Package org.apache.axis2.context.externalize

Examples of org.apache.axis2.context.externalize.SafeObjectInputStream

     * @param in The stream to read the object contents from
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public void readExternal(ObjectInput inObject) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // trace point
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  BEGIN  bytes available in stream [" +
                    in.available() + "]  ");

        // serialization version ID
        long suid = in.readLong();

        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();

        // make sure the object data is in a version we can handle
        if (suid != serialVersionUID) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_SUID);

        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);

        // collection of parameters

        // done
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     * Read the EPR to the specified InputStream.
    public void readExternal( inObject)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();
        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);
        // String object id
        logCorrelationIDString = (String) in.readObject();

        // Read xml content
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        int numBytes = in.readInt();

        byte[] serBytes = new byte[numBytes];

        // read the data from the input stream

        int bytesRead = 0;
        int numberOfBytesLastRead;

        while (bytesRead < numBytes) {
            numberOfBytesLastRead =, bytesRead, numBytes - bytesRead);

            if (numberOfBytesLastRead == -1) {
                // TODO: What should we do if the reconstitution fails?
                // For now, log the event and throw an exception
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("readObject(): EPR logCorrelationID ["+logCorrelationIDString+"] "   
                            + " ***WARNING*** unexpected end to data:    data read from input stream ["
                            + bytesRead + "]    expected data size [" + numBytes + "]");

                IOException ioe = new IOException("Unable to deserialize the EndpointReference with logCorrelationID ["
                                                  +"  Cause: Unexpected end to data from input stream");

                throw ioe;

            bytesRead += numberOfBytesLastRead;

        if (bytesRead == 0) {
            IOException ioe = new IOException("Unable to deserialize the EndpointReference with logCorrelationID ["
                                              +"  Cause: No data from input stream");

            throw ioe;
        in.readUTF(); // read marker

        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(serBytes);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            String content = new String(serBytes);
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     * @param in The stream to read the object contents from
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public void readExternal(ObjectInput inObject) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // trace point
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  BEGIN  bytes available in stream [" +
                    in.available() + "]  ");

        // serialization version ID
        long suid = in.readLong();

        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();

        // make sure the object data is in a version we can handle
        if (suid != serialVersionUID) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_SUID);

        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);

        // various simple fields
        long time = in.readLong();

        sessionContextTimeoutInterval = in.readLong();
        cookieID = (String) in.readObject();

        // properties
        properties = in.readMap(new HashMapUpdateLockable());

        // "nested"

        // parent
        parent = (AbstractContext) in.readObject();

        // done

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     * @param in The stream to read the object contents from
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public void readExternal(ObjectInput inObject) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // set the flag to indicate that the message context is being
        // reconstituted and will need to have certain object references
        // to be reconciled with the current engine setup
        needsToBeReconciled = true;

        // trace point
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  BEGIN  bytes available in stream [" +
                      in.available() + "]  ");

        // serialization version ID
        long suid = in.readLong();

        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();

        // make sure the object data is in a version we can handle
        if (suid != serialVersionUID) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_SUID);

        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);

        // various simple fields

        long time = in.readLong();
        id = (String) in.readObject();

        // properties
        properties = in.readMap(new HashMapUpdateLockable());

        // AxisServiceGroup

        // axisServiceGroup is not usable until the meta data has been reconciled
        axisServiceGroup = null;
        metaAxisServiceGroup = (MetaDataEntry) in.readObject();

        // parent

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     * @param in The stream to read the object contents from
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public void readExternal(ObjectInput inObject) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // trace point
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  BEGIN  bytes available in stream [" +
                    in.available() + "]  ");

        // serialization version ID
        long suid = in.readLong();

        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();

        // make sure the object data is in a version we can handle
        if (suid != serialVersionUID) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_SUID);

        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);

        // simple fields

        type = in.readInt();
        locked = in.readBoolean();
        name = (String) in.readObject();

        // object fields

        // TODO: investigate serializing the OMElement more efficiently
        // This currently will basically serialize the given OMElement
        // to a String but will build the OMTree in the memory

        // treat as an object, don't do UTF
        String tmp = (String) in.readObject();

        // convert to an OMElement
        if (tmp != null) {
            try {
                ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(tmp.getBytes());

                XMLStreamReader parser = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(bais);

                // TODO: the StAXOMBuilder is an impl class - is there a better mechanism rather than an impl class ?
                StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(), parser);

                OMElement docElement = builder.getDocumentElement();

                if (docElement != null) {
                    parameterElement = docElement;
                } else {
                    // TODO: error handling if can't create an OMElement
                    parameterElement = null;
            catch (Exception exc) {
                // TODO: error handling if can't create an OMElement
                parameterElement = null;
        } else {
            parameterElement = null;

        // TODO: error handling if this can't be serialized
        value = in.readObject();

        // done

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     * @param in The stream to read the object contents from
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public void readExternal(ObjectInput inObject) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // set the flag to indicate that the message context is being
        // reconstituted and will need to have certain object references
        // to be reconciled with the current engine setup
        needsToBeReconciled = true;

        // trace point
        log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  BEGIN  bytes available in stream [" +
                in.available() + "]  ");

