@RequestWrapper(localName = "echoStringWSGEN1", targetNamespace = "",className = "org.test.sample.wrap.EchoStringWSGEN1")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "echoStringWSGEN1Response", targetNamespace ="", className = "org.test.sample.wrap.EchoStringWSGEN1Response") public String echoStringWSGEN1(
@WebParam(name = "headerValue", targetNamespace = "", header = true)String headerValue )
In this case the method is doc/lit, but the headerValue parameter is passed in the header. The wrapper class EchoStringWSGEN1 will not have any child elements.
A similar example is:
@WebMethod(action = "")
@RequestWrapper(localName = "echoStringWSGEN2", targetNamespace = "",className = "org.test.sample.wrap.EchoStringWSGEN2")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "echoStringWSGEN2Response", targetNamespace ="", className = "org.test.sample.wrap.EchoStringWSGEN2Response")
@WebResult(name = "headerValue", targetNamespace = "", header = true)public String echoStringWSGEN2(
@WebParam(name = "data", targetNamespace = "") String data )
In this second case, the return is passed in a header (as defined by @WebResult)
At the time of this writing, the "plus" marshaller is only used if a doc/lit wrapped method has "header" parameters. If other deviations are found, this class will be updated. The advantage of using DocLitWrapperPlus for these deviations is that it does not impact the normal DocLitWrapper marshalling (which is used for 99% of the cases). Thus these deviations will not polute or slow down the normal flow.