Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description

Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.ParameterDescription

                                         boolean isRPC) {
        List<PDElement> pdeList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();

        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
            ParameterDescription pd = params[i];

            if (pd.getMode() == Mode.IN && isInput ||
                    pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT ||
                    pd.getMode() == Mode.OUT && !isInput) {

                // Get the matching signature argument
                Object value = sigArguments[i];

                // Don't consider async handlers, they are are not represented on the wire,
                // thus they don't have a PDElement
                if (isAsyncHandler(value)) {

                // Convert from Holder into value
                if (isHolder(value)) {
                    value = ((Holder)value).value;

                // Get the formal type representing the value
                Class formalType = pd.getParameterActualType();

                // The namespace and local name are obtained differently depending on
                // the style/use and header
                QName qName = null;
                if (pd.isHeader()) {
                    // Headers (even rpc) are marshalled with the name defined by the
                    // element= attribute on the wsd:part
                    qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), pd.getParameterName());
                } else if (isDocLitWrapped) {
                    // For doc/lit wrapped, the localName comes from the PartName
                    qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), pd.getPartName());
                } else if (isRPC) {
                    // Per WSI-BP, the namespace uri is unqualified
                    qName = new QName(pd.getPartName());
                } else {
                    qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), pd.getParameterName());

                // Create an Element rendering
                Element element = null;
                AttachmentDescription attachmentDesc = pd.getAttachmentDescription();
                if (attachmentDesc != null) {
                    PDElement pde = createPDElementForAttachment(pd, qName, value, formalType);
                } else {
                    if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(formalType).hasXmlRootElement()) {
                        /* when a schema defines a SimpleType with xsd list jaxws tooling
                         * generates artifacts with array rather than a java.util.List
                         * However the ObjectFactory definition uses a List and thus
                         * marshalling fails. Lets convert the Arrays to List and recreate
                         * the JAXBElements for the same.
                        if (pd.isListType()) {
                            List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
                            if (formalType.isArray()) {
                                for (int count = 0; count < Array.getLength(value); count++) {
                                    Object obj = Array.get(value, count);
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        List<PDElement> pdeList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();

        // Count
        int totalBodyBlocks = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
            ParameterDescription pd = params[i];

            if (pd.getMode() == Mode.IN && isInput ||
                    pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT ||
                    pd.getMode() == Mode.OUT && !isInput) {
                if (!pd.isHeader() && !isSWAAttachment(pd)) {

        if (!isInput && hasReturnInBody) {
        int index = (!isInput && hasReturnInBody) ? 1 : 0;
        // TODO What if return is an swa attachment, then this should start
        // at 1 not 0.
        int swaIndex = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
            ParameterDescription pd = params[i];

            if (pd.getMode() == Mode.IN && isInput ||
                    pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT ||
                    pd.getMode() == Mode.OUT && !isInput) {

                // Don't consider async handlers, they are are not represented on the wire,
                // thus they don't have a PDElement
                // TODO
                //if (isAsyncHandler(param)) {
                //    continue;

                Block block = null;
                JAXBBlockContext context = new JAXBBlockContext(packages);

                AttachmentDescription attachmentDesc = pd.getAttachmentDescription();
                if (attachmentDesc == null) {
                    // Normal Processing: Not an Attachment
                    // Trigger unmarshal by java type if necessary
                    if (unmarshalByJavaType != null && unmarshalByJavaType[i] != null) {

                    boolean consume = true;
                    // Unmarshal the object into a JAXB object or JAXBElement
                    if (pd.isHeader()) {
                        // Get the Block from the header
                        // NOTE The parameter name is always used to get the header
                        // element...even if the style is RPC.
                        String localName = pd.getParameterName();
                        block = message.getHeaderBlock(pd.getTargetNamespace(),
                        consume = false;
                    } else {
                        if (totalBodyBlocks > 1) {
                            // You must use this method if there are more than one body block
                            // This method may cause OM expansion
                            block = message.getBodyBlock(index, context, factory);
                        } else {
                            // Use this method if you know there is only one body block.
                            // This method prevents OM expansion.
                            block = message.getBodyBlock(context, factory);
                    Element element;
                    if (block != null) {
                        element = new Element(block.getBusinessObject(true),
                    } else {
                        // The block could be null if the header is missing (which is allowed)
                        QName qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(),pd.getParameterName());
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("There is no value in the incoming message for " + qName);
                        element = new Element(null, qName, pd.getParameterActualType());
                    PDElement pde =
                        new PDElement(pd, element, unmarshalByJavaType == null ? null
                                : unmarshalByJavaType[i]);
                } else {
                    // Attachment Processing
                    if (attachmentDesc.getAttachmentType() == AttachmentType.SWA) {
                        String partName = pd.getPartName();
                        String cid = null;
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("Getting the attachment dataHandler for partName=" + partName);
                        if (partName != null && partName.length() > 0) {
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        Object[] args = new Object[pds.length];
        int pdeIndex = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            // Get the paramValue
            PDElement pde = (pdeIndex < pdeList.size()) ? pdeList.get(pdeIndex) : null;
            ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
            if (pde == null ||
                    pde.getParam() != pd) {
                // We have a ParameterDesc but there is not an equivalent PDElement.
                // Provide the default
                if (pd.isHolderType()) {
                    args[i] = createHolder(pd.getParameterType(), null);
                } else {
                    args[i] = null;
            } else {

