public class SampleSecurityTokenServiceClient {
// First arg passed should be the URL of the service. If none is specified, client tries localhost.
public static void main(String[] args) throws DOMException, TrustException, Exception {
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
// The default service location
String url = "http://localhost:8080/JavaTrust/services/SampleSecurityTokenService";
// Or the user-specified location
if (args.length > 0)
url = args[0];
SOAPEnvelope env = new SOAPEnvelope();
Document doc = env.getAsDocument();
WSSConfig wssConfig = WSSConfig.getDefaultWSConfig();
// Create a new request object passing an XML document for element creation and the RequestType (in this case issue)
RequestSecurityToken tokenRequest = new RequestSecurityToken(doc, TrustConstants.REQUEST_ISSUE);
// Setting the context and the token type we want to be returned
tokenRequest.setContext(new URI("http://context.context"));
// Construct a bunch of username tokens to be used as <Base> and <Supporting> elements
UsernameToken userToken = new UsernameToken(wssConfig, doc);
tokenRequest.setBase(new SecurityTokenOrReference(userToken));
UsernameToken user2Token = new UsernameToken(wssConfig, doc);
tokenRequest.addSupporting(new SecurityTokenOrReference(user2Token));
UsernameToken user3Token = new UsernameToken(wssConfig, doc);
tokenRequest.addSupporting(new SecurityTokenOrReference(user3Token));
// Set the desired Lifetime of the token being requested in this case to 250 seconds
Date start = new Date();
Date end = new Date();
end.setTime(start.getTime() + 250 * 1000);
tokenRequest.setLifetime(new Lifetime(wssConfig, doc, start, end));
// Add a custom element of our own creation
tokenRequest.addCustomElementNS("http://testElementNs.testElementNs", "te:TestElement");
// Create a SOAP body and set the XML element of the token request (a <RequestSecurityToken> element)
// as its only child
SOAPBodyElement sbe = new SOAPBodyElement(tokenRequest.getElement());
// Add the body element to the SOAP envelope
System.out.println("\n============= Request ==============");
// This is where we actually invoke the service, sending the request we've constructed
// Assuming we did everything right, it will return to us a SOAP envelope containing the response
SOAPEnvelope response = call.invoke(env);
System.out.println("\n============= Response ==============");
XMLUtils.PrettyElementToStream(response.getAsDOM(), System.out);
// Find the <RequestSecurityTokenResponse> element the SOAP body should contain