Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.builder

Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.builder.WsdlComposite


        public WsdlComposite generateWsdl(String implClass, EndpointDescription endpointDesc)
            throws WebServiceException {
            // Need WSDL generation code
            WsdlComposite composite = new WsdlComposite();
            HashMap<String, Definition> testMap = new HashMap<String, Definition>();
            testMap.put(composite.getWsdlFileName(), def);
            return composite;
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            this.def = def;
        public WsdlComposite generateWsdl(String implClass, String bindingType) throws WebServiceException {
            // Need WSDL generation code
            WsdlComposite composite = new WsdlComposite();
            HashMap<String, Definition> testMap = new HashMap<String, Definition>();
            testMap.put(composite.getWsdlFileName(), def);
            return composite;
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        public WsdlComposite generateWsdl(String implClass, EndpointDescription endpointDesc)
            throws WebServiceException {
            // Need WSDL generation code
            WsdlComposite composite = new WsdlComposite();
            HashMap<String, Definition> testMap = new HashMap<String, Definition>();
            testMap.put(composite.getWsdlFileName(), def);
            return composite;
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            this.def = def;
        public WsdlComposite generateWsdl(String implClass, String bindingType) throws WebServiceException {
            // Need WSDL generation code
            WsdlComposite composite = new WsdlComposite();
            HashMap<String, Definition> testMap = new HashMap<String, Definition>();
            testMap.put(composite.getWsdlFileName(), def);
            return composite;
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    public WsdlComposite generateWsdl(String implClass, String bindingType)
            throws WebServiceException {
        // Need WSDL generation code
        WsdlComposite composite = new WsdlComposite();
        HashMap<String, Definition> testMap = new HashMap<String, Definition>();
        testMap.put(composite.getWsdlFileName(), def);
        return composite;
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        //    WSDL and then need to perform further processing because we have annotations as well
        //    If there is no WSDL, we would never process the Method to begin with.


        WsdlComposite wsdlComposite = null;
        String bindingType = getBindingType();

        boolean isSOAP11 =
                (bindingType.equals( ||
                        ? true : false;

        // Determine if we need to generate WSDL
        // First, make sure that this is only a SOAP 1.1 based binding, per JAXWS spec. we cannot
        // generate WSDL if the binding type is not SOAP 1.1 based.
        // Then, assuming the composite does not contain a
        // Wsdl Definition, go ahead and generate it
        // REVIEW: I think this should this be isSOAP11 so the generators are only called for
        //         SOAP11; i.e. NOT for SOAP12 or XML/HTTP bindings.
        if (isSOAP11){
            if (
                    (isEndpointBased() &&
                    ) {
                //This is either an implicit SEI, or a WebService Provider
                wsdlComposite = generateWSDL(composite);
            } else if (isEndpointBased()) {
                //This impl class specifies an SEI...this is a special case. There is a bug
                //in the tooling that allows for the wsdllocation to be specifed on either the
                //impl. class, or the SEI, or both. So, we need to look for the wsdl as follows:
                //      1. If the Wsdl exists on the SEI, then check for it on the impl.
                //      2. If it is not found in either location, in that order, then generate
                DescriptionBuilderComposite seic =
                //Only generate WSDL if a definition doesn't already exist
                if (seic.getWsdlDefinition() == null)
                    wsdlComposite = generateWSDL(composite);

        } else if (composite.getWsdlDefinition() == null) {
            //This is a SOAP12 binding that does not contain a WSDL definition, log a WARNING
            log.warn("This implementation does not contain a WSDL definition and is not a SOAP 1.1 based binding. "
                    + "Per JAXWS spec. - a WSDL definition cannot be generated for this implementation. Name: "
                    + composite.getClassName());

        if (isSOAP11){
            //Save the WSDL Location and the WsdlDefinition, value depends on whether wsdl was generated
            Parameter wsdlLocationParameter = new Parameter();
            Parameter wsdlDefParameter = new Parameter();
            Parameter wsdlCompositeParameter = new Parameter();
            if (wsdlComposite != null) {
                //We have a wsdl composite, so set these values for the generated wsdl
            } else if (getServiceDescriptionImpl().getWSDLWrapper() != null) {
                //No wsdl composite because wsdl already exists
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        return wsdlPortToUse;

    private WsdlComposite generateWSDL(DescriptionBuilderComposite dbc) {

        WsdlComposite wsdlComposite = null;
        Definition defn = dbc.getWsdlDefinition();
        if (defn == null || !isAxisServiceBuiltFromWSDL) {