                // We have a matching paramValue.  Get the type object that represents the type
                Object value = null;
                if (pde.getAttachment() != null) {
                    value = pde.getAttachment().getDataHandler();
                } else {
                    value = pde.getElement().getTypeValue();

                // Now that we have the type, there may be a mismatch
                // between the type (as defined by JAXB) and the formal
                // parameter (as defined by JAXWS).  Frequently this occurs
                // with respect to T[] versus List<T>. 
                // Use the convert utility to silently do any conversions
                if (ConvertUtils.isConvertable(value, pd.getParameterActualType())) {
                    value = ConvertUtils.convert(value, pd.getParameterActualType());
                } else {
                    String objectClass = (value == null) ? "null" : value.getClass().getName();
                    throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(
                            Messages.getMessage("convertProblem", objectClass,

                // The signature may want a holder representation
                if (pd.isHolderType()) {
                    args[i] = createHolder(pd.getParameterType(), value);
                } else {
                    args[i] = value;
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        // Walk the ParameterDescriptor/SignatureArg list and populate the holders with
        // the match PDElement
        for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
            // Get the param value
            PDElement pde = (pdeIndex < pdeList.size()) ? pdeList.get(pdeIndex) : null;
            ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
            if (pde != null && pde.getParam() == pd) {
                // We have a matching paramValue.  Get the value that represents the type
                Object value = null;
                if (pde.getAttachment() == null) {
                    value = pde.getElement().getTypeValue();
                } else {
                    value = pde.getAttachment().getDataHandler();

                // Now that we have the type, there may be a mismatch
                // between the type (as defined by JAXB) and the formal
                // parameter (as defined by JAXWS).  Frequently this occurs
                // with respect to T[] versus List<T>. 
                // Use the convert utility to silently do any conversions
                if (ConvertUtils.isConvertable(value, pd.getParameterActualType())) {
                    value = ConvertUtils.convert(value, pd.getParameterActualType());
                } else {
                    String objectClass = (value == null) ? "null" : value.getClass().getName();
                    throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(
                            Messages.getMessage("convertProblem", objectClass,

                // TODO Assert that this ParameterDescriptor must represent
                // an OUT or INOUT and must have a non-null holder object to
                // store the value
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            // Get the list of names for the output parameters
            List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<ParameterDescription> pdList = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription>();
            for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
                if (pd.getMode() == Mode.OUT ||
                        pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT) {

            if (pdList.size() == 0) {
                // No OUT or INOUT parameters
                // Use return only shortcut
                if (isNoReturn) {
                    returnValue = null;
                } else if (isChildReturn) {
                    String returnName = operationDesc.getResultPartName();
                    // Use the wrapper tool to get the child objects.
                    JAXBWrapperTool wrapperTool = new JAXBWrapperToolImpl();
                    Object object = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject,
                    returnValue = object;
                    // returnValue may be incompatible with JAX-WS signature
                    if (ConvertUtils.isConvertable(returnValue, returnType)) {
                        returnValue = ConvertUtils.convert(returnValue, returnType);
                    } else {
                        String objectClass =
                                (returnValue == null) ? "null" : returnValue.getClass().getName();
                        throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(
                                Messages.getMessage("convertProblem", objectClass,
                } else {
                    returnValue = wrapperObject;
            } else {
                // There are one or more OUT or INOUT parameters
                // The return name is added as the last name
                if (isChildReturn && !isNoReturn) {

                // Use the wrapper tool to get the child objects.
                JAXBWrapperTool wrapperTool = new JAXBWrapperToolImpl();
                // Get the child objects
                Object[] objects = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject, names,

                // Now create a list of paramValues so that we can populate the signature
                List<PDElement> pvList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();
                for (int i = 0; i < pdList.size(); i++) {
                    ParameterDescription pd = pdList.get(i);
                    Object value = objects[i];
                    // The object in the PDElement must be an element
                    Element element = null;
                    QName qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), pd.getPartName());
                    if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(pd.getParameterActualType()).hasXmlRootElement())
                        element = new Element(value, qName,

                    } else {
                        element = new Element(value, qName);
                    pvList.add(new PDElement(pd, element, null));
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            // Get the list of names for the input parameters
            List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<ParameterDescription> pdList = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription>();
            for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
                if (pd.getMode() == Mode.IN ||
                        pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT) {


            // Get the child objects
            Object[] objects = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject, names,

