public void setConfigurationContext(ConfigurationContext configCtx) {
this.configCtx = configCtx;
// The following code does the bridging between Axis2 and Synapse load balancing
ClusteringAgent clusteringAgent = configCtx.getAxisConfiguration().getClusteringAgent();
if(clusteringAgent == null){
String msg = "In order to enable load balancing across an Axis2 cluster, " +
"the cluster entry should be enabled in the axis2.xml file";
throw new SynapseException(msg);
groupMgtAgent = clusteringAgent.getGroupManagementAgent(lbDomain);
if(groupMgtAgent == null){
String msg =
"A LoadBalanceEventHandler has not been specified in the axis2.xml " +
"file for the domain " + lbDomain;