XMLPartBase class for an XMLPart An XMLPart is an abstraction of the xml portion of the message. The actual representation can be in one of three different forms: * An OM tree * A SAAJ SOAPEnvelope * An XMLSpine (an optimized representation of the message) The representation is stored in the private variable (content)
The representation changes as the Message flows through the JAX-WS framework. For example, here is a typical flow on the inbound case: a) Message is built from OM (representation: OM) b) Message flows into SOAP Handler chain (representation: OM->SOAPEnvelope) c) Message flows out of the SOAP Handler chain d) Message flows into the logical dispatch processing (representation: SOAPEnvelope->XMLSpine)
The key to performance is the implementation of the transformations between OM, SAAJ SOAPEnvelope and XMLSpine. This base class defines all of the methods that are required on an XMLPart, the actual transformations are provided by the derived class. This division of work allows the derived class to concentrate on the optimization of the transformations. For example, the derived class may implement XMLSpine -> OM using OMObjectWrapperElement constructs...thus avoid expensive parsing.
Here are the methods that the derived XMLPart should implement. OMElement _convertSE2OM(SOAPEnvelope se) OMElement _convertSpine2OM(XMLSpine spine) SOAPEnvelope _convertOM2SE(OMElement om) SOAPEnvelope _convertSpine2SE(XMLSpine spine) XMLSpine _convertOM2Spine(OMElement om) XMLSpine _convertSE2Spine(SOAPEnvelope se) XMLSpine _createSpine(Protocol protocol)
NOTE: For XML/HTTP (REST), a SOAP 1.1. Envelope is built and the rest payload is placed in the body. This purposely mimics the Axis2 implementation.
@see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart
@see XMLPartImpl