new NCName("_Atlanta.Braves"),true); } public void testNMToken() throws Exception { deserialize("<result xsi:type=\"xsd:NMTOKEN\">_A.B.C.1-2-3</result>", new NMToken("_A.B.C.1-2-3"),true); }
} assertTrue("binding is null", binding != null); // Test operation org.apache.axis.types.NMToken value = null; NMToken token = new NMToken(); token.setValue("eye_am_an_en_em_tokin"); value = binding.echoNMToken(token); assertEquals(token, value); }
/** * Run a failure test. value should be invalid. */ private void runFailTest(String value) throws Exception { NMToken oToken = null; try { oToken = new NMToken(value); } catch (Exception e) { // catch the validation exception } assertNull( "NMToken validation restriction failed. did not restrict bad value [" +
/** * Run a successful test. value should be valid. */ private void runPassTest(String value) throws Exception { NMToken oToken = null; try { oToken = new NMToken(value); } catch (Exception e) { // catch the validation exception } assertEquals("NMToken strings not equal. orig value:" + value, oToken.toString(), value); }