public Message marshalResponse(Object returnObject, Object[] signatureArgs,
OperationDescription operationDesc, Protocol protocol)
throws WebServiceException {
EndpointInterfaceDescription ed = operationDesc.getEndpointInterfaceDescription();
EndpointDescription endpointDesc = ed.getEndpointDescription();
MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription marshalDesc =
TreeSet<String> packages = marshalDesc.getPackages();
String packagesKey = marshalDesc.getPackagesKey();
// We want to respond with the same protocol as the request,
// It the protocol is null, then use the Protocol defined by the binding
if (protocol == null) {
protocol = Protocol.getProtocolForBinding(endpointDesc.getBindingType());
// Note all exceptions are caught and rethrown with a WebServiceException
try {
// Sample Document message