        // object level identifiers

        // serialization version ID
        long suid = in.readLong();

        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();

        // make sure the object data is in a version we can handle
        if (suid != serialVersionUID) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_SUID);

        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);

        // various simple fields

        long time = in.readLong();

        isComplete = in.readBoolean();
        key = (String) in.readObject();
        logCorrelationIDString = (String) in.readObject();
        // trace point
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  reading input stream for [" +
                      getLogCorrelationIDString() + "]  ");

        // properties
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        properties = in.readMap(new HashMapUpdateLockable());

        // axis operation meta data

        // axisOperation is not usable until the meta data has been reconciled
        axisOperation = null;
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        metaAxisOperation = (MetaDataEntry) in.readObject();

        // axis service meta data
        // axisService is not usable until the meta data has been reconciled
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        metaAxisService = (MetaDataEntry) in.readObject();

        // parent
        // ServiceContext is not usable until it has been activated
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        metaParent = (ServiceContext) in.readObject();

        // HashMap messageContexts table

        // set to empty until this can be activiated
        messageContexts = new HashMap();
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        workingSet = in.readHashMap();
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        metaMessageContextMap = in.readHashMap();
        // done
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     * @param in The stream to read the object contents from
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public void readExternal(ObjectInput inObject) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // set the flag to indicate that the message context is being
        // reconstituted and will need to have certain object references
        // to be reconciled with the current engine setup
        needsToBeReconciled = true;

        // trace point
        log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  BEGIN  bytes available in stream [" +
                in.available() + "]  ");

        // object level identifiers

        // serialization version ID
        long suid = in.readLong();

        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();

        // make sure the object data is in a version we can handle
        if (suid != serialVersionUID) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_SUID);

        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);

        // various simple fields

        long time = in.readLong();

        isComplete = in.readBoolean();
        key = (String) in.readObject();
        logCorrelationIDString = (String) in.readObject();
        // trace point
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  reading input stream for [" +
                      getLogCorrelationIDString() + "]  ");

        // properties
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        properties = in.readMap(new HashMap());

        // axis operation meta data

        // axisOperation is not usable until the meta data has been reconciled
        axisOperation = null;
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        metaAxisOperation = (MetaDataEntry) in.readObject();

        // axis service meta data
        // axisService is not usable until the meta data has been reconciled
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        metaAxisService = (MetaDataEntry) in.readObject();

        // parent
        // ServiceContext is not usable until it has been activated
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        metaParent = (ServiceContext) in.readObject();

        // HashMap messageContexts table

        // set to empty until this can be activiated
        messageContexts = new HashMap();
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        workingSet = in.readHashMap();
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        metaMessageContextMap = in.readHashMap();
        // done
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     * @param in The stream to read the object contents from
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public void readExternal(ObjectInput inObject) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // serialization version ID
        long suid = in.readLong();

        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();

        // make sure the object data is in a version we can handle
        if (suid != serialVersionUID) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_SUID);

        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);

        // various strings

        // String relationshipType
        relationshipType = (String)in.readObject();

        // String value
        value = (String) in.readObject();

        // collections and lists

        // ArrayList extensibilityAttributes
        extensibilityAttributes = in.readArrayList();
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     * Read the EPR to the specified InputStream.
    public void readExternal( inObject)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();
        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);
        // String object id
        logCorrelationIDString = (String) in.readObject();

        // Read xml content
        in.readUTF(); // read marker
        int numBytes = in.readInt();

        byte[] serBytes = new byte[numBytes];

        // read the data from the input stream

        int bytesRead = 0;
        int numberOfBytesLastRead;

        while (bytesRead < numBytes) {
            numberOfBytesLastRead =, bytesRead, numBytes - bytesRead);

            if (numberOfBytesLastRead == -1) {
                // TODO: What should we do if the reconstitution fails?
                // For now, log the event and throw an exception
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("readObject(): EPR logCorrelationID ["+logCorrelationIDString+"] "   
                            + " ***WARNING*** unexpected end to data:    data read from input stream ["
                            + bytesRead + "]    expected data size [" + numBytes + "]");

                IOException ioe = new IOException("Unable to deserialize the EndpointReference with logCorrelationID ["
                                                  +"  Cause: Unexpected end to data from input stream");

                throw ioe;

            bytesRead += numberOfBytesLastRead;

        if (bytesRead == 0) {
            IOException ioe = new IOException("Unable to deserialize the EndpointReference with logCorrelationID ["
                                              +"  Cause: No data from input stream");

            throw ioe;
        in.readUTF(); // read marker

        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(serBytes);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            String content = new String(serBytes);
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        FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(theFile);

        // attach a stream capable of reading objects from the
        // stream connected to the file
        ObjectInputStream inObjStream = new ObjectInputStream(inStream);
                                SafeObjectInputStream in =

        // try to restore the options
                log.debug("ObjectSaveTest:testObjectSerializable(): restoring .....");
        restored = false;
                                MetaDataEntry restored_obj = (MetaDataEntry) in.readObject();

        restored = true;
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.context.externalize.SafeObjectInputStream

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