Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.runtime.description.marshal

Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.runtime.description.marshal.MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription

            //      This element is called the wrapper element
            //   4) The parameters are (param) are child elements of the wrapper element.
            //   5) For "minimal" the pojo bean representing the OperationResponse is missing
            ParameterDescription[] pds = operationDesc.getParameterDescriptions();
            MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =
            TreeSet<String> packages = marshalDesc.getPackages();

            // Indicate that the style is Document.
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        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("marshalFaultResponse operationDesc = " + operationDesc);
        EndpointInterfaceDescription ed = operationDesc.getEndpointInterfaceDescription();
        EndpointDescription endpointDesc = ed.getEndpointDescription();
        MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =
        TreeSet<String> packages = marshalDesc.getPackages();

        // We want to respond with the same protocol as the request,
        // It the protocol is null, then use the Protocol defined by the binding
        if (protocol == null) {
            protocol = Protocol.getProtocolForBinding(endpointDesc.getBindingType());
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        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("demarshalFaultResponse operationDesc = " + operationDesc);
        EndpointInterfaceDescription ed = operationDesc.getEndpointInterfaceDescription();
        EndpointDescription endpointDesc = ed.getEndpointDescription();
        MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =

        // Note all exceptions are caught and rethrown with a WebServiceException
        try {
            Throwable t = MethodMarshallerUtils
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            //   3) The name of the data block (m:operationResponse) is defined by the schema.
            //      It matches the operation name + "Response", and it has a corresponding JAXB element.
            //      This element is called the wrapper element
            //   4) The parameters are (param) are child elements of the wrapper element.
            ParameterDescription[] pds = operationDesc.getParameterDescriptions();
            MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =
            TreeSet<String> packages = marshalDesc.getPackages();
            String packagesKey = marshalDesc.getPackagesKey();
            // Remember this unmarshal information so that we can speed up processing
            // the next time.
            MessageContext mc = message.getMessageContext();
            if (MethodMarshallerUtils.getUnmarshalInfoParameter(mc) == null &&
                shouldRegiserUnmarshalInfo(operationDesc, marshalDesc, endpointDesc)) {

            // Determine if a returnValue is expected.
            // The return value may be an child element
            // The wrapper element
            // or null
            Object returnValue = null;
            Class returnType = operationDesc.getResultActualType();
            boolean isChildReturn = !operationDesc.isJAXWSAsyncClientMethod() &&
                    (operationDesc.getResultPartName() != null);
            boolean isNoReturn = (returnType == void.class);

            // In usage=WRAPPED, there will be a single JAXB block inside the body.
            // Get this block
            JAXBBlockContext blockContext = new JAXBBlockContext(packages, packagesKey);
            // If the wrapper is not a root element, then the process type
            // must be set on the context so that "by type" unmarshal is performed.
            if (!isResponseWrapperAnXmlRootElement(operationDesc, marshalDesc, endpointDesc)) {
              String clsName = marshalDesc.getResponseWrapperClassName(operationDesc);
              Class cls = loadClass(clsName,endpointDesc);
            JAXBBlockFactory factory =
            Block block = message.getBodyBlock(blockContext, factory);
            Object wrapperObject = block.getBusinessObject(true);

            // The child elements are within the object that
            // represents the type
            if (wrapperObject instanceof JAXBElement) {
                wrapperObject = ((JAXBElement)wrapperObject).getValue();

            // Get the list of names for the output parameters
            List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<ParameterDescription> pdList = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription>();
            for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
                if (pd.getMode() == Mode.OUT ||
                        pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT) {

            if (pdList.size() == 0) {
                // No OUT or INOUT parameters
                // Use return only shortcut
                if (isNoReturn) {
                    returnValue = null;
                } else if (isChildReturn) {
                    String returnName = operationDesc.getResultPartName();
                    // Use the wrapper tool to get the child objects.
                    JAXBWrapperTool wrapperTool = new JAXBWrapperToolImpl();
                    Object object = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject,
                    returnValue = object;
                    // returnValue may be incompatible with JAX-WS signature
                    if (ConvertUtils.isConvertable(returnValue, returnType)) {
                        returnValue = ConvertUtils.convert(returnValue, returnType);
                    } else {
                        String objectClass =
                                (returnValue == null) ? "null" : returnValue.getClass().getName();
                        throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(
                                Messages.getMessage("convertProblem", objectClass,
                } else {
                    returnValue = wrapperObject;
            } else {
                // There are one or more OUT or INOUT parameters
                // The return name is added as the last name
                if (isChildReturn && !isNoReturn) {

                // Use the wrapper tool to get the child objects.
                JAXBWrapperTool wrapperTool = new JAXBWrapperToolImpl();
                // Get the child objects
                Object[] objects = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject, names,

