
Examples of

        } else if (elementLevel == 2) {

            // this is either a header or a body
            if (elementName.equals(SOAPConstants.HEADER_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (headerPresent) {
                    throw new OMBuilderException("Multiple headers encountered!");
                if (bodyPresent) {
                    throw new OMBuilderException("Header Body wrong order!");
                headerPresent = true;
                element =
                        soapFactory.createSOAPHeader((SOAPEnvelope) parent,

                // envelope.setHeader((SOAPHeader)element);
                processNamespaceData(element, true);

            } else if (elementName.equals(SOAPConstants.BODY_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (bodyPresent) {
                    throw new OMBuilderException("Multiple body elements encountered");
                bodyPresent = true;
                element =
                        soapFactory.createSOAPBody((SOAPEnvelope) parent,

                // envelope.setBody((SOAPBody)element);
                processNamespaceData(element, true);

            } else {
                throw new OMBuilderException(elementName
                        + " is not supported here. Envelope can not have elements other than Header and Body.");
        } else if ((elementLevel == 3)
                && parent.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase(SOAPConstants.HEADER_LOCAL_NAME)) {

            // this is a headerblock
            try {
                element = soapFactory.createSOAPHeaderBlock(elementName, null,
                        (SOAPHeader) parent, this);
            } catch (SOAPProcessingException e) {
                throw new OMBuilderException(e);
            processNamespaceData(element, false);

        } else if ((elementLevel == 3) && parent.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase(SOAPConstants.BODY_LOCAL_NAME) && elementName.equalsIgnoreCase(SOAPConstants.BODY_FAULT_LOCAL_NAME)) {
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        // if (namespace == null) {
        // throw new OMException("All elements must be namespace qualified!");
        // }
        if (isSOAPElement) {
            if (node.getNamespace() != null && !node.getNamespace().getName().equals(SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI) && !node.getNamespace().getName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI)) {
                throw new OMBuilderException("invalid SOAP namespace URI");

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        // if (namespace == null) {
        // throw new OMException("All elements must be namespace qualified!");
        // }
        if (isSOAPElement) {
            if (node.getNamespace() != null && !node.getNamespace().getName().equals(SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI) && !node.getNamespace().getName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI)) {
                throw new OMBuilderException("invalid SOAP namespace URI");

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        OMElement element = null;

        if (elementLevel == 4) {
            if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (codePresent) {
                    throw new OMBuilderException("Multiple Code element encountered");
                } else {
                    element = factory.createSOAPFaultCode((SOAPFault) parent, builder);
                    codePresent = true;
                    codeprocessing = true;
            } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_REASON_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (!codeprocessing && !subCodeProcessing) {
                    if (codePresent) {
                        if (reasonPresent) {
                            throw new OMBuilderException("Multiple Reason Element encountered");
                        } else {
                            element = factory.createSOAPFaultReason((SOAPFault) parent, builder);
                            reasonPresent = true;
                            reasonProcessing = true;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("Wrong element order encountred at " + parser.getLocalName());
                } else {
                    if (codeprocessing) {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("Code doesn't have a value");
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("A subcode doesn't have a Value");

            } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_NODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (!reasonProcessing) {
                    if (reasonPresent && !rolePresent && !detailPresent) {
                        if (nodePresent) {
                            throw new OMBuilderException("Multiple Node element encountered");
                        } else {
                            element = factory.createSOAPFaultNode((SOAPFault) parent, builder);
                            nodePresent = true;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("wrong element order encountered at " + parser.getLocalName());
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException("Reason element Should have a text");
            } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_ROLE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (!reasonProcessing) {
                    if (reasonPresent && !detailPresent) {
                        if (rolePresent) {
                            throw new OMBuilderException("Multiple Role element encountered");
                        } else {
                            element = factory.createSOAPFaultRole((SOAPFault) parent, builder);
                            rolePresent = true;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("Wrong element order encountered at " + parser.getLocalName());
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException("Reason element should have a text");
            } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_DETAIL_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (!reasonProcessing) {
                    if (reasonPresent) {
                        if (detailPresent) {
                            throw new OMBuilderException("Multiple detail element encountered");
                        } else {
                            element = factory.createSOAPFaultDetail((SOAPFault) parent, builder);
                            detailPresent = true;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("wrong element order encountered at " + parser.getLocalName());
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException("Reason element should have a text");
            } else {
                throw new OMBuilderException(parser.getLocalName() + " unsupported element in SOAPFault element");

        } else if (elementLevel == 5) {
            if (parent.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_VALUE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    if (!valuePresent) {
                        element = factory.createSOAPFaultValue((SOAPFaultCode) parent, builder);
                        valuePresent = true;
                        codeprocessing = false;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("Multiple value Encountered in code element");

                } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_SUB_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    if (!subcodePresent) {
                        if (valuePresent) {
                            element = factory.createSOAPFaultSubCode((SOAPFaultCode) parent, builder);
                            subcodePresent = true;
                            subCodeProcessing = true;
                        } else {
                            throw new OMBuilderException("Value should present before the subcode");

                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("multiple subcode Encountered in code element");
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(parser.getLocalName() + " is not supported inside the code element");

            } else if (parent.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_REASON_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_TEXT_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    element = factory.createSOAPFaultText((SOAPFaultReason) parent, builder);
                    reasonProcessing = false;
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(parser.getLocalName() + " is not supported inside the reason");
            } else if (parent.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_DETAIL_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                element = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMElement(parser.getLocalName(), null, parent, builder);
                detailElementNames = new Vector();

            } else {
                throw new OMBuilderException(parent.getLocalName() + " should not have child element");

        } else if (elementLevel > 5) {
            if (parent.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_SUB_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_VALUE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    if (subcodeValuePresent) {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("multiple subCode value encountered");
                    } else {
                        element = factory.createSOAPFaultValue((SOAPFaultSubCode) parent, builder);
                        subcodeValuePresent = true;
                        subSubcodePresent = false;
                        subCodeProcessing = false;
                } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_SUB_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    if (subcodeValuePresent) {
                        if (!subSubcodePresent) {
                            element = factory.createSOAPFaultSubCode((SOAPFaultSubCode) parent, builder);
                            subcodeValuePresent = false;
                            subSubcodePresent = true;
                            subCodeProcessing = true;
                        } else {
                            throw new OMBuilderException("multiple subcode encountered");
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException("Value should present before the subcode");
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(parser.getLocalName() + " is not supported inside the subCode element");
            } else if (builder.isProcessingDetailElements()) {
                int detailElementLevel = 0;
                boolean localNameExist = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < detailElementNames.size(); i++) {
                    if (parent.getLocalName().equals((String) detailElementNames.get(i))) {
                        localNameExist = true;
                        detailElementLevel = i + 1;
                if (localNameExist) {
                    element = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMElement(parser.getLocalName(), null, parent, builder);

            } else {
                throw new OMBuilderException(parent.getLocalName() + " should not have child at element level " + elementLevel);

        processNamespaceData(element,  false);
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        } else if (elementLevel == 5) {

            if (parent.getLocalName().equals(SOAP_FAULT_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                throw new OMBuilderException(
                        "faultcode element should not have children");
            } else if (parent.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP_FAULT_STRING_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                throw new OMBuilderException(
                        "faultstring element should not have children");
            } else if (parent.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP_FAULT_ACTOR_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                throw new OMBuilderException(
                        "faultactor element should not have children");
            } else {
                element =
                                localName, null, parent, builder);
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            if (node.getNamespace() != null &&
                            SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI) &&
                            SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI)) {
                throw new OMBuilderException("invalid SOAP namespace URI");

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        if (elementLevel == 4) {
            if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (codePresent) {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(
                            "Multiple Code element encountered");
                } else {
                    element =
                            factory.createSOAPFaultCode((SOAPFault) parent,
                    codePresent = true;
                    codeprocessing = true;
            } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_REASON_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (!codeprocessing && !subCodeProcessing) {
                    if (codePresent) {
                        if (reasonPresent) {
                            throw new OMBuilderException(
                                    "Multiple Reason Element encountered");
                        } else {
                            element =
                                            (SOAPFault) parent, builder);
                            reasonPresent = true;
                            reasonProcessing = true;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "Wrong element order encountred at " +
                } else {
                    if (codeprocessing) {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "Code doesn't have a value");
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "A subcode doesn't have a Value");

            } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_NODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (!reasonProcessing) {
                    if (reasonPresent && !rolePresent && !detailPresent) {
                        if (nodePresent) {
                            throw new OMBuilderException(
                                    "Multiple Node element encountered");
                        } else {
                            element =
                                            (SOAPFault) parent, builder);
                            nodePresent = true;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "wrong element order encountered at " +
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(
                            "Reason element Should have a text");
            } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_ROLE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (!reasonProcessing) {
                    if (reasonPresent && !detailPresent) {
                        if (rolePresent) {
                            throw new OMBuilderException(
                                    "Multiple Role element encountered");
                        } else {
                            element =
                                            (SOAPFault) parent, builder);
                            rolePresent = true;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "Wrong element order encountered at " +
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(
                            "Reason element should have a text");
            } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_DETAIL_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (!reasonProcessing) {
                    if (reasonPresent) {
                        if (detailPresent) {
                            throw new OMBuilderException(
                                    "Multiple detail element encountered");
                        } else {
                            element =
                                            (SOAPFault) parent, builder);
                            detailPresent = true;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "wrong element order encountered at " +
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(
                            "Reason element should have a text");
            } else {
                throw new OMBuilderException(
                        parser.getLocalName() +
                        " unsupported element in SOAPFault element");