            // Now create a list of paramValues
            List<PDElement> pvList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();
            for (int i = 0; i < pdList.size(); i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pdList.get(i);
                Object value = objects[i];
                // The object in the PDElement must be an element
                Element element = null;
                QName qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(),
                if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(pd.getParameterActualType()).hasXmlRootElement())
                    element = new Element(value, qName, pd.getParameterActualType());
                } else {
                    element = new Element(value, qName);
                pvList.add(new PDElement(pd, element, null));
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            // Get the list of names for the output parameters
            List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<ParameterDescription> pdList = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription>();
            for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
                if (pd.getMode() == Mode.OUT ||
                        pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT) {
                    if (!pd.isHeader()) {
                        // Header names are not in the wrapped element

            if (!operationDesc.isResultHeader()) {
                // Normal case (Body Result) The return name is in the wrapped object
                if (isChildReturn && !isNoReturn) {

            // Get the child objects
            Object[] objects = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject, names,

            // Now create a list of paramValues so that we can populate the signature
            List<PDElement> pvList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();
            int bodyIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < pdList.size(); i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pdList.get(i);
                if (!pd.isHeader()) {
                    // Body elements are obtained from the unwrapped array of objects
                    Object value = objects[bodyIndex];
                    // The object in the PDElement must be an element
                    QName qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(),
                    Element element = null;
                    if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(pd.getParameterActualType())
                            .hasXmlRootElement()) {
                        element = new Element(value, qName, pd.getParameterActualType());
                    } else {
                        element = new Element(value, qName);
                    pvList.add(new PDElement(pd, element, null));
                } else {
                    // Header
                    // Get the Block from the header
                    String localName = pd.getParameterName();
                    JAXBBlockContext blkContext = new JAXBBlockContext(packages, packagesKey);

                    // Set up "by java type" unmarshalling if necessary
                    if (blkContext.getConstructionType() != JAXBUtils.CONSTRUCTION_TYPE
                            .BY_CONTEXT_PATH) {
                        Class actualType = pd.getParameterActualType();
                        if (MethodMarshallerUtils.isNotJAXBRootElement(actualType, marshalDesc)) {
                    block = message.getHeaderBlock(pd.getTargetNamespace(), localName, blkContext,
                    Object value = block.getBusinessObject(true);
                    Element element =
                            new Element(value, new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), localName));
                    pvList.add(new PDElement(pd, element, blkContext.getProcessType()));

            // Populate the response Holders in the signature
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            // Get the list of names for the input parameters
            List<String> xmlNames = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<ParameterDescription> pdList = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription>();
            for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pds[i];
                if (pd.getMode() == Mode.IN ||
                        pd.getMode() == Mode.INOUT) {
                    if (!pd.isHeader()) {
                        // Only the body parameters will be present in the wrapper object


            // Get the child objects
            Object[] objects = wrapperTool.unWrap(wrapperObject, xmlNames,

            // Now create a list of paramValues
            List<PDElement> pvList = new ArrayList<PDElement>();
            int bodyIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < pdList.size(); i++) {
                ParameterDescription pd = pdList.get(i);
                if (!pd.isHeader()) {
                    // Normal case: Get the parameter value from the list of objects
                    Object value = objects[bodyIndex];

                    //  The object in the PDElement must be an element
                    QName qName = new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), pd.getPartName());
                    Element element = null;
                    if (!marshalDesc.getAnnotationDesc(pd.getParameterActualType())
                            .hasXmlRootElement()) {
                        element = new Element(value, qName, pd.getParameterActualType());
                    } else {
                        element = new Element(value, qName);
                    pvList.add(new PDElement(pd, element, null));
                } else {
                    // Header
                    // Get the Block from the header
                    String localName = pd.getParameterName();
                    JAXBBlockContext blkContext =
                            new JAXBBlockContext(packages, marshalDesc.getPackagesKey());
                    // Set up "by java type" unmarshalling if necessary
                    if (blkContext.getConstructionType() != JAXBUtils.CONSTRUCTION_TYPE
                            .BY_CONTEXT_PATH) {
                        Class actualType = pd.getParameterActualType();
                        if (MethodMarshallerUtils.isNotJAXBRootElement(actualType, marshalDesc)) {
                        } else {
                            Annotation annos[] = actualType.getAnnotations();
                            if (annos == null || annos.length == 0) {
                    block = message.getHeaderBlock(pd.getTargetNamespace(), localName, blkContext,
                    Object value = block.getBusinessObject(true);
                    Element element =
                            new Element(value, new QName(pd.getTargetNamespace(), localName));
                    pvList.add(new PDElement(pd, element, blkContext.getProcessType()));

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    * be deprecated and only a DBC should be used in construction
    public void test1() {
        Method[] methods = TestInterface.class.getMethods();
        Method method1 = methods[0];
        ParameterDescription pdc1 = new ParameterDescriptionImpl(0, method1.getParameterTypes()[0],
                                                                 method1.getAnnotations(), null);
        assertEquals(List[].class, pdc1.getParameterActualType());

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    public void test2() {
        Method[] methods = TestInterface.class.getMethods();
        Method method2 = methods[1];
        ParameterDescription pdc2 = new ParameterDescriptionImpl(0, method2.getParameterTypes()[0],
                                                                 method2.getAnnotations(), null);
        assertEquals(String[].class, pdc2.getParameterActualType());
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.ParameterDescription

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