                // Now create a list of paramValues so that we can populate the signature
                List<PDElement> pvList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();
                for (int i = 0; i < pdList.size(); i++) {
                    ParameterDescription pd = pdList.get(i);
                    Object value = objects[i];
                    // The object in the PDElement must be an element
                    Element element = null;
                    QName qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), pd.getPartName());
                    if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(pd.getParameterActualType()).hasXmlRootElement())
                        element = new Element(value, qName,

                    } else {
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            //   3) The name of the data block (m:operationResponse) is defined by the schema.
            //      It matches the operation name + "Response", and it has a corresponding JAXB element.
            //      This element is called the wrapper element
            //   4) The parameters are (param) are child elements of the wrapper element.
            ParameterDescription[] pds = operationDesc.getParameterDescriptions();
            MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =
            TreeSet<String> packages = marshalDesc.getPackages();
            String packagesKey = marshalDesc.getPackagesKey();

            // Determine if a returnValue is expected.
            // The return value may be an child element
            // The wrapper element
            // or null
            Object returnValue = null;
            Class returnType = operationDesc.getResultActualType();
            boolean isChildReturn = !operationDesc.isJAXWSAsyncClientMethod() &&
                    (operationDesc.getResultPartName() != null);
            boolean isNoReturn = (returnType == void.class);

            // In usage=WRAPPED, there will be a single JAXB block inside the body.
            // Get this block
            JAXBBlockContext blockContext = new JAXBBlockContext(packages, packagesKey);
            // If the wrapper is not a root element, then the process type
            // must be set on the context so that "by type" unmarshal is performed.
            if (!isResponseWrapperAnXmlRootElement(operationDesc, marshalDesc, endpointDesc)) {
              String clsName = marshalDesc.getResponseWrapperClassName(operationDesc);
              Class cls = loadClass(clsName,endpointDesc);
            JAXBBlockFactory factory =
            Block block = message.getBodyBlock(blockContext, factory);
            Object wrapperObject = block.getBusinessObject(true);

            // The child elements are within the object that
            // represents the type
            if (wrapperObject instanceof JAXBElement) {
                wrapperObject = ((JAXBElement)wrapperObject).getValue();

            // Use the wrapper tool to get the child objects.
            JAXBWrapperTool wrapperTool = new JAXBWrapperToolImpl();

            // Get the list of names for the output parameters
            List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<ParameterDescription> pdList = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription>();
            for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
                if (pd.getMode() == Mode.OUT ||
                        pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT) {
                    if (!pd.isHeader()) {
                        // Header names are not in the wrapped element

            if (!operationDesc.isResultHeader()) {
                // Normal case (Body Result) The return name is in the wrapped object
                if (isChildReturn && !isNoReturn) {

            // Get the child objects
            Object[] objects = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject, names,

            // Now create a list of paramValues so that we can populate the signature
            List<PDElement> pvList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();
            int bodyIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < pdList.size(); i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pdList.get(i);
                if (!pd.isHeader()) {
                    // Body elements are obtained from the unwrapped array of objects
                    Object value = objects[bodyIndex];
                    // The object in the PDElement must be an element
                    QName qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(),
                    Element element = null;
                    if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(pd.getParameterActualType())
                            .hasXmlRootElement()) {
                        element = new Element(value, qName, pd.getParameterActualType());
                    } else {
                        element = new Element(value, qName);
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            //   2) The data blocks are located underneath the body. 
            //   3) The name of the data block (m:operation) is defined by the schema and match the name of the operation.
            //      This is called the wrapper element.  The wrapper element has a corresponding JAXB element pojo.
            //   4) The parameters (m:param) are child elements of the wrapper element.
            ParameterDescription[] pds = operationDesc.getParameterDescriptions();
            MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =
            TreeSet<String> packages = marshalDesc.getPackages();
            String packagesKey = marshalDesc.getPackagesKey();

            // In usage=WRAPPED, there will be a single JAXB block inside the body.
            // Get this block
            JAXBBlockContext blockContext = new JAXBBlockContext(packages, packagesKey);           
            // If the wrapper is not a root element, then the process type
            // must be set on the context so that "by type" unmarshal is performed.
            if (!isRequestWrapperAnXmlRootElement(operationDesc, marshalDesc, endpointDesc)) {
              String clsName = marshalDesc.getRequestWrapperClassName(operationDesc);
              Class cls = loadClass(clsName,endpointDesc);
            JAXBBlockFactory factory =
            Block block = message.getBodyBlock(blockContext, factory);
            Object wrapperObject = block.getBusinessObject(true);