        } else if (elementLevel == 5) {
            if (parent.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                        SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_VALUE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    if (!valuePresent) {
                        element =
                                        (SOAPFaultCode) parent, builder);
                        valuePresent = true;
                        codeprocessing = false;
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "Multiple value Encountered in code element");

                } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                        SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_SUB_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    if (!subcodePresent) {
                        if (valuePresent) {
                            element =
                                            (SOAPFaultCode) parent, builder);
                            subcodePresent = true;
                            subCodeProcessing = true;
                        } else {
                            throw new OMBuilderException(
                                    "Value should present before the subcode");

                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "multiple subcode Encountered in code element");
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(
                            parser.getLocalName() +
                            " is not supported inside the code element");

            } else if (parent.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_REASON_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                        SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_TEXT_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    element =
                                    (SOAPFaultReason) parent, builder);
                    reasonProcessing = false;
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(
                            parser.getLocalName() +
                            " is not supported inside the reason");
            } else if (parent.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_DETAIL_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                element =
                                parser.getLocalName(), null, parent, builder);
                detailElementNames = new Vector();

            } else {
                throw new OMBuilderException(
                        parent.getLocalName() +
                        " should not have child element");

        } else if (elementLevel > 5) {
            if (parent.getLocalName().equals(
                    SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_SUB_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                        SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_VALUE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    if (subcodeValuePresent) {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "multiple subCode value encountered");
                    } else {
                        element =
                                        (SOAPFaultSubCode) parent, builder);
                        subcodeValuePresent = true;
                        subSubcodePresent = false;
                        subCodeProcessing = false;
                } else if (parser.getLocalName().equals(
                        SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_SUB_CODE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    if (subcodeValuePresent) {
                        if (!subSubcodePresent) {
                            element =
                                            (SOAPFaultSubCode) parent,
                            subcodeValuePresent = false;
                            subSubcodePresent = true;
                            subCodeProcessing = true;
                        } else {
                            throw new OMBuilderException(
                                    "multiple subcode encountered");
                    } else {
                        throw new OMBuilderException(
                                "Value should present before the subcode");
                } else {
                    throw new OMBuilderException(
                            parser.getLocalName() +
                            " is not supported inside the subCode element");
            } else if (builder.isProcessingDetailElements()) {
                int detailElementLevel = 0;
                boolean localNameExist = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < detailElementNames.size(); i++) {
                    if (parent.getLocalName().equals(
                            detailElementNames.get(i))) {
                        localNameExist = true;
                        detailElementLevel = i + 1;
                if (localNameExist) {
                    element =

            } else {
                throw new OMBuilderException(
                        parent.getLocalName() +
                        " should not have child at element level " +
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            String charSetEncoding = BuilderUtil.getCharSetEncoding(contentTypeStr);
                    Constants.Configuration.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, charSetEncoding);
            boolean eprFound = false;
            if (endpointsConfiguration != null) {
                URLEndpoint epr = endpointsConfiguration.getEndpoint(request.getRequestLine().getUri());
                if (epr != null) {
                    eprFound = true;
                    String type = TransportUtils.getContentType(contentTypeStr, msgContext);
                    msgContext.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE, type);

                    Builder builder = epr.getBuilder(type);
                    if (HTTPTransportUtils.isRESTRequest(contentTypeStr)) {
                        RESTUtil.processPOSTRequest(msgContext, is, os,
                                request.getRequestLine().getUri(), contentType, builder, isRestDispatching);
                    } else {
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            String contentTypeStr = contentType != null ?
                    contentType.getValue() : inferContentType();

            boolean eprFound = false;
            if (endpointsConfiguration != null) {
                URLEndpoint epr = endpointsConfiguration.getEndpoint(request.getRequestLine().getUri());
                if (epr != null) {
                    eprFound = true;
                    String type = TransportUtils.getContentType(contentTypeStr, msgContext);
                    msgContext.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE, type);


                    Builder builder = epr.getBuilder(type);
                            msgContext, os, request.getRequestLine().getUri(),
                            request.getFirstHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE), builder,
                            method, isRestDispatching);
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        params = getListenerParameters();

        param = transportIn.getParameter(NhttpConstants.ENDPOINTS_CONFIGURATION);
        if (param != null && param.getValue() != null) {
            endpoints = new URLEndpointsConfigurationFactory().create(param.getValue().toString());
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