Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory

Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.XMLStringBlockFactory

     * slightly more complicated Dispatch<String> inflow
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStringInflow2() throws Exception {
        // Get the BlockFactory
        XMLStringBlockFactory f = (XMLStringBlockFactory)

        // On inbound, there will already be a XMLStreamReader (probably from OM)
        // which represents the message.  We will simulate this with inflow.
        StringReader sr = new StringReader(sampleText);
        XMLStreamReader inflow = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(sr);

        // Create a Block from the inflow. 
        Block block = f.createFrom(inflow, null, null);

        // Let's assume we need to get the QName to find the operation name.
        // This will cause an underlying parse
        QName qName = block.getQName();
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     * slightly more complicated String  inflow
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStringInflow3() throws Exception {
        // Get the BlockFactory
        XMLStringBlockFactory f = (XMLStringBlockFactory)

        // On inbound, there will already be a XMLStreamReader (probably from OM)
        // which represents the message.  We will simulate this with inflow.
        StringReader sr = new StringReader(sampleText);
        XMLStreamReader inflow = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(sr);

        // Create a Block from the inflow.  Assume that we know the QName already
        Block block = f.createFrom(inflow, null, sampleQName);

        // Let's assume we need to get the QName to find the operation name.
        QName qName = block.getQName();

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        MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory)
        Message m = mf.create(Protocol.soap12);
        // Get the BlockFactory
        XMLStringBlockFactory f = (XMLStringBlockFactory)
        // Create a Block using the sample string as the content.  This simulates
        // what occurs on the outbound JAX-WS dispatch<String> client
        Block block = f.createFrom(sampleText, null, null);
        // Add the block to the message as normal body content.
        // Assuming no handlers are installed, the next thing that will happen
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        // Create a SOAP 1.2 Message
        MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory)
        // Get the BlockFactory
        XMLStringBlockFactory f = (XMLStringBlockFactory)
        // Create a Block using the sample string as the content.  This simulates
        // what occurs on the outbound JAX-WS dispatch<String> client
        Block block = f.createFrom(sampleSoap12Envelope, null, null);
        // Create a Message with the full XML contents that we have
        Message m = mf.createFrom(block.getXMLStreamReader(true), null);
        // Assuming no handlers are installed, the next thing that will happen
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        OMNamespace ns = soapEnv.getNamespace();
        // Assuming no handlers are installed, the next thing that will happen
        // is the proxy code will ask for the business object (String).
        XMLStringBlockFactory blockFactory =
            (XMLStringBlockFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(XMLStringBlockFactory.class);
        Block block = m.getBodyBlock(null, blockFactory);
        Object bo = block.getBusinessObject(true);
        assertTrue(bo instanceof String);
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        OMNamespace ns = soapEnv.getNamespace();
        // Assuming no handlers are installed, the next thing that will happen
        // is the proxy code will ask for the business object (String).
        XMLStringBlockFactory blockFactory =
            (XMLStringBlockFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(XMLStringBlockFactory.class);
        Block block = blockFactory.createFrom(m.getAsOMElement(), null, null);
        Object bo = block.getBusinessObject(true);
        assertTrue(bo instanceof String);
        // The block should be consumed
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                            (protocol == Protocol.soap11) ? SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_1_ENVELOPE
                                    : SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_2_ENVELOPE;
                    QName soapEnvQname = new QName(soapNS, "Envelope");

                    XMLStringBlockFactory stringFactory =
                    Block stringBlock = stringFactory.createFrom(stringValue, null, soapEnvQname);
                    Block block = blockFactory.createFrom(stringBlock, context);
                    value = block.getBusinessObject(true);
            return value;
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        // Create a SOAP 1.1 Message
        MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(MessageFactory.class);
        Message m = mf.create(Protocol.soap11);

        // Get the BlockFactory
        XMLStringBlockFactory f =
                (XMLStringBlockFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(XMLStringBlockFactory.class);

        // Create a Block using the sample string as the content. This simulates
        // what occurs on the outbound JAX-WS dispatch<String> client
        Block block = f.createFrom(sampleText, null, null);

        // Add the block to the message as normal body content.

        // Check to see if the message is a fault. The client/server will always call this method.
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        // Create a SOAP 1.1 Message
        MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(MessageFactory.class);
        Message m = mf.create(Protocol.soap11);

        // Get the BlockFactory
        XMLStringBlockFactory f =
                (XMLStringBlockFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(XMLStringBlockFactory.class);

        // Create a Block using the sample string as the content. This simulates
        // what occurs on the outbound JAX-WS dispatch<String> client
        Block block = f.createFrom(sampleText, null, null);

        // Add the block to the message as normal body content.

        // If there is a JAX-WS handler, the Message is converted into a SOAPEnvelope
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        MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory)
        Message m = mf.create(Protocol.soap11);
        // Get the BlockFactory
        XMLStringBlockFactory f = (XMLStringBlockFactory)
        // Sample text is whitespace.  There is no element
        String whiteSpaceText = "<!-- Comment -->";
        // Create a Block using the sample string as the content.  This simulates
        // what occurs on the outbound JAX-WS dispatch<String> client
        Block block = f.createFrom(whiteSpaceText, null, null);
        // Add the block to the message as normal body content.
        // If there is a JAX-WS handler, the Message is converted into a SOAPEnvelope
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.XMLStringBlockFactory

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