            //Invoke the callback for generating the wsdl
            if (dbc.getCustomWsdlGenerator() != null) {
                String implName = null;
                if (axisService == null) {
                    implName = DescriptionUtils.javifyClassName(composite.getClassName());
                } else {
                    implName = (String)axisService.getParameterValue(MDQConstants.SERVICE_CLASS);
                wsdlComposite =
                        dbc.getCustomWsdlGenerator().generateWsdl(implName, getBindingType());

                if (wsdlComposite != null) {
                            (this.getAnnoWebServiceServiceName() + ".wsdl").toLowerCase());

                    Definition wsdlDef = wsdlComposite.getRootWsdlDefinition();

                    try {
                        WSDL4JWrapper wsdl4jWrapper = new WSDL4JWrapper(dbc.getWsdlURL(), wsdlDef);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
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        addToAxisService();    //Add a reference to this EndpointDescription to the AxisService


        WsdlComposite wsdlComposite = null;
        String bindingType = getBindingType();

        boolean isSOAP11 =
                (bindingType.equals( ||
                        ? true : false;

        // Determine if we need to generate WSDL
        // First, make sure that this is only a SOAP 1.1 based binding, per JAXWS spec. we cannot
        // generate WSDL if the binding type is not SOAP 1.1 based.
        // Then, assuming the composite does not contain a
        // Wsdl Definition, go ahead and generate it
        if (isSOAP11){
            if (
                    (isEndpointBased() &&
                    ) {
                //This is either an implicit SEI, or a WebService Provider
                wsdlComposite = generateWSDL(composite);
            } else if (isEndpointBased()) {
                //This impl class specifies an SEI...this is a special case. There is a bug
                //in the tooling that allows for the wsdllocation to be specifed on either the
                //impl. class, or the SEI, or both. So, we need to look for the wsdl as follows:
                //      1. If the Wsdl exists on the SEI, then check for it on the impl.
                //      2. If it is not found in either location, in that order, then generate
                DescriptionBuilderComposite seic =
                //Only generate WSDL if a definition doesn't already exist
                if (seic.getWsdlDefinition() == null)
                    wsdlComposite = generateWSDL(composite);

        } else if (composite.getWsdlDefinition() == null) {
            //This is a SOAP12 binding that does not contain a WSDL definition, log a WARNING
            log.warn("This implementation does not contain a WSDL definition and is not a SOAP 1.1 based binding. "
                    + "Per JAXWS spec. - a WSDL definition cannot be generated for this implementation. Name: "
                    + composite.getClassName());

        if (isSOAP11){
            //Save the WSDL Location and the WsdlDefinition, value depends on whether wsdl was generated
            Parameter wsdlLocationParameter = new Parameter();
            Parameter wsdlDefParameter = new Parameter();
            Parameter wsdlCompositeParameter = new Parameter();
            if (wsdlComposite != null) {
                //We have a wsdl composite, so set these values for the generated wsdl

                Definition def =
                URL wsdlUrl = getServiceDescriptionImpl().getGeneratedWsdlWrapper().getWSDLLocation();
                if (def instanceof WSDLDefinitionWrapper) {
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        return wsdlPortToUse;

    private WsdlComposite generateWSDL(DescriptionBuilderComposite dbc) {

        WsdlComposite wsdlComposite = null;
        Definition defn = dbc.getWsdlDefinition(getServiceQName());
        if(defn == null) {
            defn = dbc.getWsdlDefinition();
        if (defn == null || !isAxisServiceBuiltFromWSDL) {

            //Invoke the callback for generating the wsdl
            if (dbc.getCustomWsdlGenerator() != null) {
                String implName = null;
                if (axisService == null) {
                    implName = DescriptionUtils.javifyClassName(composite.getClassName());
                } else {
                    implName = (String)axisService.getParameterValue(MDQConstants.SERVICE_CLASS);
                wsdlComposite =
                        dbc.getCustomWsdlGenerator().generateWsdl(implName, this);

                if (wsdlComposite != null) {
                    if(wsdlComposite.getWsdlFileName() == null
                            "".equals(wsdlComposite.getWsdlFileName())) {
                                                      (this.getAnnoWebServiceServiceName() + ".wsdl").toLowerCase());
                    Definition wsdlDef = wsdlComposite.getRootWsdlDefinition();

                    try {
                        ConfigurationContext cc = dbc.getConfigurationContext();
                        WSDL4JWrapper wsdl4jWrapper = null;
                        if (cc != null) {
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            this.def = def;
        public WsdlComposite generateWsdl(String implClass, String bindingType) throws WebServiceException {
            // Need WSDL generation code
            WsdlComposite composite = new WsdlComposite();
            HashMap<String, Definition> testMap = new HashMap<String, Definition>();
            testMap.put(composite.getWsdlFileName(), def);
            return composite;
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.builder.WsdlComposite

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