            // The child elements are within the object that
            // represents the type
            if (wrapperObject instanceof JAXBElement) {
                wrapperObject = ((JAXBElement)wrapperObject).getValue();

            // Use the wrapper tool to get the child objects.
            JAXBWrapperTool wrapperTool = new JAXBWrapperToolImpl();

            // Get the list of names for the input parameters
            List<String> xmlNames = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<ParameterDescription> pdList = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription>();
            for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
                if (pd.getMode() == Mode.IN ||
                        pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT) {
                    if (!pd.isHeader()) {
                        // Only the body parameters will be present in the wrapper object


            // Get the child objects
            Object[] objects = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject, xmlNames,

            // Now create a list of paramValues
            List<PDElement> pvList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();
            int bodyIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < pdList.size(); i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pdList.get(i);
                if (!pd.isHeader()) {
                    // Normal case: Get the parameter value from the list of objects
                    Object value = objects[bodyIndex];

                    //  The object in the PDElement must be an element
                    QName qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), pd.getPartName());
                    Element element = null;
                    if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(pd.getParameterActualType())
                            .hasXmlRootElement()) {
                        element = new Element(value, qName, pd.getParameterActualType());
                    } else {
                        element = new Element(value, qName);
                    pvList.add(new PDElement(pd, element, null));
                } else {
                    // Header
                    // Get the Block from the header
                    String localName = pd.getParameterName();
                    JAXBBlockContext blkContext =
                            new JAXBBlockContext(packages, marshalDesc.getPackagesKey());
                    // Set up "by java type" unmarshalling if necessary
                    if (blkContext.getConstructionType() != JAXBUtils.CONSTRUCTION_TYPE
                            .BY_CONTEXT_PATH) {
                        Class actualType = pd.getParameterActualType();
                        if (MethodMarshallerUtils.isNotJAXBRootElement(actualType, marshalDesc)) {
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            //      This element is called the wrapper element
            //   4) The parameters are (param) are child elements of the wrapper element.

            // Get the operation information
            ParameterDescription[] pds = operationDesc.getParameterDescriptions();
            MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =
            TreeSet<String> packages = marshalDesc.getPackages();
            String packagesKey = marshalDesc.getPackagesKey();

            // Create the message
            MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory)FactoryRegistry.getFactory(MessageFactory.class);
            Message m = mf.create(protocol);

            // In usage=WRAPPED, there will be a single block in the body.
            // The signatureArguments represent the child elements of that block
            // The first step is to convert the signature arguments into a list
            // of parameter values
            List<PDElement> pdeList =
                                                        false,  // output
                                                        true, false);

            // Now we want to create a single JAXB element that contains the
            // parameter values.  We will use the wrapper tool to do this.
            // Create the inputs to the wrapper tool
            ArrayList<String> nameList = new ArrayList<String>();
            Map<String, Object> objectList = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            Map<String, Class> declaredClassMap = new HashMap<String, Class>();
            List<PDElement> headerPDEList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();

            Iterator<PDElement> it = pdeList.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                PDElement pde =;
                String name = pde.getParam().getParameterName();
                if (!pde.getParam().isHeader()) {
                    // Normal case
                    // The object list contains type rendered objects
                    Object value = pde.getElement().getTypeValue();
                    Class dclClass = pde.getParam().getParameterActualType();
                    objectList.put(name, value);
                    declaredClassMap.put(name, dclClass);
                } else {
                    // Header Case:
                    // Remove the header from the list, it will
                    // not be placed in the wrapper

            Class returnType = operationDesc.getResultActualType();
            if (!operationDesc.isResultHeader()) {
                // Normal (Body Result): Add the return object to the nameList and objectList

                if (returnType != void.class) {
                    String name = operationDesc.getResultName();
                    Class dclClass = operationDesc.getResultActualType();
                    objectList.put(name, returnObject);
                    declaredClassMap.put(name, dclClass);
            } else {
                // Header Result:
                // Put the return object onto the message
                if (returnType != void.class) {
                    Element returnElement = null;
                    QName returnQName = new QName(operationDesc.getResultTargetNamespace(),
                    if (marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(returnType).hasXmlRootElement()) {
                        returnElement = new Element(returnObject, returnQName);
                    } else {
                        returnElement = new Element(returnObject, returnQName, returnType);

                    Class byJavaType =
                            MethodMarshallerUtils.isNotJAXBRootElement(returnType, marshalDesc) ? returnType : null;


            // Now create the single JAXB element
            String wrapperName = marshalDesc.getResponseWrapperClassName(operationDesc);
            Class cls = loadClass(wrapperName, endpointDesc);
            JAXBWrapperTool wrapperTool = new JAXBWrapperToolImpl();
            Object object = wrapperTool.wrap(cls, nameList, objectList, declaredClassMap,

