vertical text this will be the Y direction
      if (lengthAdjustMode == ADJUST_GLYPHS) {
    AffineTransform scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(lengthRatio, 1f);
    glyph = scale.createTransformedShape(glyph);

    // charAdvance has to scale accordingly
    charAdvance *= lengthRatio;

      float glyphWidth = (float) glyph.getBounds2D().getWidth();
      // Use either of these to calculate the mid point
      // of the character along the path.
      // If you change this, you must also change the
      // transform on the glyph down below
      // In some case this gives better layout, but
      // the way it is at the moment is a closer match
      // to the textPath layout from the SVG spec

      //float charMidPos = currentPosition + charAdvance / 2f;
      float charMidPos = currentPosition + glyphWidth / 2f;

      // Calculate the actual point to place the glyph around
      Point2D charMidPoint = pl.pointAtLength(charMidPos);

      // Check if the glyph is actually on the path

      if (charMidPoint != null) {

    // Calculate the normal to the path (midline of glyph)
    float angle = pl.angleAtLength(charMidPos);

    // Define the transform of the glyph
    AffineTransform glyphTrans = new AffineTransform();

    // translate to the point on the path
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     * Returns the PathLength object that tracks the length of the path.
    protected PathLength getPathLengthObj() {
        Shape s = ((ShapeNode)node).getShape();
        if (pathLengthShape != s) {
            pathLength = new PathLength(s);
            pathLengthShape = s;
        return pathLength;
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Related Classes of org.apache.batik.ext.awt.geom.PathLength$SingleSegmentPathIterator

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