// Get this block
JAXBBlockContext blockContext = new JAXBBlockContext(packages, packagesKey);
JAXBBlockFactory factory =
Block block = message.getBodyBlock(blockContext, factory);
Object wrapperObject = block.getBusinessObject(true);
// The child elements are within the object that
// represents the type
if (wrapperObject instanceof JAXBElement) {
wrapperObject = ((JAXBElement)wrapperObject).getValue();
// Use the wrapper tool to get the child objects.
JAXBWrapperTool wrapperTool = new JAXBWrapperToolImpl();
// Get the list of names for the input parameters
List<String> xmlNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<ParameterDescription> pdList = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription>();
for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
if (pd.getMode() == Mode.IN ||
pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT) {
if (!pd.isHeader()) {
// Only the body parameters will be present in the wrapper object
// Get the child objects
Object[] objects = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject, xmlNames,
// Now create a list of paramValues
List<PDElement> pvList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();
int bodyIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pdList.size(); i++) {
ParameterDescription pd = pdList.get(i);
if (!pd.isHeader()) {
// Normal case: Get the parameter value from the list of objects
Object value = objects[bodyIndex];
// The object in the PDElement must be an element
QName qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), pd.getPartName());
Element element = null;
if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(pd.getParameterActualType())
.hasXmlRootElement()) {
element = new Element(value, qName, pd.getParameterActualType());
} else {
element = new Element(value, qName);
pvList.add(new PDElement(pd, element, null));
} else {
// Header
// Get the Block from the header
String localName = pd.getParameterName();
JAXBBlockContext blkContext =
new JAXBBlockContext(packages, marshalDesc.getPackagesKey());
// Set up "by java type" unmarshalling if necessary
if (blkContext.getConstructionType() != JAXBUtils.CONSTRUCTION_TYPE
Class actualType = pd.getParameterActualType();
if (MethodMarshallerUtils.isNotJAXBRootElement(actualType, marshalDesc)) {
} else {
Annotation annos[] = actualType.getAnnotations();
if (annos == null || annos.length == 0) {
block = message.getHeaderBlock(pd.getTargetNamespace(), localName, blkContext,
Object value = block.getBusinessObject(true);
Element element =
new Element(value, new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), localName));
pvList.add(new PDElement(pd, element, blkContext.getProcessType()));