Package org.apache.axis2.util

Examples of org.apache.axis2.util.MetaDataEntry

                // get the object
                Object tmpObj = in.readObject();


                MetaDataEntry mdObj = (MetaDataEntry) tmpObj;

                // get the class name, then add it to the list
                String tmpClassNameStr;
                String tmpQNameAsStr;

                if (mdObj != null) {
                    tmpClassNameStr = mdObj.getClassName();

                    if (tmpClassNameStr.equalsIgnoreCase(MetaDataEntry.END_OF_LIST)) {
                        // this is the last entry
                        keepGoing = false;
                    } else {
                        // add the entry to the meta data list

                        tmpQNameAsStr = mdObj.getQNameAsString();

                        if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                            String tmpHasList = mdObj.isListEmpty() ? "no children" : "has children";

                            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                log.trace(getLogIDString() +
                                    ":readExternal(): meta data class [" + tmpClassNameStr +
                                    "] qname [" + tmpQNameAsStr + "]  index [" + count + "]   [" +
                                    tmpHasList + "]");
                } else {
                    // some error occurred
                    keepGoing = false;

            } // end while keep going

            int adjustedNumberEntries = in.readInt();

            if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace(getLogIDString() +
                        ":readExternal(): adjusted number of entries ExecutionChain [" +
                        adjustedNumberEntries + "]    ");

        if ((metaExecutionChain == null) || (metaExecutionChain.isEmpty())) {
            if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace(getLogIDString() +
                        ":readExternal(): meta data for Execution Chain is NULL");

        // LinkedList executedPhases
        // Note that in previous versions of Axis2, this was
        // represented by two lists: "inboundExecutedPhases", "outboundExecutedPhases",
        // however since the message context itself represents a flow
        // direction, one of these lists was always null.  This was changed
        // around 2007-06-08 revision r545615.  For backward compatability
        // with streams saved in previous versions of Axis2, we need
        // to be able to process both the old style and new style.
        // Restore the metadata about each member of the list
        // and the order of the list.
        // This metadata will be used to match up with phases
        // and handlers on the engine.
        // Non-null list:
        //    UTF          - description string
        //    boolean      - active flag
        //    int          - expected number of entries in the list
        //                        not including the last entry marker
        //    objects      - MetaDataEntry object per list entry
        //                        last entry will be empty MetaDataEntry
        //                        with MetaDataEntry.LAST_ENTRY marker
        //    int          - adjusted number of entries in the list
        //                        includes the last empty entry
        // Empty list:
        //    UTF          - description string
        //    boolean      - empty flag

        // the local chain is not enabled until the
        // list has been reconstituted
        executedPhases = null;
        metaExecuted = null;

        marker = in.readUTF();
        if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(getLogIDString() +
                      ": readExternal(): About to read executedPhases, marker is: " + marker);
        // Previous versions of Axis2 saved two phases in the stream, although one should
        // always have been null.  The two phases and their associated markers are, in this order:
        // "inboundExecutedPhases", "outboundExecutedPhases".
        boolean gotInExecList = in.readBoolean();
        boolean oldStyleExecutedPhases = false;
        if (marker.equals("inboundExecutedPhases")) {
            oldStyleExecutedPhases = true;
        if (oldStyleExecutedPhases && (gotInExecList == ExternalizeConstants.EMPTY_OBJECT)) {
            // There are an inboundExecutedPhases and an outboundExecutedPhases and this one
            // is empty, so skip over it and read the next one
            marker = in.readUTF();
            if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace(getLogIDString() +
                          ": readExternal(): Skipping over oldStyle empty inboundExecutedPhases");
                log.trace(getLogIDString() +
                          ": readExternal(): About to read executedPhases, marker is: " + marker);
            gotInExecList = in.readBoolean();
         * At this point, the stream should point to either "executedPhases" if this is the
         * new style of serialization.  If it is the oldStyle, it should point to whichever
         * of "inbound" or "outbound" executed phases contains an active object, since only one
         * should
        if (gotInExecList == ExternalizeConstants.ACTIVE_OBJECT) {
            int expectedNumberInExecList = in.readInt();

            if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace(getLogIDString() +
                        ":readExternal(): executed phases:  expected number of entries [" +
                        expectedNumberInExecList + "]");

            // setup the list
            metaExecuted = new LinkedList<MetaDataEntry>();

            // process the objects
            boolean keepGoing = true;
            int count = 0;

            while (keepGoing) {
                // stop when we get to the end-of-list marker

                // get the object
                Object tmpObj = in.readObject();


                MetaDataEntry mdObj = (MetaDataEntry) tmpObj;

                // get the class name, then add it to the list
                String tmpClassNameStr;
                String tmpQNameAsStr;
                String tmpHasList = "no list";

                if (mdObj != null) {
                    tmpClassNameStr = mdObj.getClassName();

                    if (tmpClassNameStr.equalsIgnoreCase(MetaDataEntry.END_OF_LIST)) {
                        // this is the last entry
                        keepGoing = false;
                    } else {
                        // add the entry to the meta data list

