if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Enter: COMProvider.processMessage()");
OperationDesc operation = msgContext.getOperation();
Vector bodies = msgContext.getRequestMessage().getSOAPEnvelope().getBodyElements();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(Messages.getMessage("bodyElems00", "" + bodies.size()));
log.debug(Messages.getMessage("bodyIs00", "" + bodies.get(0)));
RPCElement body = null;
// Find the first "root" body element, which is the RPC call.
for (int bNum = 0; body == null && bNum < bodies.size(); bNum++) {
// If this is a regular old SOAPBodyElement, and it's a root,
// we're probably a non-wrapped doc/lit service. In this case,
// we deserialize the element, and create an RPCElement "wrapper"
// around it which points to the correct method.
// FIXME : There should be a cleaner way to do this...
if (!(bodies.get(bNum) instanceof RPCElement)) {
SOAPBodyElement bodyEl = (SOAPBodyElement) bodies.get(bNum);
// igors: better check if bodyEl.getID() != null
// to make sure this loop does not step on SOAP-ENC objects
// that follow the parameters! FIXME?
if (bodyEl.isRoot() && operation != null && bodyEl.getID() == null) {
ParameterDesc param = operation.getParameter(bNum);
// at least do not step on non-existent parameters!
if (param != null) {
Object val = bodyEl.getValueAsType(param.getTypeQName());
body = new RPCElement("",
new Object[]{val});
} else {
body = (RPCElement) bodies.get(bNum);
String methodName = body.getMethodName();
Vector args = body.getParams();
int numArgs = args.size();
Vector argValues = new Vector();
// Put the values contained in the RPCParams into an array
// suitable for passing to java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke()
// Make sure we respect parameter ordering if we know about it
// from metadata, and handle whatever conversions are necessary
// (values -> Holders, etc)
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
RPCParam rpcParam = (RPCParam) args.get(i);
Object value = rpcParam.getValue();
// first check the type on the paramter
ParameterDesc paramDesc = rpcParam.getParamDesc();
// if we found some type info try to make sure the value type is
// correct. For instance, if we deserialized a xsd:dateTime in
// to a Calendar and the service takes a Date, we need to convert
if (paramDesc != null && paramDesc.getJavaType() != null) {
// Get the type in the signature (java type or its holder)
Class sigType = paramDesc.getJavaType();
// Convert the value into the expected type in the signature
value = JavaUtils.convert(value,
COMBridge bridge = new COMBridge();
Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
props.put("progid", progID);
if (threadingModel != null)
props.put("threadmodel", threadingModel);
Object result = bridge.execute(methodName, argValues, props);
RPCElement resBody = new RPCElement(methodName + "Response");
Message resMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
SOAPEnvelope resEnv;
// If we didn't have a response message, make sure we set one up
if (resMsg == null) {
resEnv = new SOAPEnvelope(msgContext.getSOAPConstants());
resMsg = new Message(resEnv);
} else {
resEnv = resMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();
QName returnQName = operation.getReturnQName();
if (returnQName == null) {
returnQName = new QName("", methodName + "Return");
// For SOAP 1.2, add a result
if (msgContext.getSOAPConstants() ==
returnQName = Constants.QNAME_RPC_RESULT;
RPCParam param = new RPCParam(returnQName, result);
if (!operation.isReturnHeader()) {
} else {
resEnv.addHeader(new RPCHeaderParam(param));