Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.builder

Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.builder.DescriptionBuilderComposite

                //in the tooling that allows for the wsdllocation to be specifed on either the
                //impl. class, or the SEI, or both. So, we need to look for the wsdl as follows:
                //      1. If the Wsdl exists on the SEI, then check for it on the impl.
                //      2. If it is not found in either location, in that order, then generate
                DescriptionBuilderComposite seic =
                //Only generate WSDL if a definition doesn't already exist
                if (seic.getWsdlDefinition() == null)
                    wsdlComposite = generateWSDL(composite);

        } else if (composite.getWsdlDefinition() == null) {
            //This is a SOAP12 binding that does not contain a WSDL definition, log a WARNING
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                //If this is not an implicit SEI, then make sure that its not on the SEI
                if (getServiceDescriptionImpl().isDBCMap()) {
                    if (!DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(getAnnoWebServiceEndpointInterface())) {

                        DescriptionBuilderComposite seic =
                        if (!DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(seic.getWebServiceAnnot().wsdlLocation())) {
                            annotation_WsdlLocation = seic.getWebServiceAnnot().wsdlLocation();
            } else if (getAnnoWebServiceProvider() != null
                    && !DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(getAnnoWebServiceProvider().wsdlLocation())) {
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        Class endPointClass = classLoader.loadClass(endpointClassName);
        JavaClassToDBCConverter converter = new JavaClassToDBCConverter(endPointClass);
        HashMap<String, DescriptionBuilderComposite> dbcMap = converter.produceDBC();

        DescriptionBuilderComposite dbc = dbcMap.get(endpointClassName);
        dbc.setCustomWsdlGenerator(new WSDLGeneratorImpl(wsdlDefinition));
        if (dbc.getWebServiceAnnot() != null) { //information specified in .wsdl should overwrite annotation.
            WebServiceAnnot serviceAnnot = dbc.getWebServiceAnnot();
        } else if (dbc.getWebServiceProviderAnnot() != null) {
            //TODO: can webservice and webservice provider annot co-exist?
            WebServiceProviderAnnot serviceProviderAnnot = dbc.getWebServiceProviderAnnot();

        for(Iterator<AxisOperation> opIterator = service.getOperations() ; opIterator.hasNext() ;){
            AxisOperation operation =;
            String MEP = operation.getMessageExchangePattern();
            if (!WSDLUtil.isOutputPresentForMEP(MEP)) {
                List<MethodDescriptionComposite> mdcList = dbc.getMethodDescriptionComposite(operation.getName().toString());
                for(Iterator<MethodDescriptionComposite> mIterator = mdcList.iterator(); mIterator.hasNext();){
                    MethodDescriptionComposite mdc =;
                    //TODO: JAXWS spec says need to check Holder param exist before taking a method as OneWay
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                  .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("serviceDelegateConstruct2", serviceQname.toString()));
        // Get any metadata that is to be used to build up this service, then reset it so it isn't used
        // to create any other services.
        DescriptionBuilderComposite sparseComposite = getServiceMetadata();
        if (sparseComposite != null) {
            serviceDescription = DescriptionFactory.createServiceDescription(url, serviceQname, clazz, sparseComposite, this);
        } else {
            serviceDescription = DescriptionFactory.createServiceDescription(url, serviceQname, clazz);
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        if (sei == null) {
            throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(
                    Messages.getMessage("getPortInvalidSEI", portName.toString(), "null"));

        DescriptionBuilderComposite sparseComposite = getPortMetadata();
        EndpointDescription endpointDesc = null;
        if (sparseComposite != null) {
            endpointDesc =
                DescriptionFactory.updateEndpoint(serviceDescription, sei, portName,
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        return serviceDescription.getServiceClient(portQName, this);
    public <T> T getPort(org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference axis2EPR, String addressingNamespace, Class<T> sei, WebServiceFeature... features) {
        DescriptionBuilderComposite sparseComposite = getPortMetadata();
        EndpointDescription endpointDesc = null;
        if (sparseComposite != null) {
            endpointDesc =
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                //in the tooling that allows for the wsdllocation to be specifed on either the
                //impl. class, or the SEI, or both. So, we need to look for the wsdl as follows:
                //          1. If the Wsdl exists on the SEI, then check for it on the impl.
                //          2. If it is not found in either location, in that order, then generate

                DescriptionBuilderComposite seic =

                try {
                    if (seic.getWsdlDefinition() != null) {
                        //set the sdimpl from the SEI composite
                        this.wsdlURL = seic.getWsdlURL();
                        this.wsdlWrapper =
                                new WSDL4JWrapper(seic.getWsdlURL(), seic.getWsdlDefinition());
                    } else if (composite.getWsdlDefinition() != null) {
                        //set the sdimpl from the impl. class composite
                        this.wsdlURL = composite.getWsdlURL();
                        this.wsdlWrapper = new WSDL4JWrapper(composite.getWsdlURL(),
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                //    setWebServiceAnnotDefaults(true=impl); Must happen before we start checking annot
                if (!DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(composite.getWebServiceAnnot().endpointInterface())) {

                    DescriptionBuilderComposite seic =

                    //Verify that we can find the SEI in the composite list
                    if (seic == null) {
                        // TODO: RAS/NLS
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     * @param methodList The current collection of methods, including overloaded ones
     * @param dbc The composite to be checked for methods to be added to the collection
    private void addSuperClassMethods(List<MethodDescriptionComposite> methodList, DescriptionBuilderComposite dbc) {
        DescriptionBuilderComposite superDBC = dbcMap.get(dbc.getSuperClassName());
        if (superDBC != null) {
            Iterator<MethodDescriptionComposite> mIter = superDBC.getMethodDescriptionsList().iterator();
            while (mIter.hasNext()) {
                MethodDescriptionComposite mdc =;
            addSuperClassMethods(methodList, superDBC);
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        if (! {
            throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(
                    Messages.getMessage("serviceDescErr1", serviceClass.getName()));

        composite = new DescriptionBuilderComposite();
        // The classloader was originally gotten off this class, but it seems more logical to
        // get it off the application service class.
//        composite.setClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader());
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.builder.DescriptionBuilderComposite

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