                        tmpQNameAsStr = mdObj.getQNameAsString();

                        if (!mdObj.isListEmpty()) {
                            tmpHasList = "has list";

                        if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                            log.trace(getLogIDString() +
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            while (i.hasNext()) {
                Object obj =;
                String objClass = obj.getClass().getName();

                // start the meta data entry for this object
                MetaDataEntry mdEntry = new MetaDataEntry();

                // get the correct object-specific name
                String qnameAsString;

                if (obj instanceof Phase) {
                    // nested condition, the phase object contains another phase!
                    Phase phaseObj = (Phase) obj;
                    qnameAsString = phaseObj.getName();

                    // add the list of handlers to the meta data
                    setupPhaseList(phaseObj, mdEntry);
                } else if (obj instanceof Handler) {
                    Handler handlerObj = (Handler) obj;
                    qnameAsString = handlerObj.getName();
                } else {
                    // TODO: will there be any other kinds of objects
                    // in the list?
                    qnameAsString = "NULL";


                // done with setting up the meta data for the list entry
                // so add it to the parent
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        // AxisService
        metaAxisService = null;
        if (axisService != null) {
            metaAxisService =
                    new MetaDataEntry(axisService.getClass().getName(), axisService.getName());

        // parent
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        // TransportListener listener
        metaListener = null;
        if (listener != null) {
            metaListener = new MetaDataEntry(listener.getClass().getName(), null);

        // TransportInDescription transportIn
        metaTransportIn = null;
        if (transportIn != null) {
            metaTransportIn = new MetaDataEntry(null, transportIn.getName().toString());

        // TransportOutDescription transportOut
        metaTransportOut = null;
        if (transportOut != null) {
            metaTransportOut = new MetaDataEntry(null, transportOut.getName().toString());

        // collections and lists
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        // AxisServiceGroup
        metaAxisServiceGroup = null;
        if (axisServiceGroup != null) {
            metaAxisServiceGroup = new MetaDataEntry(axisServiceGroup.getClass().getName(),

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        // AxisOperation axisOperation
        out.writeUTF("metaAxisOperation"); // write marker
        metaAxisOperation = null;
        if (axisOperation != null) {
            metaAxisOperation = new MetaDataEntry(axisOperation.getClass().getName(),

        // AxisOperation axisService
        // save the meta data for the corresponding axis service to better
        // match up the axis operation
        out.writeUTF("metaAxisService"); // write marker
        metaAxisService = null;
        AxisService axisService = axisOperation.getAxisService();

        if (axisService != null) {
            metaAxisService =
                    new MetaDataEntry(axisService.getClass().getName(), axisService.getName());

        // parent
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                    //           MessageContext class name
                    //           MessageContext messageID
                    //           key used in the original hashmap that is associated with this MessageContext
                    //                    note: this is typically something like "In", "Out", "Fault"
                    MetaDataEntry metaData = new MetaDataEntry(value.getClass().getName(),

                    // put the meta data entry in the list
                    // note that if the entry was already in the list,
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            Iterator itMeta = metaMessageContextMap.keySet().iterator();

            while (itMeta.hasNext()) {
                String keyM = (String);

                MetaDataEntry valueM = (MetaDataEntry) metaMessageContextMap.get(keyM);
                String valueM_ID;

                if (valueM != null) {
                    valueM_ID = valueM.getQNameAsString();

                    if (msgID.equals(valueM_ID)) {
                        String label = valueM.getExtraName();

                        if (messageContexts == null) {
                            messageContexts = new HashMap();
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        // AxisOperation axisOperation
        out.writeUTF("metaAxisOperation"); // write marker
        metaAxisOperation = null;
        if (axisOperation != null) {
            metaAxisOperation = new MetaDataEntry(axisOperation.getClass().getName(),

        // AxisOperation axisService
        // save the meta data for the corresponding axis service to better
        // match up the axis operation
        out.writeUTF("metaAxisService"); // write marker
        metaAxisService = null;
        AxisService axisService = axisOperation.getAxisService();

        if (axisService != null) {
            String serviceAndPortNames = ActivateUtils.getAxisServiceExternalizeExtraName(axisService);
            // If there is a service & port QName stored on the AxisService then write it out so
            // it can be used during deserialization to hook up the message context to the
            // correct AxisService.
            metaAxisService =
                    new MetaDataEntry(axisService.getClass().getName(), axisService.getName(),

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                    //           MessageContext class name
                    //           MessageContext messageID
                    //           key used in the original hashmap that is associated with this MessageContext
                    //                    note: this is typically something like "In", "Out", "Fault"
                    MetaDataEntry metaData = new MetaDataEntry(value.getClass().getName(),

                    // put the meta data entry in the list
                    // note that if the entry was already in the list,
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.util.MetaDataEntry

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