            QName wrapperQName = new QName(operationDesc.getResponseWrapperTargetNamespace(),

            // Make sure object can be rendered as an element
            if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(cls).hasXmlRootElement()) {
                object = new JAXBElement(wrapperQName, cls, object);

            // Put the object into the message
            JAXBBlockFactory factory =
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                    "  The DocLitWrapped Plus marshaller is used when the web service method deviates from the normal doc/lit rules.");
        EndpointInterfaceDescription ed = operationDesc.getEndpointInterfaceDescription();
        EndpointDescription endpointDesc = ed.getEndpointDescription();
        Protocol protocol = Protocol.getProtocolForBinding(endpointDesc.getClientBindingID());
        MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =
        TreeSet<String> packages = marshalDesc.getPackages();
        String packagesKey = marshalDesc.getPackagesKey();

        // Note all exceptions are caught and rethrown with a WebServiceException
        try {
            // Sample Document message
            // ..
            // <soapenv:body>
            //    <m:operation>
            //      <param>hello</param>
            //    </m:operation>
            // </soapenv:body>
            // Important points.
            //   1) There is no operation element under the body.
            //   2) The data blocks are located underneath the body. 
            //   3) The name of the data block (m:operation) is defined by the schema and match the name of the operation.
            //      This is called the wrapper element.  The wrapper element has a corresponding JAXB element pojo.
            //   4) The parameters (m:param) are child elements of the wrapper element.

            // Get the operation information
            ParameterDescription[] pds = operationDesc.getParameterDescriptions();

            // Create the message
            MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory)FactoryRegistry.getFactory(MessageFactory.class);
            Message m = mf.create(protocol);

            // In usage=WRAPPED, there will be a single block in the body.
            // The signatureArguments represent the child elements of that block
            // The first step is to convert the signature arguments into list
            // of parameter values
            List<PDElement> pdeList = MethodMarshallerUtils.getPDElements(marshalDesc,
                                                                          true,   // input
                                                                          true, false);

            // Now we want to create a single JAXB element that contains the
            // ParameterValues.  We will use the wrapper tool to do this.
            // Create the inputs to the wrapper tool
            ArrayList<String> nameList = new ArrayList<String>();
            Map<String, Object> objectList = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            Map<String, Class> declardClassMap = new HashMap<String, Class>();
            List<PDElement> headerPDEList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();

            Iterator<PDElement> it = pdeList.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                PDElement pde =;
                String name = pde.getParam().getParameterName();
                if (!pde.getParam().isHeader()) {
                    // Normal case:
                    // The object list contains type rendered objects
                    Object value = pde.getElement().getTypeValue();
                    Class dclClass = pde.getParam().getParameterActualType();
                    objectList.put(name, value);
                    declardClassMap.put(name, dclClass);
                } else {
                    // Header Case:
                    // Remove the header from the list, it will
                    // not be placed in the wrapper

            // Now create the single JAXB element
            String wrapperName = marshalDesc.getRequestWrapperClassName(operationDesc);
            Class cls = loadClass(wrapperName, endpointDesc);
            JAXBWrapperTool wrapperTool = new JAXBWrapperToolImpl();
            Object object = wrapperTool.wrap(cls, nameList, objectList, declardClassMap,

            QName wrapperQName = new QName(operationDesc.getRequestWrapperTargetNamespace(),

            // Make sure object can be rendered as an element
            if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(cls).hasXmlRootElement()) {
                object = new JAXBElement(wrapperQName, cls, object);

            // Put the object into the message
            JAXBBlockFactory factory =
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                    "  The DocLitWrapped Plus marshaller is used when the web service method deviates from the normal doc/lit rules.");
        EndpointInterfaceDescription ed = operationDesc.getEndpointInterfaceDescription();
        EndpointDescription endpointDesc = ed.getEndpointDescription();
        MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =
        TreeSet<String> packages = marshalDesc.getPackages();

        // We want to respond with the same protocol as the request,
        // It the protocol is null, then use the Protocol defined by the binding
        if (protocol == null) {
            protocol = Protocol.getProtocolForBinding(endpointDesc.getBindingType());
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                    "  The DocLitWrapped Plus marshaller is used when the web service method deviates from the normal doc/lit rules.");
        EndpointInterfaceDescription ed = operationDesc.getEndpointInterfaceDescription();
        EndpointDescription endpointDesc = ed.getEndpointDescription();
        MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =

        // Note all exceptions are caught and rethrown with a WebServiceException
        try {
            Throwable t = MethodMarshallerUtils.demarshalFaultResponse(operationDesc,
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.runtime.description.marshal.MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription

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