writer.write ("\t\t\tpcCmplxFaultName = pSoapFault->getCmplxFaultObjectName();\n");
while (paramsFault.hasNext ())
j = j + 1;
FaultInfo info = (FaultInfo) paramsFault.next ();
faultInfoName = info.getFaultInfo ();
// FJP - D0004 > Looking through the list of attributes for the 'error' part of
// the fault message. If found, update the faultInfoName with the
// 'localname' of the qname of the attribute.
Iterator infoArrayListIterator = info.getParams ().iterator ();
boolean found = false;
while (infoArrayListIterator.hasNext () && !found)
ParameterInfo paramInfo =
(ParameterInfo) infoArrayListIterator.next ();
if (paramInfo != null)
if ("error".equals (paramInfo.getParamName ()))
faultInfoName =
paramInfo.getElementName ().getLocalPart ();
found = true;
// FJP - D0004 <
ArrayList paramInfo = info.getParams ();
for (int i = 0; i < paramInfo.size (); i++)
ParameterInfo par = (ParameterInfo) paramInfo.get (i);
paramName = par.getParamName ();
langName = par.getLangName ();